Please help!? It's not shifting, what am I doing wrong!?



  • vcreinert
    Watch your salt intake and drink lots of water. Also make sure you eat maximum calories. It takes calories to burn calories.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Weight lifting is very helpful.
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    There are lots of great suggestions here. What caught my eye right away - you are most likely not eating enough. I have not looked at your food diary.

    However, when you log on to the MFP there is a calorie tracker. That is very close your basal metabolic rate (BMR). You should not go below your BMR for your caloric intake My guess is that you may be a couple of hundred calories below your BMR with your caloric intake.

    For everyone reading this - I have found the podcast - the hosts are using very sound advise - a lot of the information is based on peer reviewed literature and a lot of the program is based on questions from the listeners. Best of all - no product endorsements or advertising.
  • Yarrum84
    Yarrum84 Posts: 57 Member
    Yes, you eat those calories. MFP is a little different from other programs in that it subtracts the deficit up front, and does not include exercise into your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). This is different from the more common programs of computing TDEE with an estimate of exercise already factored in. This seems to confuse a great many people here.

    Some further reading

    Oh right :) Cool, nice one, thanks :)

    I will try and up my exercise. I still have gym membership as I was doing that 3 times a week (and still having that blasted 5lb on 5lb off trouble). I love the gym :) I'm just in pain. Bending is a no no, twisting is a no no. I'll be walking and all is fine, and then BANG pain shoots through my pelvic area.
    I loved doing classes like Zumba, step aerobics, boxercise etc.

    Scan on the 23rd, and test results through on Monday so hopefully it can get sorted out asap :)

    Awwww pang of guilt over people talking about the processed foods lol. My fault, I asked for it though lol. I didn't think it would matter as I was under calorie, fat etc. Again, was only to up calories because it was under 1200 - stocking up on fruits, eggs etc :D

    What's BMR?

    Salt and Sodium is the same yes? I've not put that on my diary, I've only got calorie, carbs and fat
  • sandnessmj
    stop eating cookies for breakfast and snack cakes for snacks and eat real unprocessed food. the worst combo is sugar and fat. your body thinks "jackpot!" and turns it into fat regardless of how little you eat. and how are you not starving on the little amount of food you do eat? so yeah, up your calories and stop eating junk food like cookies and chips and snack cakes.

    This is unfortunately wrong. If you are in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight, and your body will not automatically store ingested fats and sugars as fat. You won't be getting quality nutrition, but in the end it boils down to your caloric balance. Eat more than you burn? You gain. Eat less than you burn? You lose.

    Make lean proteins the base of your meals, add fibrous vegetables and healthy fats. Starches and grains should be an afterthought, as they are high in calories and typically low in nutrients. Drink an appropriate amount of water, too.

    Remember that many things can affect your progress and weigh in: water weight, a faulty scale, miscalculating your portion sizes, miscalculating your energy expenditure, etc.