I'm afraid I'm about to relapse. (Warning may be triggering)

I have been a recovering bulimic since about 2008 (my senior year of HS and first year of college) I've been really awesome about not relapsing for the last few months, but this stomach flu/bug I have is really kicking my butt...

and all day today my mom has been trying to get me to eat.. and whatever I eat comes back up :( it's kind of the same sensation as when i would B/P.

Does anyone have advice for me I could really use some motivation to get over this hump.


  • farfalledibaciodinotte
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Just keep trying to eat some stuff that settle a stomach. Maybe try some salty soup? Drink your fluids, rest, and get better soon :] Then get right back on to the healthy mindset and eating:flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    So sorry you are sick. I don't know much about bulimia, but I know with any addiction it's good to have support people to turn to when you feel triggered.

    You know there are always people here to talk to, if you can weed through the snark you will see.

    I wonder if there are any bulimia recovery groups online? Or even here in the "Groups" section.

    Is there anyone you can call to come over and visit? Does you family know about it?

    I tend to lean toward other unhealthy things myself. I know I have to stay busy and keep my mind occupied - I watch movies or go out. But if you are sick, maybe movies or Video games? Something to keep your mind off it.
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    I don't have any expierence with that but I'm sending positive thoughts your way!!! You'll get through this.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    If you are not feeling well, try crackers and 7-Up, anything that may stay down and give you some calorie intake. Just remember that being healthy includes not b/p. If you have the flu however, you can't help it. Just try to lean on your mom, friends, or MFP for support... talk out everything you are feeling, everything you are doing with people you trust and who will not judge you. Judgement will absolutely not help the situation.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    Here's a thread from yesterday regarding bulimia : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/448684-hi-mention-of-bulimia?hl=bulimia#posts-6190858

    You can click "Search" and find other threads. Maybe send messages to some of the people responding?
  • Fockertots
    I don't have any expierence with that but I'm sending positive thoughts your way!!! You'll get through this.

  • Beezer322
    Beezer322 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm so sorry you are experiencing this right now. i have struggled with bulimia as well and I know exactly what you're talking about. Try try try to distract yourself from those feelings by watching a movie or reading or just having company. I know easier said than done. Are you close with your mom? maybe you could talk to her.
  • KaraK10
    When you are tempted to b&p try to think of all the damage you will be doing to your body: esophagus, electrolyte levels. This negative association is often times enough to stop someone in their tracks. Tell yourself that temporary sense of relief will not last or be worth it. Hang in there.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I was anorexic in high school and gained my weight for fear of relapsing. I can relate on some levels as this whole journey can sometimes feel like I'm on the verge of relapse. If you need someone to talk to, I'm a good listener.

    Otherwise, you just really just need to take care of yourself and get better and refocus. Be open with someone close to you if you have to so you'll stay accountable. I hope you feel better soon!
  • devilsangel2
    devilsangel2 Posts: 123 Member
    Also have no experience with bulimia but can only recommend that if it is coming back up then maybe your stomach just isn't ready for it and you may be doing more harm and making a relapse more likely by forcing yourself to eat and then vomiting. Maybe try sticking to fluids and get some electrolyte/glucose type drinks. Dry crackers might be something you could try. Hope you feel better soon.
  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    I wish I had advice for you, but I don't know much about it. What I do know is that you ARE strong, you can beat it with the same determination that has gotten you this far. Sending big hugs your way, I wish you strength, good health, and a full recovery. All my best. x
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    There are several Groups here I just found. The Groups are a judgement-free zone. Check it out:

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/search?phrase=bulimia&order=0 (I went to Groups and searched for Bulimia)

    This group has 74 members: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/1264-recovering-from-bulimia-anorexia

    But there are a few smaller groups, too.

  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    You are all so amazing thank you so much I feel loved :)
  • joshis_bunny
    I can totally relate, i am on the verge of getting over my eating disorder and at the moment i am cutting out all fast foods from my diet so when ever i do eat something a little fatty it hits the bottom and comes back up and gets me thinking about going back to my b/p cycle. all i can say is think of all the positives to how your life has been while you haven't been on that b/p cycle and see if that can help you get through. keep up your fluids and try to eat dry foods that aren't fatty as they might sit a little better