30 Day Shred :-)

I just finished day 3 on level 1 this morning. I attemped this workout about a year ago but only made it 11 days because I got distracted with school. I did three days of the JM Yoga Meltdown to losen up a bit because I knew it made your hurt a great bit! It actually wasn't very painful these first few days thanks to that.

I have fallen in love with logging things on MFP, seeing as I'm brand new to the whole thing. Its addicting.

I'm not eating completely clean, although, I am trying to incorporate healthier foods for most of the day and fruits and veggies and drinking lots of green tea and water.. kicking soda isn't easy!

Any other girls out there recently started to 30DS?


  • netsirk12
    netsirk12 Posts: 220 Member
    I will be starting tomorrow. :)
  • lola374
    lola374 Posts: 12 Member
    I am starting 30DS tonight!

    Wish me luck! I have a big event to go to on February 12th (just at 30 days from now). Hope I survive!
  • QuiteNice
    QuiteNice Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! I started yesterday. I was a sore but it wasn't as bad as I thought. The is my first video workout in years so I am looking forward in seeing results. I usually hike and recently started going back to the Y. Good luck!
  • amsandin
    amsandin Posts: 36 Member
    I'm not just starting, I've actually been using this video for many months now and love it. Level 2 is my favorite and level 3 is fun if you like to jump! I'm posting just to give you all some encouragement and tell ya to stick with it. I've lost over 30 lbs doing this video and gone down 2.5 jean sizes. I say half because I use to wear a woman's size 16 and now I'm in Juniors size 11. Not to mention I have awesome muscles in my arms now when they use to hang and look very sad.

    Good luck!
  • Christin2020
    Christin2020 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm waiting for my DVD to come in the mail. Hoping to start this weekend :)

    Good luck with the shred :) Please keep everyone posted on how it's going. (I plan on taking before pics tonight.. YIKES!!)

    Feel free to add me :)