
What do folks put in their oatmeal? I could really use lots of ideas! I've been eating Honey Nut Chex and Cinnamon Chex because I am allergic to barley which hides out in a lot of cereals, usually as malt flavoring, I think.

Anyhow, I need a change and welcome ideas! I'm not much of a cook--especially at 5am! ;)


  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    There was just an article in the Trib this week about hot cereal options... None of them sounded THAT great to me though. Maybe check online and see if you can find the article.

    I'm pretty boring with mine. I usually add raisins, brown sugar, honey, or just a Truvia packet as a sweetener, maybe a dash of cinnamon. I have craisins and sliced almonds that would probably be good too, but I keep forgetting about them. Sometimes I'll dice up about 1/4 of an apple and cook it in it, plus some cinnamon. :love:
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Nothing. I have Quaker Cinnamon Roll oatmeal and it's good just the way it is.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I keep mine pretty simple. I add walnuts and blueberries. I've been making Quaker Instant Brown Sugar & Cinnamon flavor, but wanna switch over to the plain kind.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I add any of the following:

    peanut butter
    1 tblespoon of chocolate chips
    fresh fruit
    frozen fruit
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I add any of the following:

    peanut butter
    1 tblespoon of chocolate chips
    fresh fruit
    frozen fruit
    peanut butter :love:
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    banana, nuts (today I used a mixed combo of almonds, pecans, and walnuts), cinnamon, a little brown sugar

    or sometimes I use a T of pb and a few chocolate chips

    or blueberries, almonds, and cinnamon

    Those are my favorite combos.
  • small chunks of apple, cinnamon and dried cranberries. Delicious!
  • twoscimitars
    twoscimitars Posts: 272 Member
    I add some "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" spray and 2 tsp of brown sugar. Yum! Once in awhile I like to add walnuts.
  • I had a serving of raw nuts (pecan are my choice) and a TBS of agave nectar or a 1/2 cup of my favorite frozen fruit (bluberries, strawberries, blackberries) to plain quick oats. it's FAST (only take a minute to microwave and easy. You change the toppings and it can always be something different.)
  • Chopped Dates & Walnuts (measure cause they're high density calories)

    Naturally More Peanut Butter & Cocoa Powder (measure this, as well)

    Cinnamon, unsweetened almond milk, and/or ground flaxmeal to any recipe

    Sweetener of your choice - honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, Splenda, etc.

  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Now that I'm reading these, I wonder if a teaspoon of Nutella would be good in my Cinnamon Roll oatmeal.....
  • linesh
    linesh Posts: 2 Member
    For a change from the sweet option I sometime go for the savoury combo... need proper cooking though.
    Sauté half small onion, thinly diced carrot, some frozen peas, half green chilli in a tsp olive oil. Add oats, water and salt to taste.. cook and its ready to eat. Sometime use this for dinner as well.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Craisins or dried cherries and nuts
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I add any of the following:

    peanut butter
    1 tblespoon of chocolate chips
    fresh fruit
    frozen fruit
    peanut butter :love:

    Peanut butter is AMAZING in oatmeal! :happy: Especially if you can find a good banana flavor!

    I'm not big on oatmeal, though I go through phases. I'm in one now, actually, haha! I like the Better Oats brand. I currently have Blueberry Muffin and Maple Muffin flavors, and I really like them both. :smile: Brown sugar is good in oatmeal, as are dried fruits. All depends on what you like. I used to work at Starbucks, and loved putting brown sugar and dried fruit in their oatmeal. :heart:
  • jamja72
    jamja72 Posts: 119 Member
    Plain rolled oats with walnuts and cinnamon.
  • falsecho
    falsecho Posts: 81 Member
    Nutmeg, raisins and cinnammon or Cinnamon and apple sauce
  • Michelle333
    Michelle333 Posts: 24 Member
    Steel cut oats with cinnamin and stevia.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
  • I like variety so this is typically what I choose from: Almonds, walnuts, fresh berries, fresh banana, a TOUCH of brown sugar, non-fat milk, a little shredded coconut, cinnamon.

    Yesterday it was oats with 1/3 cup coconut milk (the dairy milk was bad, time to go grocery shopping), 10g almonds and 10g of brown sugar because I had a major sweet thing going on. It was well under 300 calories and delicious.

    In addition to oatmeal, I like multi-grain hot cereal but it won't work for the OP since it contains barely. I also like Bob's Red Mill 9 grain. Delicious! Another favorite breakfast idea? Quinoa with a little honey and cinnamon and strawberries. OMG it is delicious.
  • suntaffy
    suntaffy Posts: 4 Member
    I'll add blueberries or a SMIDGEN of peanut butter to get the pb taste but not the calories.