Hashimoto's? Anyone else share the disease with me?



  • yeaforme
    I have Hashimotos!
  • gethealthygetfit
    I have it also. I am not on medication and I am wonder if there are other people who aren't on medication yet and are able to lose weight. I haven't lost anything since April :( Feel free to add me. Anyone. :smile:
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    I have it too.
    I've been diagnosed three years ago. I'm on medication since then. Almost every year the doctor increase my dose.
    I can't loose almost any weight although I eat less calories but never under 1200. The last 6 months I've lost only 8 lbs.
    Feel free to add me.
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    I was diagnosed last year during the first trimester of my pregnancy. I had blood work done for my OB and my levels were high so she sent me to a specialist. More bloodwork....and now a daily dose of synthroid. I had no idea there was anything wrong, all the symptoms I was showing I blamed on the pregnancy (exhausted, hungry all the time, weight gain). I was able to have a normal pregnancy and keep my weight gain to a reasonable amount. I have lost all the weight I gained while pregnant and am now working on the rest. I can't tell if the medication is helping now that I'm not pregnant anymore but I feel good. I had bloodwork done a few days ago, will see the doc on the 18th.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I have it also. I am not on medication and I am wonder if there are other people who aren't on medication yet and are able to lose weight. I haven't lost anything since April :( Feel free to add me. Anyone. :smile:

    I have it as well and am not on medication because I have no insurance at this time and don't wish to saddled with a pre-existing condition. My mother and both sisters have it as well...
    I have lost 72 lbs but it has taken me almost 3 years. I go for months doing everything right and not losing. It totally stinks and gets very frustrating, but you just have to keep going. With Hashimoto's, if you stop tracking your food or exercising, you can gain 20 lbs at the drop of a hat.
  • tannity2
    tannity2 Posts: 50 Member
    I have Hashi's, too. Just joined MFP five days ago. Seems to be making a difference already. Feel free to add me, too!
  • tannity2
    tannity2 Posts: 50 Member
    I have it as well and am not on medication because I have no insurance at this time and don't wish to saddled with a pre-existing condition. My mother and both sisters have it as well...
    I have lost 72 lbs but it has taken me almost 3 years. I go for months doing everything right and not losing. It totally stinks and gets very frustrating, but you just have to keep going. With Hashimoto's, if you stop tracking your food or exercising, you can gain 20 lbs at the drop of a hat.

    Congratulations on taking off 72 lbs!!!!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I have an underactive thyroid and have for some 11-12 years. I take synthroid daily and when I stopped earlier this year my levels went severely out of wack. Becuase I was always so well controlled, it never dawned on me to see an endocrinologist - so thank you for mentioning that!

    I am ALWAYS cold, I have no libido, but I can truly say I have never had a hard time losing weight either.... if I put my mind to it and did it, I can... but I can put it back on like noone's business lol...

    Good luck everyone.
  • dukeS1ms
    dukeS1ms Posts: 13 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 4 months ago. i'm also looking for info and experiences on how people deal with this condition. Feel free to add me.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I've had Hashimoto's for 24 years. Went misdiagnosed for 6, then got the right doctor. I work out 6 days a week, I log everything I eat, and the weight is coming off. Don't use your Hashi's as an excuse! Exercise is the key!

    Also, once you start on your medication your thyroid is basically shut off and it kind of shrivels up. Stopping your medicine is very dangerous as it will take a while before your thyroid will start to work. The thyroid maintains so much! Your metabolism, your heart, your reproductive system, skin, nails, hair growth, everything that is controlled by a hormone and more! Find a way to go around the whole insurance issue and get looked at. The generic medicine is CHEAP! (levothyroxine)

    Don't treat yourself like a sick person. Get going, move your body, stop eating crap and eat right. You can do this!
  • gracelind
    I was diagnosed in August. Add me, I need more motivation!
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    I've been dealing with Hashi's for years. My HMO doctors look at my data but won't help me deal w/symptoms such as hair loss, low body temp, brain fog, etc. I now use the Wilson's Temperature Syndrome site for supplements but also take the levothyroid the endo prescribes. Exercise & limiting gluten + sugar helps me a lot. If I can afford it I will start going to a doctor who treats Wilson's TS & understands the connection between low body temp & Hashi's, fibro, CFIDS & arthritis.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    I have had an underactive thyroid for 18 years. I take 150 mcg and every third day 175 mcg of synthroid. It didn't seem to be working but the more I exercised the better I felt. I haven't felt this good in years. I feel 20-30 years younger. I HAVE to get my exercise fix order to feel good. My kids no longer run or walk with me. They can't keep up :smile:
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    IMPORTANT! Blood work may be inconclusive when it comes to Hashimoto's. That's why I was misdiagnosed for so many years. The blood work said I was ok. But I had small goiters, (lumps) in my thyroid and the one great doctor I went to did an FNA, Fine Needle Aspiration, where they stick very fine needles into your thyroid for cell samples. No anesthetic, but I lived! lol! Anyway, that's how I finally go diagnosed. So don't let them just take a blood sample. Insist on the better test!
  • roamingriley
    I have it also. I am not on medication and I am wonder if there are other people who aren't on medication yet and are able to lose weight. I haven't lost anything since April :( Feel free to add me. Anyone. :smile:

    I have it as well and am not on medication because I have no insurance at this time and don't wish to saddled with a pre-existing condition. My mother and both sisters have it as well...
    I have lost 72 lbs but it has taken me almost 3 years. I go for months doing everything right and not losing. It totally stinks and gets very frustrating, but you just have to keep going. With Hashimoto's, if you stop tracking your food or exercising, you can gain 20 lbs at the drop of a hat.

    That is fantastic! What an inspiration!
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    I've had Hasi's for 6+ years now - I was first diagnosed when I was pregnant with 3rd son. It's been pretty well controlled until the past 6 months. Dr. keeps having to bump up my meds. That reminds me - its time for another blood draw.
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    I have Hashimoto's as well, and have been desperately seeking some weight loss role-models! Feel free to add me, anyone. I'd love some help!!
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    Hashimoto's is quite common and the most common cause of hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed 24 years ago and have always struggled with my weight. I don't think it all is due to thyroid disease--but it sure doesn't help.
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Yes, I do, and take thyroxine. I find it extremely hard to lose weight and extremely easy to put it on! But exercise is CRUCIAL for me. I've recently taken up running again and love how it makes me feel ( afterwards, rather than at the time!!)
  • rukia30
    rukia30 Posts: 81 Member
    I have Hashimto's and type 1 diabetes. I got Hashimto's first and then antibody testing since Hashimto's is an autoimmune attack sometimes type 1 diabetes is found by that diagnoses since it is also an autoimmune attack. I would love to be anyone's friend. Feel free to add me.