Moms with do you find time to exercise?

I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter. It is practically impossible to work out anymore, because she barely ever takes naps anymore and follows me around all day. I can't even go to the bathroom in privacy (as I'm sure you all understand.) How do you ladies find time to work out? She used to religiously take naps and that was when I worked out and also I'd work out after she went to bed. Now, she is going through separation anxiety phase and even sleeps in my bed, so I have not one single minute alone, except when I go to class (about 3 1/2 hours a week). Any ideas, suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • mickey120
    mickey120 Posts: 14 Member
    My little 2 yr old likes to exercise right along with me. Granted, I watch a lot of Jillian Michael workouts and stuff instead of a treadmill or going to the gym. With the dvd's it seems to hold her attention and she'll "play" workout as well.
    You could try to find special quiet activities for her to do only during your workout session as well. Best of luck! It does get a little tricky :D
  • I make a point to just stay on my feet as much of the day as possible. Do more chores that I don't really have to do. Just something to get me on my feet. When I'm on the internet I use my phone instead of the computer. When I'm making alist or reading I use the kitchen counter as a table and remain standing, etc. My son is 3 1/2 as well and exercise is very difficult to fit in. So I stand all day instead :oP
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I don't go to the gym either, I just work out at home. And she loves to work out along side of me, especially Hip Hop Abs. However, I prefer to do JIllian workouts as well and frankly, I'm afraid of cracking her in the head or kicking her. She finds it necessary to be RIGHT BESIDE me. I guess I will just have to try it. I thought of maybe setting her up in the basement with a movie (it's finished), but that's her dad's man cave and I don't think I"d be able to concentrate on working out due to worrying about what she getting into down there. I do have a video monitor ....just dawned on me, I could set the camera up down there and spy on her while I work out without having to stop what I'm doing.....hmmmmmmmm.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My running partner has a child that turned 4 in early December. During the summer, we took turns pushing him in a stroller or carrying him on our backs. Now that it's winter, we (or the dog) pull him in a sled. We are going to try snow shoeing this afternoon and pull him in a sled. When I watch him, he loves music and I put Zumba on and we dance. you could try a Leslie Sansone walking video with her. Good luck.
  • crixmix
    crixmix Posts: 30
    This is why I started the shred. I have a 3 yr old, and a 1 yr old. While the ingest one naps my daughter and I do the shred together. She loves it, far more than i do ;)

    Give it a try..Lu's you're setting a good example.

    If all else fails you can just give your child air plane rides all day!!!
  • rachel7628
    rachel7628 Posts: 2 Member
    My 3.5 yr old just works out along with me. She asks for specific work outs and mostly just likes being there. I have had to tell her (on multiple occasions) that I can't work out if she's giving my legs a hug. I figure it may not be as effective a workout for me as it otherwise would be, but it's something.
  • jesess
    jesess Posts: 116 Member
    My son was like that at that age, he's 4 1/2 now and has gotten better. I just bought a mini stepper, it takes up little space and is very quiet, so when he is watching tv I can get on it and he leaves me alone. Also, my husband will cook dinner and have him help to distract him, and it gives me 20 or so minutes to hop on my exercise bike. It's hard to find time when they are little, but it gets easier.
  • I have a 2 year old little girl. I usually exercise with her right along with me. I notice that if I exercise and don't mind her much when she becomes clingy, something else draws her attention. When I do Zumba, she does it right along with me. Also, when she's napping I take advantage of that time.
  • crewsicka
    crewsicka Posts: 105 Member
    I have a 2 year old daughter.... Sometimes I work out 3 times a day. Find a gym with a day care.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Everyone should take a walk with their children. They will benefit too and it's free.
  • Cheri1218
    Cheri1218 Posts: 268 Member
    I will do lots of videos here at the house. My son is 4 so I can put a movie on for him and them play another dvd on my computer in the same room. Or, I have a treadmill in my bedroom so he sits on the bed and plays while I walk. He knows he's not allowed to come near the machine while it's on and so far we haven't had any problems. At first he was very interested in whatever I was doing, but now it's no big deal to him.
  • My son will turn three tomorrow and loves using dumbbells (1kg) and copies me whilst I do my kettle bells DVD, he also just got a bike from Santa and insists on cycling down to the local shop (normally with me running along beside him to make sure he doesn't fall off.

    I am also lucky that my local sports centre has a creche which I put him in for an hour whilst I am at the gym then we go swimming - well he jumps and I catch him!!!!!
  • I try to take a walk while he rides his bike. Not the best speed, but movement is movement. If the playground is empty I try to like do squats while i push him in the swing,or do arm raises, bicep curls, tricep extensions without weights as he is sliding, I try to climb the low structures with him...I am trying to do a video at night once he is in bed. I have debated trying a kids stretching tape with him. None of this I really think is as intense as I wish or need, but it is not all or nothing, something is better than nothing.
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    I wake up at 4:20 am... workout for an hour (DVD- squats, lunges, weights, circuit training, etc). I also walk 3 miles at lunch (work).
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I have a 6 year old and a 6 month old, and I've always tried to do things that I can do with them. Like we have "dance" parties, and just crank up the music and get up and have a good time, or we go for nature walks, or I take him down to the playground and while he's running around I do some exercising out there, even if it's just laps around the playground.
  • I am home with a 19 month old and a 4 year old every day. I get the 19 month old down for a nap, set the 4 year old up on or games or playing in his room with his train table, and then jump on the bike to ride as long as I can before the baby wakes up. If the 19 month old acts like he won't nap, I put them in the stroller and walk. I usually walk about 3 miles. It takes about 50 minutes, and they come home so calm and relaxed. Sometimes the baby falls asleep on the walk, too, so then I get to hop on the bike for a little while. I do my JM 30 DS after everyone is asleep at night.

    I also have a gym membership with 2 hours of childcare a day. I use it when I get the opportunity (if my kids are sniffly or anything, I don't take them, so having a large family I have to pass on the gym quite a bit).
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    When my children were little I joined a gym and when their father came home from work I said, "see you in an hour and a half" and let him watch his kids for a while. Time alone with Dad was good for both.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    When it's nice outside I push my two toddlers to the park in the stroller, then while they play I have a whole routine of exercises I have developed using the play equiptment (step up, pull ups, etc.)

    When it is not nice outside either we go to the gym and take advantage of the playroom (big expense, but my sanity is worth it), or I let them pick a movie and watch it in the other room. I try to limit TV time during the rest of the day so that movie time is more captivating.

    Doesn't always work and I often end up with a 2 and 4 yr old climbing all over me. Good luck!
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Are you a single mom? If not, when does your husband get home? Put him on kid duty for 1 hour while you work out-after all, he's reaping the benefit of a hot bod.
    If you are a single mom or daddy is travelling a lot, etc, try using HER as exercise or a helper. My girls LOVE when I let them sit on my feet and I do sit up and each time I go up I kiss them. Or I bring my knees to my chest with them on my feet. Have her lay across your arms and "curl" her. GIve her a piggy back ride and go up and down your stairs with her on your back.
  • I exercise in my basement so my 3 yo comes donw with me and i bring him a snack and he brings his toys and plays, and when hes bored with that he joins in with me which is cute, also I only do 20 min workouts at a time (unless Ive been bad lol) good luck !