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Moms with toddlers...how do you find time to exercise?



  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    my kids arent really toddlers any more, but still young (4 and 5). we try to get out to the park as much as possible, always walking there and back.. sometimes while at the park we have races, or go for walks around the lake.
    when i would do dvds, they pop in a do some of it with me until they got bored and then theyd run off and play. they really liked the walk away the pounds dvds, and 30 day shred lol
    lately since ive been going to the gym, after they go to bed, hubby and i head to the gym (theres still people in the house to keep an ear out for them).
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i make time. i put the kids in the gym creche, and that is my hour every single day.

    i decided that 2011 was going to be my year. for my health and mental state, i needed to lose the weight because it was affecting my negatively in every aspect of my life.

    to start with i used my cardio equipment at home, and i wouldn't get off for 40 minutes unless there was blood. so they could whinge and moan and fight and cry, and i wouldn't get off, i'd just yell at them from the cardio equipment. eventually they got used to knowing that they had to just deal with me exercising every morning.

    then, i got my gym membership, and the girls had to get used to going to the gym creche. it's only an hour a day, it won't kill them, and they are safe and being well cared for, so they just had to learn to deal with the separation. so every single week last year except maybe 3 weeks, i went to they gym 4-5 times a week. with a 2 and 4 year old.

    you really have to prioritise yourself. they need you, and you are a better you if you are healthy. they will learn, they will adapt, but you have to be strong and put them out of their comfort zone if they have separation issues. Excuses will not get you to your goals, so you have to make the decision to make it happen despite all the hurdles that are always there.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I have an almost 4 year old daughter that is very much on the go constantly. I also have two girls I have to get up and get off to school everyday. I try to make it a point to get up an hour earlier just so I can have ME time and collect my thoughts for the day. I spend that ME time on the treadmill or my bike. I know it's a lot sometimes to get up that extra hour early, and sometimes I don't, but every single second I can get for my exercise is a blessing.
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    Just come up with creative games to play with your child. I work in the toddler classroom at a daycare, and I feel like I work out ALL day because I'm constantly running around with the kids!
  • amruden
    amruden Posts: 228 Member
    I find movement in the simple forms.
    Trips and down the stairs. Have her count each time, and give her a HIGH FIVE! ( add hand or leg weights)
    It could be simple as turning the music up and Dancing.
    Bonding and learning!
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    I do a 25 - 40 minute workout at 6 a.m. before the kids get up. Usually they sleep until a little before 7 but if they're up early, sometimes they come out and join me (with 1 pound weights) or they'll lay on the couch and wait for me to be done because they're still a little sleepy. We also play Wii Just Dance almost every afternoon and that's a great way for all of us to exercise together and have fun at the same time. I would also suggest going to the park with your child either in a stroller or on a tricycle while you walk.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am a granny now but when my kids were little my husband would take over when he came home for a bit. It gave me 30 minutes or so to take a walk or sometimes....just a bubble bath! It is good for you and for your whole family. I also remember doing situps with them holding my feet and push ups with them on my back. You could do some jumping jacks or run in place while she is playing. 10 minutes here and there through the day will make a difference. Good luck!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I find movement in the simple forms.
    Trips and down the stairs. Have her count each time, and give her a HIGH FIVE! ( add hand or leg weights)
    It could be simple as turning the music up and Dancing.
    Bonding and learning!

    Like this alot! A mommy and me exercise class would be fun too!:happy:
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    My daughter is gonna be 3 in April. I either get up before she does so I can get my time in or if I'm doing a video she's tries o do stuff along me- of course the focus isn't gonna be there, but it's better than nothing. The other I do is put her in her room to play. I still have her monitor so I can see/hear her with me. We have the gate on her room door which she can't open so she'll play fine. Sometimes of course she doesn't want to be in there and she cries and screams let me out but it stops after a few minutes. She's usually plays well by herself and of course those sorta of times I need to exercise I will give her the treat of her iPad so she can do puzzles and matching games. Keeps her occupied.

    Good luck!
  • hannahmayr30
    hannahmayr30 Posts: 93 Member
    Jogging stroller! I put the 20 month old in the stroller and y 4 yr old rides her bike. I also get up at 5 to do 30 day shred before they wake up. Taking classes at the gym is also an option, I do classes 3 nights a week.
  • TaraTLC83
    TaraTLC83 Posts: 93 Member
    We have dance parties. When it's just the baby and I, I hold her (she's 20 pounds), crank some music, and jump around the living room like a crazy person. It's good cardio! When I'm babysitting my two year old niece, she takes her baby, and does the same. Dancing for an hour is a lot of work.
  • peach05
    peach05 Posts: 31 Member
    When it's nice outside I take my 17mo old in a stroller, and 6 year old with me on long walks. When I'm doing weights or when it's just not nice out I wait until hubby gets home and he watches them for an hour, or I go during naptime and the 6 year old plays ipad while I work out. My kids also love to dance, so sometimes we just blast the radio and dance like crazy! Somedays it doesn't work out, but mostly it just comes down to making exercise a priority just like eating and showering each day. In fact, some days I've skipped a shower in favor of getting in a workout if I have to.
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    I feel your pain. I have a 7,4,3 and 2 year old and I do Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds. My older girls watch tv in the other room mostly but lately they've all been joining in on walking which is fine by me :)
  • shana_phoenix83
    shana_phoenix83 Posts: 98 Member
    I have a very clingy 2 year-old, and I've found that trying to workout with him is difficult. I either take him on a walk/jog in the stroller outside, or I go to the gym early in the morning while him and my husband are still sleeping.
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    First of all, let me say I do not like having my little girl watch TV. But, it is literally the only thing I can distract her with enough that she'll let me work out. So, she gets 30 minutes of TV at night before bed and I get a workout in. If you're like most US families then your kid already watches TV, just save it for when you work out. If you do DVD's at home and only have one tv in the house, or want them in the same room, then buy a little portable dvd player. This may not be the best approach but it works for us, and at least I'm showing her how to be fit instead of plopping down beside her and watching right along.
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    I have 2 1/2 year old twins....I don't go to the gym anymore but I just started to incorporate them more in my excercising. I take them on walks, to the park to run around.....and I rent work out videos and have them do it along with me, they thing it's fun. Of course I don't get the exercising in the way I used to, but at least it's something.
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I have 4 kids youngest is 2.5 so I know how frustrating it can be. I started waking up early for me time or days I dont I stay up late or I do nap time. Tell her she can either join or she has to sit down and let you. You are her mommy you have to be the boss. My 7 yr old has really bad seperation anxiety still sometimes but she gets that when its my time its MY time. 20 min/30 mins whatever. Make her have a quiet time. Dont argue with her and even if the first cpl days dont work out she will eventually get it and you will have your time and she can have quiet time.
  • kswift85
    kswift85 Posts: 56 Member
    I have a three year old daughter and one year old son...sometimes they entertain each other....most times i have to use a tv show to distract them while i get my workout in (which isnt my fav way) but most times i have my daughter doing zumba orbwhatever other dvd right along with me while my son watches us and bops along too. Unfortunately they also like to run around me and my son tries to untie my shoes but i still push to get time for me. And of course my husband is very helpful when he gets home from work too. :smile:
  • TXPiper
    TXPiper Posts: 13
    I push my toddler around the block in the stroller. I also watch PBS morning cartoons with her - she sits and watches Clifford, The Big Red Dog, and I put in my time on our rowing machine.
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    Put her a movie of her choice in and give her a snack. Or have a dance party it burns a lot of calories too!

    I send my 4 yr old to preschool so I take advantage of that time at the gym.