Jenny Craig vs Nurtisystem vs Eating normal (counting calori

I was looking at start Jenny Craig (because I get a discount through my insurance) and was wanting to know if anybody has tried it before? If not have you tried nuritsystem or would you just recommend buying my everyday normal foods and just eating smaller portions?


  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I would personally just buy normal food and eat smaller portions. I found it hard at first until I decided to take one day and cook meals, made 5x the normal pancake recipe added protein and froze them into serving sizes, made big batches of soup, lasagna cupcakes etc. With MFP's recipe adder it helped me figure out how many calories were in one pancake and how many I would need to make a serving,then I would package and freeze single servings.This has worked for me and I find it more cost effective as well as efficient. It isn't easy and at first I thought about Jenny Craig, but truth is I won't be on that food forever and it is high in Sodium.
  • msech
    msech Posts: 32
    Yeah I know it's not going to be easy. I have back in august of last year I was losing weight (i lost 10lbs in like three months) and when I went to see my doctor about some other weight lose plans that might help me along the way she was suprised I had even lost that, reason being is because I have a medical condition that makes it hard for me to lose weight.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem basically just take the counting and measuring part out for you. They are measured out, pre-packaged, low calorie, small portion foods that you don't have to worry about preparing.... it takes the counting calories idea to a new level because they basically do it all for you.
    I've never done any of those programs but I imagine if you follow the eating plan and exercise you would loose weight just fine.

    However, counting calories on your own educates you more on food. It gives you real work knowledge to make better food choices outside of your home. As you go through the grocery store you look at food label and food label, comparing different foods. Subconsciously are storing that information so when you are out to dinner you can make educated guesses on how many calories are in your food. In looking at labels, and counting calories you learn how to create well balanced, healthy meals in the stuff in your refrigerator and pantry.

    If you just get pre-packaged, pre-portioned foods mailed to your door, you would not be able to put together a healthy, well rounded meal on your own just because you never got that "food knowledge" that others did by searching.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    In my opinion, it makes NO sense to go on those "diet plans" with pre packaged foods. It doesn't teach you how to prepare healthy foods, or eat healthy portions on your own, and in the end I would think it's more expensive.

    To me, those scream DIET rather than lifestyle change.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i tried nutrisystem because a friend bought it and didnt like it so she gave it to me lol but otherwise i never would have. $300 a month just for their food, plus dairy, fruits and veggies on your own... my family food budget is about that much and i couldnt justify spending that much on just me. the food wasnt all that good either.
    your best bet is going to be home made, store bought foods and smaller portions.
  • teacherkristina
    teacherkristina Posts: 2 Member
    I did Jenny Craig and lost 15 pounds. I found that it helped me understand and visualize what a "good" portion size really is. It was expensive, but I did the home delivery method. It might be cheaper to go to a center. I also had a discount through my insurance. It really did help me get started! 20 more to go on my own!
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem basically just take the counting and measuring part out for you. They are measured out, pre-packaged, low calorie, small portion foods that you don't have to worry about preparing.... it takes the counting calories idea to a new level because they basically do it all for you.
    I've never done any of those programs but I imagine if you follow the eating plan and exercise you would loose weight just fine.

    However, counting calories on your own educates you more on food. It gives you real work knowledge to make better food choices outside of your home. As you go through the grocery store you look at food label and food label, comparing different foods. Subconsciously are storing that information so when you are out to dinner you can make educated guesses on how many calories are in your food. In looking at labels, and counting calories you learn how to create well balanced, healthy meals in the stuff in your refrigerator and pantry.

    If you just get pre-packaged, pre-portioned foods mailed to your door, you would not be able to put together a healthy, well rounded meal on your own just because you never got that "food knowledge" that others did by searching.
    I agree with the above. What I have done is purchase some Lean Cuisine for an emergency. They have less sodium and no preservatives. So they say. Otherwise I tend to measure and weigh everything. I've only lost 3 #'s but then I just started and Monday will be my second time on the scale.
    Good Luck, You can do it. Just takes a little planning.:bigsmile:
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem basically just take the counting and measuring part out for you. They are measured out, pre-packaged, low calorie, small portion foods that you don't have to worry about preparing.... it takes the counting calories idea to a new level because they basically do it all for you.
    I've never done any of those programs but I imagine if you follow the eating plan and exercise you would loose weight just fine.

