This feels like a battle..(new here)

Hello, my name is Jesse I'm 24 years and ready to loose weight. I gained about 100 pounds due to depression and issues concerning my personal life. I am here because I am ready to make a positive change in my life. I recently lost my mother to cancer about eight months ago and made a promise to her that I would be healthy and loose weight. It's been eight months now and I have lost 15 pounds it's not much but it's a start. I have always used food to make myself feel better and hated myself after scarfing down a bag of chips. I'm tired of being the fat daughter-in-law and always the one dragging behind my new family during a hike. I hate walking into clothing stores and not being able to find anything age appropriated and having to look like someone twice my age.. I'm just tired of being overweight, tired of the stigma, the looks, and the close minded people that make your life a living hell. I just want to feel comfortable for once!
Here we go! Let the journey began ^^


  • AliciaJerome
    Nice to meet you. My name is Alicia. I am as well 24 and tired of being overweight! From what you said we have quite a bit in common. I too gained a lot of weight because of depression and going through a "rough patch" in my life. If you need some support I am willing to encourage and motivate you through MFP the best I can. Feel free to add me! :)
    Good luck and Best wishes to you on your journey! You can do it!

    ** “Where you start is not as important as where you finish.” **
    ~Zig Ziglar