

  • Great week everyone!
    SW 163
    wk1 160
    wk2 157.4
    Lost a little over 5 lbs :) right on track and feeling motivated! Eating better feels good!
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Everyone is doing so well!! Keep up the good work! X
  • angel2296
    angel2296 Posts: 31 Member
    OOPS! I saw the Week 3 post before this are the numbers again.

    SW 251.8
    W1 251.8
    W2 250.7

    Down 1.1 lbs......headed the right direction!! Gotta get back to my WATER!!! That will be my mini-goal....drink 8 cups of water!!

    Great job everyone!!! Wow, lots of you have lost 2 or more pounds per week.....Wow! Keep it up everyone!!
  • bglick
    bglick Posts: 6
    SW: 183
    WK1: 182
    WK2: 181

    At this point I don't think I meet the goal but I'm going to keep going because this is keeping me motivated!
  • lynn12
    lynn12 Posts: 87 Member
    Sw - 164 lbs (01/01/2012)
    Week 1 - 163.5 lbs
    Week 2 - 163
    Week 3 - xxx lbs
    Week 4 - xxx lbs

    Total loss for January - xx lbs

    Mini goal drink more water!
  • TripMom
    TripMom Posts: 102 Member
    SW 221.6 lbs 3/January 2012
    WK1 218.9 lbs 7/January 2012 Lose: 2.7
    WK2 214.5 lbs 14 January 2012 Lose: 4.4
    WK3 xxx lbs 21/January 2012 Lose:
    WK4 xxx lbs 28/January 2012 Lose:
    Total loss for January - 7.3 lbs

    As far as a mini-goal...I'm not drinking any alcohol..even if I have the calories for it. Been doing that since we started.
    Exercise is really helping too!
    Thanks for doing this Challenge!
  • carole456
    carole456 Posts: 121 Member
    sw 279
    Week 1 269
    Week 2 266

    Mini goal - eat more fish! Increase my duration of exercise
  • jeclpi
    jeclpi Posts: 28
    SW: 187
    Week 1: 185.4
    Week 2: 183

    Had a strange up-and-down sort of week - so was quite relieved to have lost - thanks everyone for posting and helping tp motivate - couldn't do this without all these fabulous examples!
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    SW: 248
    1/7: 241
    It was a roller coaster this last week so I know this next coming week will be much better since im starting curves complete.:)
  • jgandy4094
    jgandy4094 Posts: 20 Member
    Ok...Wk 3 weight 222...whoot whoot, down another pound...
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    OK 3rd week it is, cant find a new message so here it is...

    wk 3- 175lbs thats a 4lb loss putting Jan's weight loss at 7lbs. SO SO Happy was surprised as last week was almost a stand still with only half a lb off. One week and 3lbs though is going to be a challenge!!

    Happy weigh in's people!! x x
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    SW: 181.0
    Jan 7th: 177.6
    Jan 14th: 175.0
    Jan 21th: 173.2

    Jan 28th:

    GW: 171.0

    Down 1.8....1.2 lbs to go

    I would love to see 160s by the end of the month...
  • jen101383
    jen101383 Posts: 8 Member
    SW: 154.8
    Jan 7-Week 1: 153.2
    Jan 14-Week 2: 153.2
    Jan 21-Week 3: 149.4
    Jan 25=Week 4:xxx
    Total for Jan: xxx

    Down 5.4!
  • sreeves1429
    sreeves1429 Posts: 23 Member
    SW - 185 lbs.
    Wk 1 - 180 lbs.
    Wk 2 - 180lbs.
    Wk 3 - 179 lbs.
    Wk 4

    OK, so this is a bit harder than it usually is for me. I seem to have struggled in the weight loss dept. this month. Have to ramp it up for the next week. :smile:
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member
    Let us all know what your SW is, and each week log that weeks weight at the end of the 4 weeks tell us your total weight loss of that month
    SW 200.5 lbs
    WK1 199 lbs
    WK2 198 lbs
    WK3 200 lbs
    Total loss for January - xx lbs
    WK4 xxx lbs

    Well yuck, that's not the direction its supposed to be moving, but I finally got back into the exercising routine. Didn't realize how much I needed my endorphin fix, but go tin 5 1/2 miles on the ellipse this morning. So I'm ready to really buckle down and get the ball rolling, even though tis the 11th hour
  • jeclpi
    jeclpi Posts: 28
    SW: 187
    W1: 185.4
    W2: 183
    W3: 181.4
    W4: ...

    Nice to be 12 stone-something again - it's been a long time! Here's to us all keeping it going next week, and into Feb as well!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Mini goals love the idea. My mini goal: workout at least 5 days weekly any thing more will be a bonus.

    Cheers to all of us! I don't weigh. Just go by my clothes which are fitting looser.