Ready to give (and receive) encouragement!! 25 lb to go

hey all. I'm a 35 yr old mom of 2 toddlers. Finally starting back to the gym after years of lying to myself by saying "chasing after these 2 kids is all the exercise I need." NO it's not!! Lol. 3 yrs later and my "baby fat" has just become FAT. I've had some high blood pressure readings at the doc, and I'm DONE making excuses for myself. Done done done!!! This time IS my time. My husband is super supportive and never seems to care about my weight either way, but I want to look great and feel great again. I want to be muscular, strong, and healthy, and there's NO reason I can't do it!! I'm looking for some friends on here, because honestly my "real life" friends just don't get it :/ I'll encourage you if you'll encourage me. I'm not TRYING anymore. I'm DOING THIS!! :D


  • allegedglobalconspiracy
    Heck yeah! that's awesome determination, and I love the way you said you're DOING it! hoping, wanting, and wishing don't get you there. Determination does, and I definitely see that there. Rock on!
  • angbunny22
    Good Luck! Feel free to friend me and I will encourage you along the way!!
  • DivaDiane
    I also am trying to lose about 25, and started in late December. Slow and steady, about a pound to a pound and a half a week works without feeling deprived in any way. My weigh-in will be tomorrow morning. Actually, the weight is less important than my fitness level and I'm working on that, too, by doing cardio several times a week (Leslie Sansone power walking DVDs, water aerobics, pickleball). Weights will be added later. Like I said, slow and steady.

    This morning, I discovered that I can cut my coffee's half and half down to 1 teaspoon and still be satisfied.

  • vryanz
    vryanz Posts: 49
    Great Job!!! That is an awesome decision! I have found my baby pounds to be the hardest to lose...there are SOOO many excuses that go with them! 'I'm to tired to cook, the kids keep me busy enough,if I have to exercise I'll never have the energy to keep up with them, I just don't feel like putting the energy into a diet...' the list goes on and on! It is hard to buckle down and DO it! So good for you!
  • BikiniMimi
    Nice attitude! I love that you're honest with yourself! 25lbs is my goal as well. Friend me for some extra encouragement!
  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    I'm 35 married and have a 5 (almost 6) year old son. I've got 24lbs to go. I've sent you a friend request! :bigsmile:
  • scrmom74
    scrmom74 Posts: 22 Member
    Good Luck, I find this website to be very encouraging and motivating. I have 25 to 30lbs to lose also...friend me if you like :-)
  • thehollister
    Good morning
    I am a 28 yr old married female from Ontario- i used to weight 230, but am now down to 207.
    I've been hanging out around 210/205 for a few months do wanted to give this a try!

    Any friends are welcomed- best of luck everyone!