    However, counting calories on your own educates you more on food. It gives you real work knowledge to make better food choices outside of your home. As you go through the grocery store you look at food label and food label, comparing different foods. Subconsciously are storing that information so when you are out to dinner you can make educated guesses on how many calories are in your food. In looking at labels, and counting calories you learn how to create well balanced, healthy meals in the stuff in your refrigerator and pantry.

    If you just get pre-packaged, pre-portioned foods mailed to your door, you would not be able to put together a healthy, well rounded meal on your own just because you never got that "food knowledge" that others did by searching.

    This^^ I agree 100%

    This can't be a diet, it has to be a lifestyle change and you can't eat Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem food forever... Well, I suppose you could, but why would you want to? Doing it yourself allows you the opportunity to learn how to make better choices.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I was looking at start Jenny Craig (because I get a discount through my insurance) and was wanting to know if anybody has tried it before? If not have you tried nuritsystem or would you just recommend buying my everyday normal foods and just eating smaller portions?
    Did Nutrisystem for a couple of months and lost some weight. However, IMO unless you stick with there concisely measured meals, the transition to regular eating may be a little tougher. That's why many end up going back to them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ladybug1009
    ladybug1009 Posts: 68 Member
    I was looking at start Jenny Craig (because I get a discount through my insurance) and was wanting to know if anybody has tried it before? If not have you tried nuritsystem or would you just recommend buying my everyday normal foods and just eating smaller portions?
    Did Nutrisystem for a couple of months and lost some weight. However, IMO unless you stick with there concisely measured meals, the transition to regular eating may be a little tougher. That's why many end up going back to them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I second Joe.

    My first year of NS I lost 82 pounds. I've gained most of it back due to going back into my horrible habits. The food wasn't all that bad. I mostly stuck to it. I went back to the program a second time and just couldn't stomach the food again.

    Here I am.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I was looking at start Jenny Craig (because I get a discount through my insurance) and was wanting to know if anybody has tried it before? If not have you tried nuritsystem or would you just recommend buying my everyday normal foods and just eating smaller portions?
    Did Nutrisystem for a couple of months and lost some weight. However, IMO unless you stick with there concisely measured meals, the transition to regular eating may be a little tougher. That's why many end up going back to them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I second Joe.

    My first year of NS I lost 82 pounds. I've gained most of it back due to going back into my horrible habits. The food wasn't all that bad. I mostly stuck to it. I went back to the program a second time and just couldn't stomach the food again.

    Here I am.
    So much better to rock it on your own! Good for you Diana!

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    ACK just posted a long reply and lost it!

    I've been doing JC since July 21st. Downloaded the MFP app the same night. It's worked wonderfully in tandem for me. I have modified JC to suit me (no breakfasts due to money) Since then I've lost 26kg/56lbs. I've just hit halfway and will soon start doing two full days myself. I've been reading everything I can on nutrition and exercise so I can help myself when I go off their food.

    It's not for everyone. It's not to be used as the only way to lose weight and not to educate yourself. It's a tool. It's one that has worked for me and could work for you.
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    i haven't personally tried either of those but i've talked to many people who have...the inital weight loss was awesome but they couldn't keep it off over a long-term period of time.
    you are likely the best buying your own groceries, finding some healthy recipes that you like and focussing on portion control. make sure that whatever you end up deciding to do, it's something that you can consistently commit to because that's the most important thing!
  • Ashlea82
    Ashlea82 Posts: 191
    I havent done the actual JC stuff but i do get lean cuisine/healthy choice frozen meals
    when i started out i got them for all my dinners and lunches
    and am slowly working my way to making my own food in similar portions
    i really needed to be able to see what a small portion looked like its definitely helped me transition from eating whatever i felt like
    to thinking and visualising a healthy portion

