For all the *actual* dog lovers out there...



  • mle_k
    mle_k Posts: 88
    When I first got my "fur babies" I had a nice big yard. Then i sold my house and we now live in a nice condo, WITHOUT a yard! So I love my dogs, but I have to walk them morning, noon, and night, and all the times in between!~~
    100lb American Bulldog and a 65Lbs Boxer... I'll post a pic when I figure out how!

    On the deck above the river by burgenah, on Flickr

    aww sooo cute!!!! we have an AB and Boxer-pit mix... they do require a TON of walking... even with the yard... Bandit is a lazy lump... haha
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    This is Sadie. She is 7 years old. She is a maltese - brussels griffon mix. She is not at all about pleasing her master. She is all about SADIE! Cute but rotten!

  • Proud parent of 6 small dogs,and one well cleane=ed home lol.
  • birdi0421
    birdi0421 Posts: 16 Member
    LOVE my puppies! I could not have gotten through the past year without their unconditional love!!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    i wouldn't necessarily call myself a dog lover; i am actually terrified of unfamiliar dogs.....BUT i love MY dog

    This is Mya - my brindle pit/lab rescue....




  • froggy1057
    froggy1057 Posts: 13 Member
    I needed this today! 10 years ago today I had to put down my black lab Buster who was my constant companion for 12years! I didn't get another dog for a few years, my doxie who is curled up with me here in cold, snowy Ohio! "Duke":smile:
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    TB just sat next to my bed, with her head on it-looking at me. I sobbed and she put her paw up.......I swear it was like slow motion (I am crying as I write this) she slowly came up next to me, full length of my body.................and lay there perfectly still all afternoon and into the night.

    I was crying reading it!
  • i love my neenooo:flowerforyou:
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hi :flowerforyou:

    I've 3 Bichon Frise Bonnie, Mollie and Lacey Lou and 2 kitty cats Tasha & Oscar they make me smile everyday :bigsmile: 2 out of my 3 girls are rescue :heart:

    Love them to bits and umm they are so good ... they let me share their bed!! :laugh:
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Adopt a shelter pet and please spay and neuter :flowerforyou:

    PS - I'm a veternarian! :bigsmile:
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Adopt a shelter pet and please spay and neuter :flowerforyou:

    PS - I'm a veternarian! :bigsmile:

    All my kids are done and only one of my girls I got as a baby :bigsmile: my other girls ex :explode: puppy farm :frown: My 2 kittens are rescue too :bigsmile:
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    Raychal came into our lives 20 years ago when a kid I worked with had to get rid of her very well trained 6 mo old golden lab puppy. I really didnt want a dog as I had 3 little kids and 2 full time jobs. Actually, I almost gave her away 6 months later for this reason.

    I am so very thankful I didnt. She was with us for 15 yrs or so. She lived so long, and so healthy it was a shame I let her stay for another few months because I just was not ready to let her go:cry:

    My son came home with an Australian Shepherd (in av) named TB (rolls eyes, dont ask). TB is sweet, loving and so dangum smart. I stink at training, but she is so quick to learn even I can do it:wink:

    When Rach went home to hang out with my Mom on the other side,it was horrible. It is hard being alone through something like that. I just went in my room.

    TB just sat next to my bed, with her head on it-looking at me. I sobbed and she put her paw up.......I swear it was like slow motion (I am crying as I write this) she slowly came up next to me, full length of my body.................and lay there perfectly still all afternoon and into the night.

    That dog saved my heart:love:

    My son was supposed to take her home. He calls for an awkward conversation. He starts to talk and I cry :sad: please don't take her!!! He laughs:laugh: I was hoping you would say that, the apt doesnt allow dogs!!

    She is my best friend. This past year and a half have been filled with sickness, sadness, craziness and loss..........through it all she is right there!

    If not for her I would have gained back every ounce I lost. Instead I am on my way down again.

    I love that dog with all my heart:heart:

    This entire story made me cry :( I am so sorry for your loss, and at the same time I am happy that TB came into your life <3
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Dolly, the white dog I posted in the yellow t-shirt, was adopted today! I cried when she turned to look at me as we were walking to their car, and then she was looking over the back seat at me watching me walk up the driveway. :( She's going to a great home though, and she has her own little girl to play with now, so I'm very happy for her!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Adopt a shelter pet and please spay and neuter :flowerforyou:

    PS - I'm a veternarian! :bigsmile:

    Agreed! And may I add that retired racing Greyhounds are wonderful dogs! Best to have a fenced yard, they are generally laid back, sweet, well behaved, and housebroken when you get them or they get the idea really quickly. Mine are from Team Greyhound in Ohio...they pick them up and use a prison program where the prisoners work with the dogs on basic training and to socialize them more - great for the dogs and certainly better for someone in prison!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member outfit is complete without dog hair.

    I love this. I grew up with allergies and always said I could never had a dog that shed because of the hair. We now have a beautiful 1 year old husky mix who sheds like crazy and I wouldn't trade her (or the hair) for the world!

    and I'm fairly certain I no longer suffer from allergies and I like to think it's from my clean and healthful diet/lifestyle. :wink:
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    Our border collie mix Bella is currently vying for the "alpha" position with her adoptive aunt. Bless her soul, I think she might someday get it.
  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    I love my damn dog, and my life has been enriched by every dog that I've owned. :drinker:

    This. Better get back to cuttin' tail holes in diapers, dude. XD

    We have a mutt. She's amazingly stupid. Hates UPS trucks and their drivers, be they right outside or a block away. She "takes care" of our kidlet when she's not well. Can't go outside first thing in the morning until she's spastically greeted everyone in the house by running into them with a snarly smile. I love her to bits.
  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    ok...I couldnt post the quote just right but the one with the amazingly stupid dog cracked me up. As you can see, I have a chocolate lab, he is the joy of your household, my kids love him to bits and can do anything to him. he's glad to have their attention and sleeps in my sons bed every night (even tho dad doesnt know ;) home is complete without a dog.
  • love my 2 dogs Max and Buddy ......their more happy to see me then my kids :bigsmile: 6261264.png
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  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member home is complete without a dog.
