Hello everybody! Looking for buddies!

Hello everybody! This is my first time on MFP. I joined today after reading through alot of your guys message board posts. I really like how everybody is so supportive and chatty. I have been to other sites and not seen the same kind of support. I feel like at this point in my life I need support, and friendly people who are striving for the same health goals. My story:

I grew up in BC, Canada. I moved to USA 4 years ago because my best friend lived here. He is now my husband! Shortly after we got married I got REALLY SICK. 2 years later we found out that I had contracted Lyme Disease. During that two years alot of bad things happened to my body. All of my joints would swell up every 8 days, I got terrible headaches, was always tired and grumpy, and had terrible stomach problems. Other than work and college, I did absolutely nothing but lay in bed and eat. Well big suprize, I got FAT. Today I am 9 months into treatment for Lyme and I have no symptoms. The only thing I suffer from now is a busy life and laziness. I have found it difficult to eat as well as I used to and especially difficult to motivate myself to go to the gym on a regular basis. I am hoping that I can have friends on here to talk to on a daily basis for motivation and support.

My Stats:
Female, 26 years old, 5'7, 180 pounds.


  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    Welcome to the site! We're not that far apart in stats; I'm 27, 5'5" and 167. Feel free to add me for support!
  • Ryder9902
    Ryder9902 Posts: 22 Member
    Feel free to add me as well
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    Go ahead and add me if you like! Good luck with your loss! You'll be rocking that dress soon!
  • misslilylou
    misslilylou Posts: 71 Member
    Feel free to add me, everybody! The more friends, the better!
  • Asharee011
    Asharee011 Posts: 129 Member
    Hey:) Feel free to add me also
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    Welcome--You may add me too!
  • aub7
    aub7 Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me :)
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me :)
  • welcome! you are such a strong woman! feel free to add me too :)
  • Kara_B
    Kara_B Posts: 26
    I've found this site to be pretty amazing, definitely nice having 'friends' in similar situations! Feel free to add me :)
  • chickidoo1121
    chickidoo1121 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey, I just join about a week ago and I am so very pleased with this site so far. The support is great and please add me if you would like. The more support the better :) I wish you luck on your journey :smile:
  • maryj2367
    maryj2367 Posts: 219 Member
    Im new here to, I know alot of what your going through, I have Multiple Sclerosis and Have such a hard time losing weight now. I have days I cant move have been in a wheel chair a walker and blind. I have chronic pain 24/7 but I dont let it show. Im a fighter and I am going to lose this weight. Im 5'3" and weigh 220# now I lost 6 pounds last week just by eating under my calorie guidelines. I know you can do it to. I have got my daughter into this also and she just had a baby in november and a week after she had him she was back to her pre pregnancy birth weight. but she was over weight to begin with. She is getting married in July and I cant wait to see her in her wedding dress. Have faith in yourself and it helps on the days that you get down on yourself to look us friends up to hold you up.
  • I can truely relate. Although I did not get sick my problem is that I relied on food as a stress comfort. I get stressed or depressed I eat. When I get bored I get the munchies. So now it is all about motivation. The eating healthy part is the easy part for me but what makes it unhealthy for me is because I eat too much of the healthy stuff. Instead of one cup of something I may get two or three. And one moment I will get up and exercise or go for hours of walking but then I get a lazy spurt. I need to stay motivated. I notced when I have someone working out with me I can go full force but alone, I SUCK! So I am hoping being on here I can get motivated and stay motivated.

    Just a couple of years ago I went from a 1x to a size 6 and became a model and found it really fun and exciting. I miss it and want it back, especially now that I moved from Ohio to West coast (Vegas & Cali). I HAVE TO GET BACK....
  • Shellebell921
    Shellebell921 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello all,
    I am glad your symptoms are gone and i hope you feel better. Kudos to you for taking this next step to lose weight after all that you have been through with your illness. That's great and it does speak to your strength. I am new to MFP too and am in need of new supportive friends. I really like the support and comraderie i have seen here.. Please feel free to add me as a friend..
  • New to the site as of today 1/12/12 and looking for any and all kinds of helpful suggestions. I am 39 and just had gastric bypass surgery 12/14/11. So far I have lost 39 lbs...was having trouble keeping up with my intakes and nutritional values and just found this site among many others but loving this one so far. I also suffer from Lupus and Fibromyalgia among other things but those were two of the biggest contributors (from the medications as well for those diseases) that caused a big part of my weight gain. If anyone else has any of the same issues or just willing to be friends to give and receive support in the journey of weight loss ahead it would be greatly appreciated...Congrats to all of those meeting and exceeding their goals and best wishes to those that are headed in the right direction :)
  • Hey! My old roommate and best friend has Lyme disease...I've seen the toll that it has taken on her body, but until recently hasn't had the willpower or motivation to make herself better. But that's really awesome that you have! Feel free to add...new here too, definitely going to need some support :)
  • You should message me about your friend. I would like to help if I can, Lyme is such a tricky disease and you have to know where to go to get the right treatment. Most doctors in the Unites States will not treat it because of insurance reasons. They like to pretend that it doesn't really exist. How long has she been sick? I am an encyclopedia of Lyme now, and I try to help every person I hear about who has it.