Juvenile/Type I diabetes?! Anybody?!

MSepp Posts: 228
edited October 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all. So I'm kinda new to this site. Been on for a few months. Hovering around the same weight despite exercise and eating healthy...one of my big challenges has been my blood sugar levels. I'm a type I diabetic on an insulin pump. Just a disclosure here-there is a difference between type I and type II diabetes. Type I/Juvenile is not only genetic, it is MUCH more difficult to control. I rely solely on insulin to manage my blood sugars.

My huge problem has been lately that I've gotten in the habit of getting up early at going to the gym at 5:30 AM. It works into my schedule nicely and I'm feeling good...however, I'm having a difficult time with LOTS of low blood sugars...I then over-treat them (anybody who has had a severe low knows what I am talking about) and these pesky calories are preventing me from seeing real changes in my weight.

Any advice from other diabetics out there? I've tried lots of different things from not taking insulin with my breakfast, then leaving my pump on a low temp basal while I work out...I've tried taking my breakfast insulin then suspending my pump when I work out...so far I have managed to keep my lows in a not so horrible range...but I'm still bottoming out.

Any other Type I's out there?! Friend me please and hit me up with some advice!


  • rukia30
    rukia30 Posts: 81 Member
    Well my type 1 was not Juvenile, but adult onset type1 diabetes. I am also on an insulin pump. I have to set my temp basal for 15% during my workout. The only advice I can give you is to put your temp basal very low and finger stick to figure out where you need it to be. That is how found out where I needed to put my temp basal after going very low several times. Also make sure that you eat a 15g carb snack before working out and do not bolus for it. I hope this helps. If I think of anything else I will let you know! Also you might want to join this site. These people have been the best help I could have ever asked for! http://www.tudiabetes.org/
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    Thanks so much! OMW to check it out
  • MrsCupCakeBoyle
    MrsCupCakeBoyle Posts: 259 Member
    Im not type 1 but my 5yr old is has been for 2yrs.
    i use this forum http://www.diabetessupport.co.uk/boards/index.php there is alot of people with good advice who use pumps they maybe able to help you out.
  • Hi, I'm Cath i've been a type 1 for 46 years- yes 46 since I was 11, I'm not on a pump but I understand your difficulties (all of them) with low B/S readings and activity. I'm taking an IDA course, sorry INSULIN DOSE ADJUSTMENT course, it dose'nt start until April 24th and lasts a week . Try your Diabetic Specialist Nurse It's her JOB to help you as much as she can, mine put me on this one, I will be asking lots of questions-i've warned her in advance.
  • Hi, it's me again, just a thought as last week I was given a new blood meter, it lets you know how much insulin you have in your system when you do a test, it may be a help somewhat when you exercise. That's my hope anyway in Wales where I live your not trusted to do exercise with a day's lecture into the possible problems! The machine is made by Abbot it's the FREESTYLE LITE model costs £180 here and £20 per 50 sticks
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