Just venting I guess :(

Ok so I've been walking every single day since January 1st. And I have been eating right. And for some reason the scale just isn't budging as much as I'd hoped at this point. And it actually said I gained 4 lbs since yesterday. I'm feeling very discouraged. But not enough to give up. I just feel like this 100 lbs will never go away. But I realize it wont go away over night I just guess I'm having one of those days :grumble:


  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    How many calories are you eating? Are you logging accurately? Are you about to/have you just started your period? <- that would account for the 4lb gain.
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    I wouldnt worry too much about it, you have been doing great. Its probably just water weight :)
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You are doing fine. 7 lbs in 14 days is great for your first couple of weeks. You didn't gain weight over night, it's going to take time to lose weight.

    If you gained 4 lbs over night it's just water weight. You would have to have eaten 14000 calories to gain 4 lbs of fat.

    You should only be losing 2 lbs a week. That's it. 100 lbs is going to take you the better part of a year. But there's lots of people here that have done it, doing exactly what you are doing.

    Keep it up.
  • hollin40
    hollin40 Posts: 120 Member
    Baby steps. We've all got to start somewhere. It takes some time. I've got about 80 lbs. to lose and I am feeling quite the same about the scale. Is there any way you can change up the routine? Add a workout dvd? Find ways to sneak in some exercise? I don't think I'm much help but I can guarantee you are not alone. That's what MFP is for. Vent away. I bet you'll see a big loss soon!!! Hang in there!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Check and see if your sodium consumption is up. That would do it.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    hang in there!
  • pussycat626
    pussycat626 Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    how many times a week are you weighing you should only weigh once a week if not every other week
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Ok so I've been walking every single day since January 1st. And I have been eating right. And for some reason the scale just isn't budging as much as I'd hoped at this point. And it actually said I gained 4 lbs since yesterday. I'm feeling very discouraged. But not enough to give up. I just feel like this 100 lbs will never go away. But I realize it wont go away over night I just guess I'm having one of those days :grumble:
    You need to keep punching and think long term.

    It will take up to 2 years to lose 100lbs the right way.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    aside from the technical aspects of what you eat or dont and exercise, how are you weighing yourself? On a digital scale, depending on how your feet are positioned, your weight can vary greatly! i only learned this yesterday and experimented this morning. I was able to make my weight go as high as 17.2, as low as 165.2 and my actual weight is 168.0 (yesterday it was 165.4 but i really think i was standing wrong)
    Standing with your toes off to the side or angled in will both make the weight lower or higher. be sure to stand the same way each time, draw a line on the scale if need be to line your toes by!

    PS- Dont stress! :)
  • I hope you stay ENcouraged......

    no one is able to view your diary ( that's up to you) but sometimes it's helpful if others can give you GOOD, helpful advice
    if they have some insight.....

    When I started this journey last March, I found out that I wasn't eating enough....and although I didn't understand the logic behind it,
    I am one who firmly believes in eating back the calories I exercised off....because
    I tried NOT doing it, and then doing it, and it made a HUGE difference for me personally.

    I also poof-poofed drinking the water........that too, makes a huge difference......
    as does watching my sodium intake....

    How long have you been on this journey?
  • I am feeling the same way you are today. I only lost 0.4lbs this week. Very discouraging considering I've been working so hard. But I know that by doing what I was doing I'll never lose the weight. And I feel better about myself. Keep up the hard work. It will pay off.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    Well depends on what exactly you are eating and how many calories you are taken in? I would suggest doing more then just walking. Start running at intervals then walk a bit. Also try doing some weights
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Drink some coffee and take a nice dump! Watch the pounds melt off! :drinker:
  • C_Lopez
    C_Lopez Posts: 74 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race!! It's okay to vent we all do it time to time. :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get yourself a food scale and an HRM. It will keep all your tracking more accurate. Most of us are way off in the beginning.

    Or maybe this will help- http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/portion/servingcard7.pdf Check out the site. You can print it and keep it for reference.

    1 Serving Looks Like . . .

    1 cup of cereal flakes = fist
    1 pancake = compact disc
    ½ cup of cooked rice, pasta, or potato= ½ baseball
    1 slice of bread =cassette tape
    1 piece of cornbread= bar of soap

    1 cup of salad greens = baseball
    1 baked potato = fist
    1 med. fruit = baseball
    ½ cup of fresh fruit= ½ baseball
    ¼ cup of raisins =large egg

    1½ oz. cheese = 4 stacked dice or 2 cheese slices
    ½ cup of ice cream
    = ½ baseball

    1 tsp. margarine or spreads = 1 dice

    3 oz. meat, fish,and poultry =deck of cards
    3 oz. grilled/baked fish =checkbook
    2 Tbsp. peanutbutter = ping pong ball
  • Do not give up....it's water weight! I deal with the same thing and whoever it was on here that said don't weigh yourself every day is RIGHT!!!! I can't weigh myself every day or I will go nuts! I am up and down all week long! Pick a day of the week and STICK to that day! I promise ya tho...it's water weight. You don't gain four pounds over night. Hang in there and do not give up! Feel free to add me as a friend....if you need support there are lots of people on here that will be more than happy to help! Good luck!! : )
  • Netzie
    Netzie Posts: 107 Member

    You might want to read this message board. She is inspirational and it is good advice. :flowerforyou:
    Hang in there sometimes are bodies have to adjust.
    Walking is never a bad thing and I bet you feel better after a walk. :bigsmile:
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Ok so I've been walking every single day since January 1st. And I have been eating right. And for some reason the scale just isn't budging as much as I'd hoped at this point. And it actually said I gained 4 lbs since yesterday. I'm feeling very discouraged. But not enough to give up. I just feel like this 100 lbs will never go away. But I realize it wont go away over night I just guess I'm having one of those days :grumble:

    I've have had and am having the same problem. I started right before Christmas. Last week scale kept going up but my clothes are looser and unfortunately my boobs are shrinking. This morning I lost everything I'd gained last week plus 3 lbs. All I can say is, make sure to keep your calories up where they need to be, don't undereat, your water intake high, workout (cycling is great) and trust the process. You'll get there... just don't quit.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    aside from the technical aspects of what you eat or dont and exercise, how are you weighing yourself? On a digital scale, depending on how your feet are positioned, your weight can vary greatly! i only learned this yesterday and experimented this morning. I was able to make my weight go as high as 17.2, as low as 165.2 and my actual weight is 168.0 (yesterday it was 165.4 but i really think i was standing wrong)
    Standing with your toes off to the side or angled in will both make the weight lower or higher. be sure to stand the same way each time, draw a line on the scale if need be to line your toes by!

    PS- Dont stress! :)


    Only weigh once a week (maybe twice) on the same day at the same time under the same conditions.

    I only weigh in on either Tuesday or Thursday mornings at 7:30am after my swim workout, after my shower, after I've dried off, before I have a cup of coffee, before I get dressed, and if I have shaved my face and head - if possible, before I've hydrated and only if I've been a 'good boy' for the 48 hours prior.