Need Friends and Hello

Hi everyone!!! I'm 31 and refuse to be the over weight girl at my friends wedding in October. I am currently working out 4 times a week doing a boot camp style workout and playing volleyball once a week. I'm needing all kinds of help from reciepes to support. I have been working out and watching what I'm eating for about a month now and have only lost 3lbs but I know I have lost inches (just havent measured yet) due to jeans fitting looser. Any ideas on how to make the scales show the difference as well?


  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    Sometimes the scale will lie to you, so do not completly rely on it. ;) Sometimes my scale will be at a complete standstill but my pants always seem to be getting bigger on me. LOL
    Congrats on choosing to life a better life. I advise to pick an excersize you love the best and stick to you and always be aware of what you are eating, how much of it your eating, and why and I'm sure you will be very successfull!

    Friends are also a very big key! I went through most of my journey alone but once I started to add friends the experience became much more enjoyable and motivating!

    Welcome to MFP And good luck on your journey!
    (Feel free to add me:flowerforyou: )
  • robin_bird_49
    Hang in there. Sometimes the body just takes time to get "started" losing weight. Stick with your program and in no time you will be noticing the difference in your jeans and on the scale! Welcome!
  • ronniesgirl1982
    Hi there this is a great place to make new friends and share your goals. Feel free to add me. GOODLUCK
  • fitzyloveslife
    Hey there, weight fluctuates daily so i think the more reliable is the measurements. If you feel lighter and tighter thats all good you are heading in the right direction x feel free to add me x
  • goldenm
    goldenm Posts: 11 Member
    If you haven't worked out much before remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so you may lose inches but not weight if you are converting some of your weight to muscle, I cook a lot so can help with all kinds of recipes
  • LisaRN9
    LisaRN9 Posts: 75 Member
    Wow! that is great that you are working out so regularly! I am trying hard to get back into exercising. I have to admit I would rather read or knit. As far as recipes go...have you surfed the internet for low fat recipes? Or bought a low fat cookbook? I find that adding a vegetable to lunch even if I am eating a sandwich helps a lot. I also like to add beans to recipes. They really fill you up and keep you satisfied a long time. FIber fiber fiber... Do you like chile? or lentil soup? If you do, let me know and I will private message you my favorite low fat versions.
  • caseybrader
    I also just started. I just found out over christmas my brother in law is getting married in august and I have never weighed so much in my life. I keep mentioning to my husband how I dont want the pictures his sisters took of me posted on Facebook anymore, but just came to the realization I am probably not going to be able to get out of the wedding pics and I am so tired of being the biggest one in the family. I am a healthcare provider as well and it is easy for me to suggest good eating habits, but not so easy for me to follow them and I want to start being a role model of good health to my patients. I know exactly how you feel with dieting and seeing little difference after so much work, but I also know just as robin bird said if you keep up the good work, you will soon see the difference. I could also use some support as I start this journey.

    Very Nice meeting you!