So tommorrow is my usual weekly weigh in what do u eat for dinner normally thats lite & doesnt make you put on weight?
Im thinking steak & salad??


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Alternatively you could weigh yourself after you use the restroom and before you eat, every time.
    EDIT: Oh! You are talking about what to eat tonight, because you weigh in tomorrow.

    In that case, I would like to change my answer to steak. Not because it's light, because it's steak.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    So tommorrow is my usual weekly weigh in what do u eat for dinner normally thats lite & doesnt make you put on weight?
    Im thinking steak & salad??

    I weigh myself first thing in the morning.

    Regarding eating dinner the night before, I don't change anything, I just stick to my daily calories amount.
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    See as my usual weigh in sat mornings, (i weigh myself daily tho cant help it but only record every sat)
    so fridays i always show ive lost half a kilo maybe even 1 kg but then when i weigh in on saturday i show no loss so im trying to make sure i show a loss tommorrow like i have this morning..
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Change your weigh in day to Fridays?
  • grantacconda
    Stop weighing yourself daily. Weigh once a week. Make it first thing of the morning on an empty stomach.
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    Whatever I like - I am over that 'quick fix' stage of weightloss when I only care about scales - I am now far enough into this where I realise it's a lifestyle change and not just getting a good reading from the night before.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Why change anything? It is not going to change your fat loss
  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    just eat as you normally would
    that way you will have a normal weight
    why change what you do just because you are going to be weighing in?
    better yet, eat heavy- then you may have more motivation...lol
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    Why change anything? It is not going to change your fat loss

  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Stop weighing yourself daily. Weigh once a week. Make it first thing of the morning on an empty stomach.

    ^ this!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I just eat normal - in the end of the day you just "fool yourself" if you restict what you eat, drink before a weigh in - I am sorry that is not a true weight loss if you try and manipulate the result. for that one day....

    If you are good and log honestly and stay within your calories per day the weight will come down every week (well most anyway), and it will be true figures - in the end of the day it is not about the short term numbers - it is about the final result (well for me anyway.....)

    Good luck - and I can honestly suggest not to let the scale drive you crazy...

    edit - OK so I just noticed you are in some sort of weight loss challenge...... not saying it is good or bad - I think it does motivate a lot of people, but still just saying - don't get too caught up in the numbers - rather than getting into a healthy long term sustainable nutritional plan
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Just make sure not to go crazy on sodium and it shouldn't change anything anyway... I would assume.