Everyday I log my food and exercise and it tells me that I should be in onederland within in 5 weeks!! I would have to loose 12 lbs in 5 weeks!! I am diligent about my food diary and log things that I eat that I really dont want ppl to know that I ate it. So I'm sure it is not my caloric intake. But I am always under my calorie goal and have only missed like 2 days of exercise in the past 2 weeks. The scale is literally stalled and has actually went up slightly (.4 lbs). I thought well maybe I'm gaining muscle and loosing inches. Well I decided to measure and I haven't lost any inches??? What is up???


  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    You can be under on your calories and still be eating things that would sabotage you. Without seeing your diary I can't really make any suggestions for you as to why *I* think you might not be losing. Feel free to peek at mine if you want to get some ideas.
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    You could be eating too little. Your body could have dropped your metabolism. Eat your caloric allowance, all of it. Try to cut out empty calories like white bread and junk food. You say on your profile that you have been dieting all your life. Now is the time to do it right and slow. You'll be able to keep it off if this isn't a diet, think of it as a healthy way of living.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    how long have you been trying to loose weight.? i myself have been having a very hard time loosing weight too. I have been trying for almost 3 months and only lost 3-4 lbs. 1 inch off waist and hips and that's it..... i thought it was going to be easier then that!
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Everyday I log my food and exercise and it tells me that I should be in onderland within in 5 weeks!! I would have to loose 12 lbs in 5 weeks!! I am diligent about my food diary and log things that I eat that I really dont want ppl to know that I ate it. So I'm sure it is not my caloric intake. But I am always under my calorie goal and have only missed like 2 days of exercise in the past 2 weeks. The scale is literally stalled and has actually went up slightly (.4 lbs). I thought well maybe I'm gaining muscle and loosing inches. Well I decided to measure and I haven't lost any inches??? What is up???

    It's what you're eating. Almost everything you ate was processed foods. For breakfast eat some fruit before you eat anything else. Try not to eat hot dogs that aren't kosher, and all beef or all chicken, or even veggie hot dogs aren't bad.
    Add more veggies and less proccessed foods throughout your day.
  • I to am having that same problem I have not lost at all and faithfully been logging everything.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    To get any reasonable advice open your diary...
  • how long have you been trying to loose weight.? i myself have been having a very hard time loosing weight too. I have been trying for almost 3 months and only lost 3-4 lbs. 1 inch off waist and hips and that's it..... i thought it was going to be easier then that!

    Losing weight, getting fit & healthy, and maintaining it isn't meant to be easy. If it were, do you think there would be any overweight people?!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    To get any reasonable advice open your diary...

  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i don't know you eating or exercise habits, but i'm going to assume you do what many people do when they want to lose weight: they starve themselves and do lots of cardio. women are the worst offenders, but men are guilt about doing this too. being overweight, you need to slowly adjust to this. remember, this is 80% nutrition.

    so you set your "loss per week" goal to about 2lbs per week, and it spat out 1200, and you try to stay under that number. you might even be underestimating your daily activity level (without exercise) to sedentary. unless you are truly an office drone that sits at a desk all day, you should be at least at lightly active. remember, that number is already a deficit. you shouldn't be trying to come under it. if anything, go OVER!!

    i think that if you are new to this game, you should change your weight loss settings for a loss of 1lb per week, and come as close as possible to the number MFP gives you. heck, if you go over by 200 its in the end of the world. while you're playing with your settings, take a look at what you maintenance calories are. see that number? as long as you eat under that number, you will still be at a calorie deficit. also, check out the tools bar, and check out your BMR. that is the number of calories your body needs just to stay alive if you were in a coma. do not eat less then this number.

    while you are eating more, you need to chose healthy foods. however, so many people get into diet mode, and think all they can eat are egg whites and vegtables. fruits and veggies need to be included in a regular diet, but don't exlude foods like beef, pork, chicken (if you eat meat) because it gives you very essential proteins. if you are a vegitarian, you can get very good protein from many sources. btw, check out quinoa. i love it. its a grain that is also loaded in protein. yeah, don't cut out carbs completely. they are good for you.

