
I was just wondering if you should exercise while you are sick. I have a cold and last night I had a fever so I did not do my regular walk on the treadmill. I did sit ups and yoga is that bad for me? Should I have rested? I tried on my favorite skirt the other night and I can pull it on but I have three inches until I can zip it up and 6 inches until I wear it comfortably. I am afraid if I do not work out everyday I will lose my motivation.


  • eoney
    eoney Posts: 35
    I know that when I have a cold (just a common, miserable, stuffy head cold), exercise actually helps clear my head and make me feel a little more energetic. I think the main thing is--particularly if you're running a fever or really feeling run down--to listen to your body. I would think yoga would help get rid of some of the tightness and lethargic feeling you get when you've been bed- or couch-bound all day with an illness. However, if you start to do it, and it just feels wrong, then listen to your body! If you don't, it will only step it up until you have no choice BUT to listen/heed the message its sending. In the end, you'll lose more than a day or two of working out and motivation if you OVER-do it and turn what could have been a quick cold into something more serious that takes you out for a week or longer.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    It's been mentioned that if it's the neck up only (sore throat, throat cough, sniffles, ect) then you can work out gentle. Just remember to feed the cold and the exercise. Not the time for your body to be lacking nutrients.

    If it's below neck too (body fever, stomach, lung wheezing, lung cough, sore joints) then do not.
  • mzarns
    mzarns Posts: 3
    Being afraid of losing your motivation is a GREAT way of NOT losing that motivation!
    If you are sick - that means your body needs a rest. There is nothing wrong with giving your body a break to re-energize itself. You are not doing yourself any favors by running your body into the ground while you are sick. You will not have a productive workout when you are feeling sick anyway.

    Alot of people think that you quantity is the key -- but quality is more important in fitness and health. Making sure your workouts are of the best quality is what you should be aiming for. If you miss a day because your body needs rest -- is OKAY! Working out 7 days a week probably isn't the best approach. Your body does need to recuperate in order for it to be in condition to improve.

    Just make sure that your next workout is a great workout...and if you feel that you need to do more to "make-up" for it -- make your next workout a longer workout =)

    Keep up the good work!