ODD questions about WEIGH INS!!! ??? Advice?

Hello everyone!

I have what might be an odd question. Tomorrow is my weigh in and I am actually excited about this one. But I don't want to do anything the day before that could potentially ruin it.

Any advice? My hubby wants to eat at a restaurant this evening and I am worried that could affect the weigh in. I feel like I could be 'weighted down' or something. :/ Yikes.

I also want to do a great 'last chance workout' but I have heard that working out hard the day before a weigh in could actually make you heavier. ???

Thanks everyone!!! :)

Hope everyone has a great day!!!!


  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    LOL - Does restaurant food weigh more than home cooked food? :-))

    You still have to eat, so it may as well be somewhere nice, just go out, enjoy yourself, and make the right menu choices.

    Have fish/chicken & Salad/Veg - it doesn't have to be a high cal blowout just because it's in a restaurant.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Don't be a slave to your weigh ins. You're not on the Biggest Loser and won't be eliminated if you don't lose as much as you want.

    Personally, I prefer Friday or Saturday morning as weigh-in days. If I'm going to go out to eat, it'll likely be on a Saturday night and a lot of my favorite foods (sushi, Mexican, pizza) have a lot of sodium that makes me retain fluid. I always weigh at least 3# more on Monday morning than I do the following Friday morning.
  • kittendream
    Weight fluctuates so much during 24 hours, regardless of what you ate the night before.... enjoy your night out, as someone else said, make the right choices eating while you're out, weight is just a number....muscle weighs more than fat. It should be more about the clothes you fit into and the comments you get from others. Good luck : )
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    My official weigh in days are on Wednesdays. Half way the week, because if i do go out to eat its usually on fri or sat. I have sun, monday & tues to workout and get back into my routine before the big day.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i always plan our eating out nights for sunday or monday nights... i weigh in sunday mornings normally and i dont really worry about anything like that before my weigh in - i workout saturday and eat whatever i had planned for teh day and call it good.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    LOL - Does restaurant food weigh more than home cooked food? :-))

    You still have to eat, so it may as well be somewhere nice, just go out, enjoy yourself, and make the right menu choices.

    Have fish/chicken & Salad/Veg - it doesn't have to be a high cal blowout just because it's in a restaurant.

    No, but restaurant foods tend to have LOADS of sodium in comparison to homemade foods, so you can majorly retain water.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Don't be a slave to your weigh ins. You're not on the Biggest Loser and won't be eliminated if you don't lose as much as you want.


    Go out to eat. Choose a meal that fits within your goals. Drink extra water if you're concerned about sodium. Weigh in tomorrow as normal, and if you show a gain, realize it may be water weight and try again in a day or two. It's not that big of a deal. Really. :)