How to avoid late-night snacking?

Oh I mean SNACKING. Not just a few pretzels or some peanut butter, I mean I start eating and can't stop and destroy my goal & progress.

How do I stop this? Ugh


  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Could you treat your kitchen like a restaurant? After 7 PM (or whenever you eat supper/dinner), it is 'closed' and off-limits. You can't order a meal once a restaurant is can't get food from your kitchen once it has 'closed' for the night.

    Be sure you are eating a supper/dinner with protein which can help to keep you feeling full longer. some calories for a late-night snack--but have a plan for that snack. You could even take it out of your kitchen ahead of time, so you can use the kitchen is closed concept as well.

    Good luck! It's a hard habit to break.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I save cucumbers or pickles for those times.

    I can eat an entire cucumber and not feel guilty. I feel full, but it's not going to undo my day. Also, sugar-free Jello.

    I also will pick up a pack of chewing gum and keep my mouth busy that way.

    It's mind over matter! If you absolutely can't concentrate on anything else, have something, but control yourself, and make it a good choice that you won't regret.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Oh I mean SNACKING. Not just a few pretzels or some peanut butter, I mean I start eating and can't stop and destroy my goal & progress.

    How do I stop this? Ugh

    Instead of changing this behavior, have you ever attempted to just eat less calories during the day so that you can snack at night without going over your daily goals for intake?
  • Candeka
    Candeka Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a late night snacker as well and what works for me is coming on this site. Anytime my brain starts to crave icecream or chips or something (I live with other people so those things are always in my house).... I just log onto this site or a different one to distract me!
  • rayleansout
    Go to bed early and get up earlier to do morning cardio, a few days of that and you will be ready for bed early!
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
  • tessaquinn
    i have the same problem! even if i am deathly full, i continue eating! i have a serious problem!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I recommend you eat a bowl of cereal before bed.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    I drink water. It is a HARD habit to break, but you can do it.
  • healthier_shana
    healthier_shana Posts: 16 Member
    I have a huge problem with this also! Honestly, I just go to sleep earlier than I used to and find I eat less. Or if not to sleep, it helps me to at least close down the kitchen and be in my bedroom with everything I need (water, laptop, book, whatever) by 8pm, so I have no reason/excuse to be in the kitchen.
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I am a late nite snacker... but I plan my snacks (and the rest of my menu) the day before. I won't give up my snacking, but planning keeps everything under my calorie goal. On those days when I need more, I make sure I get the calorie burn in to cover them.
  • IHeartNewMe
    IHeartNewMe Posts: 150 Member
    A few suggestions come to mind:
    --Try eating more calories during the day. So, not so hungry at night.
    --Eat a bigger portion of protein at dinner, like suggested above.
    --Drink more water throughout the day, and a nice big tumbler of water with dinner.
    --Drink a cup of cocoa or decaf at night. SwissMiss makes a delicious "diet" cocoa called Sensible Sweets. It's really satisfying.
    --Drink a protein shake at night after dinner like EAS AdvantEdge. They really fill me up.

    Hope some of these suggestions help.
  • TheYankeeBelle
    It seems like this is more of a distraction/boredom issue. I would agree with the other poster about logging onto this website. I also follow a lot of fitness and weightloss Twitter feeds and they are constantly posting articles that are motivating, so I read that when I have the urge to do something/eat something that will undo my progress. And one look at old photos of myself will definitely put a curb on snacking. Make a new habit to replace your snacking; whatever you can do to distract yourself, do it for 21 days straight. That's how long they say it takes to create a new habit. Good luck and keep us posted!
  • jamielynnbruh
    When dieting and exercising your body craves crunchiness! Eat some crisp celery, or a pickle! Or some lettuce! Anything crunchy! and it will help with those late night snacking! Also, sometimes your body can mistake dehydration for hunger so make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout your day!
  • kenyonsmom10
    kenyonsmom10 Posts: 97 Member
    Oh I mean SNACKING. Not just a few pretzels or some peanut butter, I mean I start eating and can't stop and destroy my goal & progress.

    How do I stop this? Ugh

    Drink A BIG glass of water.... I mean BIG and GULP it do not sip it..... it works.... eventually you will not even feel like eating at night. Also you can do this right before going to bed.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I drink tea or coffee -- nice and warm and not too calorie-laden.

    Also? I made a resolution to floss every single night this year. This makes me NOT want to eat afterwards, so I do my dental ritual early -- and I spend a lot of time on it -- so I don't want to eff it up by eating afterwards.
  • artemis222
    artemis222 Posts: 390 Member
    Oh I mean SNACKING. Not just a few pretzels or some peanut butter, I mean I start eating and can't stop and destroy my goal & progress.

    How do I stop this? Ugh

    Instead of changing this behavior, have you ever attempted to just eat less calories during the day so that you can snack at night without going over your daily goals for intake?


    I used to be a huge snacker. I like to keep veggies and fruit around to snack on. If you're looking for something more fibrous and salty try just having one serving of Triscuits. There's nothing wrong with eating at night. I try to not have any unhealthy snacks around the house. Period. :)
  • raquelfrederick
    raquelfrederick Posts: 2 Member
    Brush your teeth, nothing tastes good after that
  • judgejava
    Put of a photo of yourself on the cupboard or fridge or the packets of the snacks you would eat, if you like the way you look then its not a problem i guess,if you dont then it may stop you snacking, or a sticky note with your weight on and your goal weight.

    If this dont stop you snacking you dont really want to change anything so again not a problem.

    Or everytime you want to snack down a pint of cold water, it will satiate you

  • ywhitted
    ywhitted Posts: 1 Member
    I have this issue myself... The things I try are
    A big glass of water.
    If water will not do, the light yoplait yogurts. they come in dessert flavors(100 -110 calories)
    Or a the sherbert push pops (depending the brand 50 - 80 calories) -only 1 though