i cant get under 128!

im really short and ive been exercising about four times a week but for some reason i cant lose any weight! the first couple weeks i lost 3 pounds and thats all ive lost so far and ive been doing this for over a month maybe its my diet :/ its really frustrating!


  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    What about the calories intake? You know what they say, The fat loss is 80% in the kitchen and 20% in the gym. Share your diary so we'd see what you eat.
  • in on a 1200 calorie intake and idk how to share my diary lol
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    My home\Settings\Diary Settings\Diary Sharing down the bottom.
    Your very compressed chat/text writing challenged me.:tongue:
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    Honestly, 1200 may be too low for you, as it is for a lot of people. And if you're not eating back your exercise calories, then you definitely not eating enough.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    She says in the 1st sentence. She's 19 and really short. If she's below 5 ft then 1200 is workable for a while.

    Honestly, 1200 may be too low for you, as it is for a lot of people. And if you're not eating back your exercise calories, then you definitely not eating enough.
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    Try sharing your diary. It can be counterintuitive, but many people find that when they start netting a little bit higher (especially if you're only eating 1200 now), weight comes off more easily. This has definitely happened for me. Give it a shot for a bit.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I'd take a real long time to consider even how worthwhile it is to be trying to lose at this point. Your profile says you are looking to lose 16lbs which frankly, judging by your photo, seems like a LOT.

    If you really feel like you need to get down in weight, your concentration should be on a couple of things that are more important that working out:
    1) Getting as many calories as you can from healthy foods made at home - this will better control sodium and other food factors that can lead to false gains and weight (highly processed foods stay in your system longer than say, raw veggies and baked meats)
    2) Getting more than 1200 calories- 1200 is the LOWEST you should go (plus eating what you burn at the gym) but because you are already in a generally healthy zone, it will help your body if you play with that calorie goal a little- get it used to eating and processing more without storing fat and such. I highly recommend changing your calorie goal each week- 1200 one week, 1300 the next, 1400 then 1500 and then drop back down to 1200 and build back up. You will have slow loss in those last two weeks but your body will more easily transition into maintaining weight if you have trained it to be able to eat more once in a while.
    3) SLOW loss- You are quite thin, and losing will be counter intuitive to your body. Let the weight come off gently- .5 or .75 lbs a week instead of trying for 1 or two full lbs. Don't push harder- your body will only resist.
    4) Being active outside the gym- more important than kicking your own *kitten* at the gym, living a healthy lifestyle where you walk, run, play and move as a regular part of your day

    Work smarter, not harder! Good luck!
  • thanks everyone! my food diary is public now im afraid to start eating more because when i eat more i gain weight :/ im probably obsessing over it too much but i will give it a shot.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    well from what i can see you are not nearly eating enough and that is probably why! you need to eat all your calories a day and stay no less then 1200... and i see lots of packaged foods. try quick oats instead of instant, etc..
  • I am having the same problem and don't know what to do. I am stuck at 129 so i did the recommend calculator and it says I should be at 1200 calories. I workout 6 days a week 60 min at a time and I do eat the calories I burn. Should not be doing that and keeping it at 1200? I am starting to gain weight! so frustrated and very confused. Anyone have any advise for me? Could really use the help.

  • I have the same problem! I gained about 8 pounds last year which is a lot for a person who is only 5'1 but I have learned to not go by the scale...if you workout 6 days a week you are turning fat into muscle, and muscle ways more than fat...so I started to judge my weight loss on how my clothes fit... I work out about 5-6 days a week too. Even though you may only be taking in 1200 cal's a day check and see what they are...try to stay away from processed food, things with lots of sodium...and make sure you check the labels for everything, just because it is lower on the calorie side, it is usually higher in something else which isnt good for you! And i have started to weigh myself just once a week...I have only been doing this for 4 days and so far, so good...I feel better already! Hope this helps :)
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    I am 132lb & 47 & 5' 3". (I have been down to 128 and then up again. (Now granted I was not on MFP then.)

    I bumped my loss down to 1/2 lb a week for this week and I am trying to maintain even clean eating, average 300 calories per meal which leaves room for snacks.

    This is my first REAL week of trying to lose. I will make my food diary public. The week before I was just eating what I normally do and then went back to modify it. I like breakfast A LOT.

    OP, not easy, I know. Good Luck!
  • Thank you so much that makes sense. I do eat a lot of processed food! ugh....I also do weigh myself too much. I will take you advice and go by how my clothes fit. It gets so frustrating sometimes!
