Pet Workout

Just wondering how many people run, walk or workout with thier pets? No disrespect to the kitty lovers out there, I guess I really mean how many of you out there use your dog as a big part of your workout? Would love to see pics of everyones "puppies"!

I've got snow here in PA so I'm not as lucky as my sister in FL who walks her baby "Bella" everyday!

Meet Cena!:



  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Not me! I get the feeling he's not the slave-driver type...might not encourage me to push for higher speeds...


    Cena would be, though - look at those eyes! "Pweeeeze try harder?!"
  • Talus65
    Awww cute turtle, my daughter would loveeee him!!! You can run circles around him! Muahh!

    grrrrr my pic isnt posting in my thread!
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    Aww your puppy is adorable!

    Yeah my kitties aren't so good for exercise. For snuggles and naps, definitely though.
  • tiggertail
    tiggertail Posts: 56 Member
    Yes, yes yes! Once the tourists go home I take my dog down the beach for a swim/run...we both love it. Wanted to post a pic of her but no idea how....sorry. :ohwell:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Don't let a little snow stop you. My running partner and I take 3 dogs on our walk/runs. We even harness the lab to pull her 4 year old in a sled. Today, I'm meeting my mom to snow shoe with her dog. Pets need exercise in the winter too.

    PS if you make the IMG lowercase, the picture should show up in the thread.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Make the 'IMG's lower-case to get it to post...crazy system!
  • Talus65
    Thanks guys!!!!! That's my Cena!

    We do walk in the snow just not as far and as much! I try to break it up with the kids everyone has to run around the block with Cena! LOL! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    My only caveat is for people to know what they are doing before exercising with dogs. They don't respond the same way that humans do, and they can't tell you when there is something wrong. Their excitement about doing things with their owners will cause them to keep on pushing, even when it's not good for them.

    I know that most people love their dogs and would never knowingly do anything to hurt them, but I see so many people running long distances with puppies, or running with dogs in the summer heat, it just makes me sick sometimes.
  • tiggertail
    tiggertail Posts: 56 Member
    Am a total technophobe & still can't work it. Hey ho, have put her as my profile pic & there's one of us kayaking on my profile page too if anyone fancies a peek...she's a real water-baby. :smile:
  • Talus65
    Cute pics of you and your puppy! The profile one of you and her is the best one!!! :)

    I put my photos on photobucket and it generates a link to copy and paste into links. Took me a min but doh! I figured it out! :)
  • aliciawakka
    aliciawakka Posts: 46 Member
    Iv got 2 westies :).. would post a pic but havnt got one of the pair of them together on the computer!.. but they are my babies! They have to be walked seperatly as they get a bit excited when out together! Anyhow i do every other day and the other half does every other day too, then 2days a week they go out (together) up the mountains or somewhere nice for them to get muddy (not great with 2 dogs that are supposed to be WHITE! lol). They are a great way for getting in a few calories burned! lol
  • mirrim666
    My cat helps me exercise. Her favorite is to curl up on the small of my back while I'm trying to do planks.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    I walk with my boy but he's not much of a motivator. An 8 month old cocker spaniel puppy is much more interested in sniffing everything in sight then running lol.

  • JoMousaw
    JoMousaw Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with you. here in Florida I have seen some bad doggie owners, makes me mad. I am very intuned to my Bella. She is extremely sensitive to the humidity and heat. I cannot walk her at all in the hot summer months. When we do go on our long walks, she has a backpack and she carries her own water, we take breaks. She loves it. In the summer, I am lucky enough to be able to take her swimming instead of walking.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    My cat helps me exercise. Her favorite is to curl up on the small of my back while I'm trying to do planks.

    That's a good way to keep your core stable. When I have newbies doing "bird dogs" (on all fours, extend one arm and alternate leg at the same time), I like to put a small pilates ball or 2lb med ball on their lower back so they keep their torso level.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Iv got 2 westies :).. would post a pic but havnt got one of the pair of them together on the computer!.. but they are my babies! They have to be walked seperatly as they get a bit excited when out together! Anyhow i do every other day and the other half does every other day too, then 2days a week they go out (together) up the mountains or somewhere nice for them to get muddy (not great with 2 dogs that are supposed to be WHITE! lol). They are a great way for getting in a few calories burned! lol

    Aww, I love Westies. My sister has one, and there are a lot of them in my neighborhood (they usually come in pairs too).

    I have a pair of Miniature Schnauzers myself.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member

    This is my shelter mutt. She can easily run 3 miles without getting the teensiest bit tired! I envy her stamina!
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    I bring my dog willow everywhere with me when I excercise.
  • inuit
    inuit Posts: 72 Member
    I have just started running with mine (see avatar) lets just say he can go far longer and faster than me, he loves it, i have to slow him down as he loves to jog.

    To be honest our normal walks he finds boring, since i have started jogging and walking a lot faster he is loving it.

    I also cycle with him, he wears a harness, he can go for miles when he is really fit. He is a great motivator.

    I am lucky his breed - British Inuit have a capacity to run or lope for miles. I am not sure i will ever be able to wear him our however fit i am. It is only in hot weather (we do not get much in the UK) that i wont take him out as he is very furry and gets hot.