    i know a couple of women on here that were at 1200 calories. i told them pretty much what i told you now: eat more. i also told them to start strength training to supplement their cardio. at first they balked at upping their calories, but now they are like new people. their attitude has improved, they have lost more weight, inches (body fat percentage), and have more energy. i'm actually really inspired by them.
  • paigebolling
    paigebolling Posts: 65 Member
    Well I have been trying to eat healthier and exercise more since I had my daughter 2 years ago. Before that it was just dieting, like I would do atkins for awhile and then return to my unhealthy eating. But now I understand thatc this is a change I must make for the rest of my life. I have noticed that since I started watching what I eat again since quitting smoking that I just don't loose weight the way I was before. I mean before I could weigh myself every couple of days I would loose at least half a pound or so and now its just like I'm stuck. Very discouraging.
  • paigebolling
    paigebolling Posts: 65 Member
    Ohh and sorry I thought my diary was open, must have it just open to friends... will open it to public.
  • That 'lb' you lost every couple of days was probably not FAT.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Everyday I log my food and exercise and it tells me that I should be in onederland within in 5 weeks!! I would have to loose 12 lbs in 5 weeks!! I am diligent about my food diary and log things that I eat that I really dont want ppl to know that I ate it. So I'm sure it is not my caloric intake. But I am always under my calorie goal and have only missed like 2 days of exercise in the past 2 weeks. The scale is literally stalled and has actually went up slightly (.4 lbs). I thought well maybe I'm gaining muscle and loosing inches. Well I decided to measure and I haven't lost any inches??? What is up???
    Your calories are way too low, and you are not eating back your exercise calories.

    You've engaged in a typical form of self sabotage.
    You should be eating to goal daily or this is what happens.

    You stall, because your metabolism is stifled.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Open up that diary... let us see what you're up too, then people can comment and give advice! Good luck on your journey!
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Also, the potatos, bisquits, any breads that aren't some kind of sprouted grain is going to turn into sugar (the not so good kind) and keep the weight on.
  • Looking through your profile, it looks like you are eating too little. Always try to eat what MFP sets you.

    Thursday 12th you have eaten almost all processed crap foods. These are usually very high in sodium, which will cause you to retain water.

    Speaking of, make sure you are drinking enough water each day.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    sugar is regularly high, your protein intake is low, and you should track sodium too (my bet is that its high). also, you regularly come in waaaaay under MFP's recommended calorie goals, even if you don't eat your exercise calories (you totally should eat them, they taste delicious).
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    i don't know you eating or exercise habits, but i'm going to assume you do what many people do when they want to lose weight: they starve themselves and do lots of cardio. women are the worst offenders, but men are guilt about doing this too. being overweight, you need to slowly adjust to this. remember, this is 80% nutrition.

    so you set your "loss per week" goal to about 2lbs per week, and it spat out 1200, and you try to stay under that number. you might even be underestimating your daily activity level (without exercise) to sedentary. unless you are truly an office drone that sits at a desk all day, you should be at least at lightly active. remember, that number is already a deficit. you shouldn't be trying to come under it. if anything, go OVER!!

    i think that if you are new to this game, you should change your weight loss settings for a loss of 1lb per week, and come as close as possible to the number MFP gives you. heck, if you go over by 200 its in the end of the world. while you're playing with your settings, take a look at what you maintenance calories are. see that number? as long as you eat under that number, you will still be at a calorie deficit. also, check out the tools bar, and check out your BMR. that is the number of calories your body needs just to stay alive if you were in a coma. do not eat less then this number.

    while you are eating more, you need to chose healthy foods. however, so many people get into diet mode, and think all they can eat are egg whites and vegtables. fruits and veggies need to be included in a regular diet, but don't exlude foods like beef, pork, chicken (if you eat meat) because it gives you very essential proteins. if you are a vegitarian, you can get very good protein from many sources. btw, check out quinoa. i love it. its a grain that is also loaded in protein. yeah, don't cut out carbs completely. they are good for you.

    i know a couple of women on here that were at 1200 calories. i told them pretty much what i told you now: eat more. i also told them to start strength training to supplement their cardio. at first they balked at upping their calories, but now they are like new people. their attitude has improved, they have lost more weight, inches (body fat percentage), and have more energy. i'm actually really inspired by them.

    Listen to that ^^ right there... he knows what he's talking about... see ticker below for proof! :) Thanks again Engineman!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Ohh and sorry I thought my diary was open, must have it just open to friends... will open it to public.

    That worked.

    Ok. Simple answer - you're under-eating by hundreds of calories. Eat more to succeed.

    I was surprised to see a few days back you wrote in your diary that the day was a "cheat day" and you still had 800+ calories remaining. You're cheating in the wrong direction!

    Also, check the "Unofficial FAQ":
  • JessyeS
    JessyeS Posts: 30 Member
    I totally get you I have been logging in everything I eat and how much I excercise and I am doing extra excercise even when I watch telly during the ad breaks I get up and dance around for more cardio but no weight loss at all if anything I'm pretty sure I have gained weight (my scales are broken I have yet to muster up the courage to buy new ones)