    i definitely think that its better to be cooking your own food because a) its a hell of a lot cheaper and b) for long term results its a must to learn how to sustain this new liftstyle your self

    but its a good start out to help teach your stomach that you dont need a mountain of food ever meal
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You will lose weight on JC and NS because it costs much so people tend to stick to diet.
    When you do on your own, you don't have the same motivation.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    If you're looking for prepackaged meals, I like Amy's frozen entrees, or Kashi meals. (Just check the sodium, if you're watching closely. I haven't eaten them lately, but I like the variety of both brands). Evol also has some good frozen foods. (Love backwards).

    I like Kashi foods, but didn't realize they had frozen meals until I saw a weight loss reality show. The Kashi meals were recommended for a guy who basically did not cook at all. I find them filling, and used to use them as a back-up for lunch at work.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I started my new eating habits by using Jenny Craig... the main reasons:

    1) Teaches you what portions should look like (SMALL)
    2) Teaches how to put a daily menu together (by observing their suggested plans)
    3) Convenience (I was working a high stress project, and was eating take-outs 3 meals a day, so I just replaced high calorie take-out foods with JC)
    4) Taught me how to shop for the add-ons (lots of vegetables, salads etc)

    So I think it is a great way to kick start your new eating habits - BUT - I would not sign up for more than 6 weeks (they will try and get you into all sorts of plans with pay- back when you reach your goal weight (and keep it off..... don't do it!!)

    JC and I parted ways (not too amicabily) when I wanted to start "living a normal life" - and only use their foods when it suited my needs - it is either "buy our food" or not....

    After 4 months I was ready to start living a normal life - and take control of how I ate - but JC really helped me getting my head in the right place and getting started...

    My thoughts when I left JC - and found MFP - for which I will be eternally gratefull!!
  • ru4hope
    I tried NS, and still had to cook for the family. It's not real life. And the food looks and tastes so processed. It was dreadful eating it after a while. Real / Fresh food is the way to go. I didn't loose any weight while on NS. But using all the preloaded information on this program and Lose it, Well it's making eating better so easy. It's almost like playing Farmville. hehehehe I didn't relize how much I was over eating until I started to log EVERYTHING in. Then I thought, No Wonder I'm over weight. Well, YOU GO GIRL... :o)
  • stephenson6
    Yeah I know it's not going to be easy. I have back in august of last year I was losing weight (i lost 10lbs in like three months) and when I went to see my doctor about some other weight lose plans that might help me along the way she was suprised I had even lost that, reason being is because I have a medical condition that makes it hard for me to lose weight.

    I would say none of the above. I don't know the medical condition you have that makes it hard to lose weight, but I learned that for over 50% of the population, calories in/calories out diets just doesn't work. Weight gain is caused by the fat gain hormone, insulin, and when you get that under control, you will lose weight.

    I have insulin resistance and am type 2 and have lost 40 pounds of FAT since May 2011. I use MFP to track but it isn't necessary. ( I joined MFP in July which is why it only shows I've lost 23 pounds) I follow the Metabolism Miracle (by Diane Kress) where you learn to “rest, reset, and retrain” your body to react normally to changes in blood glucose while decreasing insulin resistance. I prepare fresh, real food, not pre-packaged food. Some foods are off limits for a short period and then you are able to add them back in, while you continue to lose weight. I have also been able to totally eliminate my cholesterol and BP medication and decrease my oral diabetes medication by 50%.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It's a personal decision, if you have lots of money and not much time then Jenny Craig might be a good way to get started.
    The reality is, though, that you need to eat for the rest of your life so learning how to cook and eat sensible portions of real food is something you will need to do sooner or later. Personally I don't like the idea of pre prepared food so I wouldn't do it, but it might work for you.
    (I have never heard of nutrisystem so can't comment on that, is it like Jenny Craig?)