The only way i'm gonna do this is if i'm locked in a cell

I cant live on these calories. The only possible way would to be locked in a boot camp or prison. With a personal trainer live in 24/7 and another person who was doinjg exactly the same suffering the same stuff. And i've got a pregnanat wife munchung away like there's no tomorrow.

Please incarcerate me and let me come our in one years time like Ivan Drago of ~Rocky 4. Oh my god!!!


  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Only you can make yourself do this. You want it badly enough, you can do it. No one can force you or baby you through it.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    It's all about small changes. I'm not sure what your calorie goal is but maybe change your goal from 2lbs a week to 1lb per week? You CAN do it. When you decide you're truly ready, that you're going to suck it up, "no pain no gain", and "no more excuses" you'll succeed!

    Until then, I suggest you do some mental preparation! :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You are defeating yourself before you even start. Maybe you're just not ready.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    how many calories are you having? you may want to eat a little more than what it receommends to avoid burning yourself out fromthis. 1200 is too little. maybe 1500 to start out with?
  • Drizzt_d99
    Drizzt_d99 Posts: 80 Member
    I've been on MFP for 10 days. I used to eat LOTS, especially of all the bad foods. Since starting, I have a hard time eating all my allocated calories. It makes a difference of what you eat. You can eat 2 cups of vegetables (Baby carrots, snow peas, grape tomatoes, etc) and that will fill you up, and it will cost you less than 100 calories. Make sure you drink your water too when you are hungry as that will help curb your appetite.
    I have also found it helpful to spread my meals out. When I get up I have a Special K bar with my coffee, about an hour later I will have a banana, another hour later I will have some yogurt. Then I have a cup of vegetables an hour before lunch, then lunch, and so on. I find that this also helps, as you always have something in you.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I cant live on these calories. The only possible way would to be locked in a boot camp or prison. With a personal trainer live in 24/7 and another person who was doinjg exactly the same suffering the same stuff. And i've got a pregnanat wife munchung away like there's no tomorrow.

    Please incarcerate me and let me come our in one years time like Ivan Drago of ~Rocky 4. Oh my god!!!

    How many calories are you talking about?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Exercise to earn more calories. Or wait a few months and diet with your wife, because using pregnancy as a an excuse to pig out is a sure way to need a weight loss plan later.
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    I am a volume eater, and I had to google lists of high fiber, low fat, low calorie foods that would work for me,

    food that 'I' liked,

    food that I could prepare quickly,

    foods that I could afford,

    foods that would satisfy my need to chew,

    read The End of Overeating by Kessler to see why the sugar/fat/salt triad is so addictive,

    the cravings do lessen, the mouth/stomach returns to more normal levels, there is progress, it is slow, think lifetime not in weeks or months
  • bmxpop
    bmxpop Posts: 353 Member
    Baby steps......They might be small, but you are still going to be headed the right direction!!
    Don't be so concerned with the big picture. Just work on what you can accomplish today.
  • I agree with the baby steps. You CAN do this! Go for one pound a week... before you know will get easier and you'll want to bump it back up. Go for the high volume / high fiber foods. A wise diet coach told me once....think of everyone who eats rice for breakfast, rice for lunch, rice for dinner.... day in and day out. Take the power out of your food. It's fuel. Good Luck!
  • Pakitalian
    Pakitalian Posts: 218 Member
    I cant live on these calories. The only possible way would to be locked in a boot camp or prison. With a personal trainer live in 24/7 and another person who was doinjg exactly the same suffering the same stuff. And i've got a pregnanat wife munchung away like there's no tomorrow.

    Please incarcerate me and let me come our in one years time like Ivan Drago of ~Rocky 4. Oh my god!!!

    Lock me up in there with you :(

    I have been struggling for almost a year now. Its just too. damn. hard. Hang in there. There are many more like us. It has to get better!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,336 Member
    If that is a picture of you, it doesn't look like you have much weight to lose, and you are a man?

    You should be eating enough so that you aren't going hungry! Set your Goals to "Lose 1 pound a week" - if you are close to your goal weight (say, 30ish pounds or less) then set it for "Lose 1/2 pound a week". You will be given plenty of calories. A thirty minute brisk walk every day will give you more.

    If you are actually hungry, change up your food. More protein, more fiber, fresh fruits and veggies, low fat dairy, whole grain breads and cereals.
  • Thank you all.
    2 lbs a week 1200 calories.

    I'll reset to half a pound a week then i may be able to have more of a chance.

    The pic of me is me and i only have a stone or 2 to lose so its not mega. Just So Fing anoying that I can't stop eating bl**dy food.

    its an absolute *kitten*. I can startve - i can do that - then get rollocked off the wife. Or i eat and keep slipping up.
    I will get there. I'm sure of it.
    I may try daily c ardio as i've never tried that before.
  • irisdj1
    irisdj1 Posts: 12 Member
    It feels hard at first, it really does! Until you notice any slight change. Maybe bending over a bit easier, or no pain in the joints today or any of those things. That's when you realize that you must do this!! I realize that all the fat that I don't see is still inside of me, wrapped around my organs, my heart, my joints and muscles. Squeezing the life out of me on the inside, when I'm looking in the mirror in that girdle thinking "I look nice" well guess what, I'm squeezing away my life inside with the extra calories and fat and bad choices. When you think about it, you must do this for your new baby that's coming. Everytime your wife picks up a twinkie, you pick up a piece of cantaloupe!! I'm doing this with you, check out my pitiful profile. Lost 10 gained 8 back. But I'm back again and I'm going to keep doing this until I get it right!!:happy:
  • I just got 600 more calories by adjusting my goal to 1/2 lb a week los rather than 2lbs a week.
    Now i'm only 61 cals over today so thats fine.

    Then i can overachieve hopefully on a low taregt and i'll feel good. Rather than set nuts goals!!!!!
  • Its kind that you have all replied. I would like to go on that loser program and get bullied about a bit - that would work for me.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    1200 is way too low for a man. Eat more!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    If you're 61 over for the day, take a ten minute brisk walk, and you'll be under! As everyone else has said, baby steps, small adjustments, and you'll get there!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,336 Member
    I just got 600 more calories by adjusting my goal to 1/2 lb a week los rather than 2lbs a week.
    Now i'm only 61 cals over today so thats fine.

    Then i can overachieve hopefully on a low taregt and i'll feel good. Rather than set nuts goals!!!!!

    Good! There is no way you should be setting your goal for "Lose 2 lbs a week" - that is only for people who are overweight!

    A normal size man shouldn't go below 1500... But this site features a "Goal Wizard" that will try to help you reach your goal, no matter how insanely low. It will never go below 1200. But that is a minimum for a smallish woman, not a man.

    Here are some good threads to read to help you (and anyone reading) understand.

  • Natalili
    Natalili Posts: 1 Member
    funny, that's what i thought too that i need to be locked in a cell... with a handsome personal trainer though!! :)