compulsive snacker please help

im a snacker if im not busy im eating and i find it very hard to eat the right things it feels that if i dont have suger i will go crazy and bananas just dont cut it please help


  • moosenbratsmommy
    i'm the same way! so i try to have grape tomatoes handy, or baby corn or olives and even popcorn. if i'm at home, i'm constantly wondering what i can eat- so the grape tomatoes are kept right where i can see them! i pop a couple in my mouth and walk off! at work, i usually pop popcorn and nibble slowly (unless i'm really hungry - then i use it as a meal and dip it in nacho cheese)
  • lovelyladiel
    I am a true snaker as well. So what helps me, and may seem crazy to you and others, I portion out all of my snacks when I bring them in the house. Example, my chips or cereal i portion to serving size ont he box into snack size baggies and place the bags back in the box. When I am craving or in a rush I will know I had the proper serving size of whatever it is. Drink plenty of water! This fills you up and helps to curb the cravings. I try to eat a lot of fiber like snacks as well that add bulk and fills me up longer.

    When I am at work, I always bring extra snack foods (fruits, plain cereal, etc...) that I can quickly grab and eat to keep me away from the snack machine! Hope this helps. All of this is really trial and error to see what works best for your body! Stay motivated!
  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member
    Hopefully this won't sound too melodramatic, but it sounds like you have a mild sugar addiction, maybe try going cold turkey on white carbs and sugars for a few days, maximising protein, and see how you feel after a few days. I had the same myself and although this was really very difficult it has been worth it in the long run.

    I did it by baking a load of chicken wings and whenever I felt the urge to snack just having one or 2, on the first day I ate loads, but by the 5-6th day I had about 3-4 during the day between meals and felt satisfied. I no longer feel the need to snack now, which has helped by weight loss dramatically.

    Hope this help and doesn't sound too crazy!!
  • Shirls2012
    Shirls2012 Posts: 9 Member
    Have protein for breakfast - a couple of boiled eggs, wholegrain toast with marmalade or jam. A bit will calm the sugar craving. Can you get pears there at this time of the year? I find that a ripe juicy pear totally calms my sugar cravings. Make sure you have lunch. With some sort of protein - I like a toasted cheese and tomato sandwich. Have a few raisins to satisfy your sweet tooth. Have protein and some veggies for dinner and a baked potato. For afters have a baked apple with fat free vanilla yoghurt. If you need a snack later on have some popcorn or a couple of digestive biscuits with a cup of tea. Hope this helps!
  • wendywoolley
    these sounfd great will give it a try thanks
  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    I bought small boxes of yogart covered raisens. The small box is surprisingly low in fat/cal and I find it helps when I need a sweet fix. :)