Calorie intakes vs. Starvation

Dear Readers.
I'm a female who is 27, 5'10" and 210lbs. My goal is to lose 50lbs by June seems like enough time for healthy rate. 4 years ago I lost 40lbs and 80inches on a lifestyle change plan, and kept it off for over a year. Life happened I turned back to my old habits and gained all 40lbs back. I am in week one and lost .9 of a pound according to my wii. I’m struggling to find foods I will eat as it appears I have trained my body to only eat/accept carbs and junk. I am attempting to eat healthy, but I’m finding it difficult to hit 1200 calories a day (the recommend about from this website), especially when I work out there is no chance of reaching the goal. Day 1 =800 Day 2=856 Day 3=750 Day 4=695 Day 5=987 Day 6=925 Day 7=1287 Day 8 =431 Breakfast= is the same as I don’t have time I eat on the go which is Greek yogurt so its filling M-F, weekends I can make egg white. Lunch / Dinner = Red meat makes me ill literally. I have been eating ground turkey breast, shrimp, Boca burgers, chicken, veggie pasta, 2% cheese, skim milk, whole wheat bread, peanut butter. Snacks = apples, green grapes, natural applesauce, no sugar peaches, strawberries, cantaloupe, sugar free jello, skinny moos mint sandwich. I’m not a fan of veggies unless they are saturated with butter or cheese. So my question is what can I do to make sure I lose weight but not end up in starvation mode? Any suggestions on foods? Right about now any suggestions would help!


  • mnec2010
    mnec2010 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi there

    Ill start off by saying it DOES get easier, trust me. Im not sure if you are saying that you cant reach 1200 or if you mean you always go over. Either way, you need to eat at least 1200. Its unhealthy to eat any less (from what I gather from research, other posts, etc). I personally had trouble eating only 1200 calories per day so I changed my goal to losing 1 lb per week which changed my calories from 1200 to 1460. This is much more reasonable for me, and I feel much happier and healthier (less dizzy, exhausted while working out, etc). But its definitely different for everyone.

    If you want to mix up your breakfast, I like to make breakfast the night before -- mix egg whites, red and green peppers, mushrooms, green onion together in a bowl and in the morning it only takes about a minute to heat up then I take it with me to work. There are meals that are really quick to prepare - you just have to research them and find what works best for you. Having said that, I really like greek yogurt as well and I often have that for breakfast. I suggest cutting out the burgers, peanut butter and the ice cream. I like natural peanut butter versus the peanut butter where the main ingredient is sugar or icing sugar. It tastes bland but you will get used to it. I cant even stand the taste of the sweet peanut butter now. If you need something sweet so that you dont go crazy and cheat all together, just try a square of dark chocolate or stick with the sugar free jello. You need to learn to love vegetables, without the butter lol! I used to feel the same way but its mind over matter for the most part. I have learned that if you blend vegetables in with fruit smoothies, you cant taste the vegetables AT ALL. So thats definietly worth trying since you enjoy fruit.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 228 Member
    What did you set your activity level at, and your weight loss per week goal? I have very similar stats (28, 5'10, CW is 202 but HW was 213) and I have mine set for lightly active, 1lb loss per week. I get 1830 net calories a day. It's working for me so far, I actually lost 2.5lbs the first week.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 228 Member
    Oh, and my diary is public, if you want to check it out and get some ideas for meals. I have been making lots of homemade this week because I've not been feeling well so I've had the time, but I am normally eating on the run too (I will forget to eat till I'm on my way out the door) so I have a lot of quick things too. Apple slices or celery sticks and natural peanut butter, I'll bring a bag of carrots out with me, I'll fry a couple of eggs (only takes a few minutes) and have it on a slice of toast, etc. Greek yogurt is a great choice. Try adding 1/4 of raw almonds to it to boost the calories, fiber, etc. Take a day that you do have time and prep some quick and easy meals for the week, cut up your veggies, portion out your snacks, etc.
  • I'm no expert and I'm quite new to the site but I have noticed that I get motivated if I do some form of exercise. Even a half hour walk can give you an extra 300 calories allowance.

    It's hard eating healthily when you have been on the boil for a while but my experience was take it gradual. I cut out sugar by cutting out coffee (couldn't manage it any other way) but it took me quite a few weeks to conquer the cravings and I'm still not always successful but I've found lemon in hotwater helps to calm them down as well as veg juices. Don't like the latter but miraculously I'm not hungry after.
    Good Luck
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    To hit your calories easiest based on what your foods have been-- stop eating "diet" food. Eat whole eggs, not just the whites. Don't get sugar free or diet anything. You will find that it's much easier to reach 1200 calories. It's important that you net 1200, and it isn't hard to do. Add a couple of snacks-- some unsalted almonds or some low sodium/low sugar peanut butter goes a long way toward your goal. As for veggies, add them into things where they're "hidden." Soups/stews are a great place to use vegetables because the flavor of whatever meat you use will help with the veggie taste. And as you start to eat healthier you will train your palate to like those foods more. I used to hate sweet potatoes and now I love them-- it's just a matter of eating the healthy stuff consistently.