x-box kinect

I just recently bought a Kinect for the X-Box 360. They have a few weight loss games, and I was wondering anyone has had any success using these games. Or if someone has tried them, liked them, or disliked them. I games are so expensive and I want to buy one I will like. I am new to working out regularly, and have just had a baby a month ago..help me out !!!!



  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012. Fabulous! Dance Central also great. Kinect is the only thing I use for workouts except for walking occasionally. So far, so good.

    Good luck!
  • jahnlaw
    jahnlaw Posts: 95 Member
    I'm thinking of getting one them too but haven't decided yet. If you have Xbox live you can actually use try the demo version of several of the dexicated exercise programs.
  • LilMissTalyn
    LilMissTalyn Posts: 106 Member
    I just got one myself, I got it at a rental place so it didn't have the demo disc that is supposed to come with it new. We went to the gamestop and bought it since it was only a few dollars. I don't know about the ACTUAL work out games for it, s I really wanted dance central three, but dont have the fifty bucks for it right now, but this demo has this one game that is like an obstacle course! OMG it is an amazing work out, you have to jump to go faster, pull, wave your arms, duck and slide! It has a racket ball one, a space one where you flap your arms to float lol, I know it doesn't TRACK what you do or burn and such but it has me sweating one level into it and its addicting so I keep going. I am dying to get a heart rate monitor so I can see what I burn for sure when i do stuff like that and dancing. If you get the weight loss one or dance one before me PLEASE make a post on what you think! Everyone else that has told me about it loved both! I have a friend that lost 42 pounds so far on dance central alone! :) I had a baby 6 months ago, wish I had started sooner but what can u do! lol have fun though and remember any moving at all that is more than you would normally do is GOOD for you and burns calories so enjoy it knowing you are doing good!
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
    Just Dance 3 is great! Fun and a work out all-in-one!
  • HotDog1969
    HotDog1969 Posts: 25 Member
    The Kinect sports games are fun but I would say that Dance Central and Your Shape are best for exercise. I have Your Shape 2011 which is great and you could probably get that pretty cheap now 2012 is out.
  • kaypee65
    kaypee65 Posts: 120 Member
    I really like Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 with a caveat. Nearly ever workout (the red module) has squats or lunges; often both. Being knock kneed, over emphasis on those without addition hip strengthening exercises does a number on my knees. EA Sports is buggy to use, but I find that the variety of exercises is far greater. I do love YSFE activities, Stomp It, Wall Breaker, and they classes are a very interesting variety. Overall, lots of breadth and limited depth with YSFE and I find myself preferring EA Sports in spite of weaker tracking.

    Next I adore playing Dance Central 2.

    One more recommendation, I found the calorie trackers on YSFE and Dance Central terribly demotivating. I'd be dripping in sweat and exhaused after 60 minutes of activity, and the games would give me soemthing like 124 calories burned. I knew I'd worked a lot harder than that! I bought a Timex Heart Rate Monitor to estimate calories. Those 124 calorie workouts were often in the 60o calories burned range per my HRM. Getting credit to track helps me to push myself much harder.
  • JFamilo
    JFamilo Posts: 22 Member
    We bought our XBox and Kinect for Christmas. I just tried Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 on Tuesday. It's great! I was actually quite sore the next few days. There are SO many different things you can do. But I agree that the calories counts can be rather demotivating. I didn't use them for the one day I tried it.

    So far, I'm loving our XBox purchase!
  • kwehkweh
    kwehkweh Posts: 70 Member
    I have a slight addiction to dance central 2. Like at least an hour a day kind of addiction.
  • abcmiah
    abcmiah Posts: 36 Member
    I really like Dance Central and have heard that Dance Central 2 is even better. I bought Zumba Fitness. I tried it once and am not crazy about it. It is way too fast paced even on beginner. I am going to keep trying to see if it gets better with practice but so far I prefer Zumba at my gym.
  • nicxox
    nicxox Posts: 175 Member
    Dance Central 1 + 2 are my favourite Kinect games, so much fun and it doesn't even feel like you're working out!

    I've had the Zumba game which I got bored of really quickly because you had to start with a 20 minute beginner session and unlock other routines as you played. The new Zumba game comes out soon for Xbox though and that looks so much better than the first one, I will be trying that =).

    I've also had EA Sports Acive 2 and I hated it! The sensor doesn't pick up your movements at all, so you'll be doing a squat, bum nearly on the floor and it will tell you to go lower lol

    I've heard good things about Your Shape 2012, my copy has just arrived today but I'm yet to try it..

    Finally, regular Kinect games like Kinect Sports and Kinect Adventures are really good calorie burners too.

    Hope this helped! =)
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    See this...i posted it a while back. I love DAnce Central! woohooo!

  • kme2011
    kme2011 Posts: 100 Member
    i have Dance Central 2. I LOVE it. But then again i've always loved dancing. I'm so glad i spent the money on my xbox. I play it everyday. Way more than i did my Wii. Thank goodness my kids liked the wii. we put it in their room. lol
  • Rae1105
    Rae1105 Posts: 22
    I bought one last year for my son....I might need to purchase another one because I'm on it just as much as he is. My favorite is the Your Shape 2011 block breaking game when amazon goes down on the 2012 your shape it'll be next.
  • kristi_asco
    i was thinking of getting one as well ! my boyfriend has it and it is so much fun!! but i want to get the workout games as well, he just has it to be competitive! :laugh:
  • chelseabrown61
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I do have X-Box live so I downloaded the demo of Dance Central one and two. I played them, and I was upset that there was only two songs to dance to. I love it!!! I am going to buy them soon. I also tried the biggest loser. I was not that impressed, but it was a workout. Thanks again. Anyone can befriend me. I need motivation :-)

    love and blessings to you all

  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I have. I'm really fat and really out of shape, so even Kinect Adventures burns calories for me.

    I miss Kinect. My son has wandered off with it. But I'll have it back again on Sunday. :bigsmile:

    I love Wall Breaker, too, Rae!
  • tnturbomama
    Dance Central 1 & 2 are both awesome!
    I also just got Jillian Michaels Fitness Adventure. It is a lot of fun and gives gets your heart pumping. I have only played it a couple of times, but can already tell I love it.
    I tried Zumba when it was first released. I personally did not like it at all.

    Have fun!!
  • mzdiddy
    Dance Central 2 is awesome! The biggest loser, UFC trainer are good too!
  • daphnegetnfit
    Do not have one but have heard such good things about it is on my list but I do not have an Xbox either. Getting a Kindle Fire first, then on to Xbox/Kinect.
  • Heather_A
    Heather_A Posts: 34 Member
    I just bought a Xbox for myself last week. It was one way for me to spend my Christmas/Birthday money and not have to share the Kinect with my husband and son. They have the older non-Kinect Xbox that they are glued to every day.

    I was using the Wii to workout in the past but the controllers always killed the grove for me. I love the concept of the Kinect much better. Now I have to sell all of my Wii workout games to get some money for Xbox games. I was shocked at how many I'd bought and never opened. Yikes!

    As for the Xbox, I got a deal at Best Buy that if I purchased the Xbox and a specific workout game (Just Dance 3) I'd get a free Fitbit. The Fitbit sold me. So far I've only played Kinect Adventures and boy did I break a sweat! So much fun. Tonight I'm going to try Just Dance and download the demo of Dance Central since so many have given it such high marks. I also should be receiving The Biggest Loser next week. I hope these will be enough to keep me interested and moving this winter. I need to do something as I've turned into such a slug.