Best Snacks to eat in between meals to curve appetite

So I am new to this whole diet thing and I am struggling with finding a snack that I can eat in between that doesnt take up alot of calories. Please if anyone can give me some suggestions of low calorie in-between snacks that would help me out tremendously.:smile:


  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    So I am new to this whole diet thing and I am struggling with finding a snack that I can eat in between that doesnt take up alot of calories. Please if anyone can give me some suggestions of low calorie in-between snacks that would help me out tremendously.:smile:
    Pop secret has 100 calorie snack bags. They are really good. You get alot in the bag too!
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    What works best for me is water. I find if I get 3 glasses or so between meals, I'm usually not hungry at all. If I'm still hungry, I'll have a large mug of tea with a teaspoon of raw honey and a drop of milk. Maybe some fruit or nuts as well.

    Seriously chug water the next time you're hungry between meals. You'll be amazed how NOT hungry you are.
  • mnkenned
    mnkenned Posts: 13 Member
    This is going to sound crazy, but if I'm an hour or two from my next meal I eat a small piece of dark chocolate (like a square) and it totally helps. I do this less than three times per week but for some reason the sweetness cuts the craving. Also works if you're still hungry after a meal. The dark choco doesn't have TOO many calories so I don't feel that bad.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    What works best for me is water. I find if I get 3 glasses or so between meals, I'm usually not hungry at all. If I'm still hungry, I'll have a large mug of tea with a teaspoon of raw honey and a drop of milk. Maybe some fruit or nuts as well.

    Seriously chug water the next time you're hungry between meals. You'll be amazed how NOT hungry you are.

    Agreed! Water does the trick.. and if you feel like snacking and aren't hungry I find brushing my teeth turns me off food completely.. that's my defense for after dinner snacks heh.
  • Clkafka
    Clkafka Posts: 45
    I agree with drinking water. Tea helps me too. But if you are truly hungry, you should have some calories. String cheese, a few almonds, some fresh veggies dipped in a vinaigrette dressing. I really like kraft sun-dried tomato vinaigrette. A hard boiled egg.
  • Strivn2day_4aBtrTmrow
    Salad does wonders ! If you get a low calorie dressing you can eat a ton of salad for a few calories. Also the new mini crackers they sell are good too. The mini saltines gives you 17 crackers for 70 cals. Or you can make up your own 100 cal packs. Just get ur fav snack, calculate the cals out to 100 cals ahead of time, bag em up n you're good to go.
  • 1212mary
    The usual vegetables, boring I know, but you can eat it with salsa or rotel tomatoes and 1TLB of lowfat sour cream. I also eat the cheddar cheese chex mix, it gives you a fair amount and breaks the craving for chips. Yesterday I discovered that low fat cream cheese with jalapeno's is awsome on a high fiber low carb tortilla. Whenever I decide I want to eat something, I go to the calorie counter and plug it in, then I make the decision wheather or not to eat it. Many times I have deleated it and found something else to eat. Good luck on your journey, I just started mine two weeks ago!
  • Hollie_downunder
    Fruit, veg, cup of tea/coffee, water, low fat & sugar yoghurt (double check its low sugar these are sneaky buggers sometimes!!)

    Good Luck :)
  • mrkhoneybee
    If you LOVE chocolate like I do I just bought these little 100 calorie snack packs from Costco. They're Brookside Dark chocolate acai blueberry and dark chocolate pomegranate. It comes 30 to a box, 15 packages of blueberry and 15 packages of pomegranate. They are absolutely delicious and it totally takes away my chocolate craving!!!
  • bruisedorange
    Eating frequent small amount is good because you should never let yourself get hungry. So for a snack I either eat some cut up vegetables with my favorite seasoning sprinkled on them or a piece of fruit.
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    Greek yogurt :)
  • tenax
    tenax Posts: 97
    water... and nutrigrain bars..also like those various meat sticks.
  • robwilliams1111
    robwilliams1111 Posts: 3 Member
    I used to struggle in between meals, staving off the hunger pangs, but a guy I work with told me to try eating bananas, one in the morning a couple of hours after breakfast and then again in the afternoon a couple of hours after lunch. They work very well, give me energy and are good for you. Also walnuts or any type of healthy nuts are good. Hope this helps :)
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    If you LOVE chocolate like I do I just bought these little 100 calorie snack packs from Costco. They're Brookside Dark chocolate acai blueberry and dark chocolate pomegranate. It comes 30 to a box, 15 packages of blueberry and 15 packages of pomegranate. They are absolutely delicious and it totally takes away my chocolate craving!!!
    Hmmm... didn't know this came in a little packs... I got the two pound snack pack:happy: But instead of considering that a couple of serving like I did in the past, I weighed out a serving (worked out to 15 pieces) and prepackaged a bunch of servings and half servings (for my lower carb days) in ziploc snack bags. Works out well for me and I don't feel deprived.

    I also grab a piece of gum when I think I am hungry between meals. That and water do wonders.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    an apple with 1tbl peanut butter, atkins protein shake,apple with low fat string cheese, greek yogurt, serving size of any nut with a piece of fruit, measured bowl of special k cereal with skim milk, oatmeal, hard boiled egg with piece of fruit...if i want sweet I will have a nature valley granola bar pack....

    of course, veggies and salad

    all are approx. between 150-200 calories...

    basically a mix of some carbs with some protein...i will eat cereal or oatmeal at night when i am hungry after dinner....

    I eat about every 2 hours, so I am always looking for a snack...
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    I ea fruit and water, but I love Hi fibre crackers, 4 of those with tomato and cucumber keeps me very well. The crackers are less than 100 cals for 4 and tomato and cucumber are close to nothing. I also do the banana thing coz it keeps you full and its probably a little more than 100cals
  • DaniVillano
    Yes! Sometimes water is all you need :)
  • ginabgdc
    I eat Light n Fit yogurt. at 80 cals or VitaTops which come in lots of flavors and they are 100 cals
  • mrkhoneybee
    That's a great idea! It's probably cheaper that way too : )
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    small applee with a stick of mozzarella cheese. I'm not full untill ten minutes later and then I'm stuffed. I think it is the comanation of fibar, protien and the pectin in the apple.