How do you celebrate your successes?

nimue139 Posts: 11 Member
Yippee!!! 154 pounds! I have not seen this weight on my bathroom scale for over 20 years.
How will I celebrate this achievement without gaining all the weight back?
I promised myself a Caribbean Cruise if I should ever fall below 155, but now that does not seem like such a good idea any more.
The Cruises are all inclusive and have these 'all you can eat' buffets on board, which are deadly for any diet I know LOL
I had to work so hard getting back on track after the holidays. Now that I got back on the wagon again, I don't want to fall off so soon, but I want to do something big to reward myself.
Who has suggestions?


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'd recommend the cruise if it's been a reward you've planned and been working towards. Now that you've lost the weight, you can't be scared of living - you've lost this weight to live better, not hide from experiences that might involve food.

    Be sensible, but enjoy what you've worked so hard towards.

    And congratulations!
  • If you want to celebrate but not end up eating a bunch, try some beautiful clothes. Make sure you also get some fabulous shoes and handbags to match. It'll help you stay motivated to keep where you are, or keep losing, whichever you want.

    Your question, however, is "How do you celebrate your successes?" For me, the success itself is enough.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Now that the fitting room is no longer my enemy, I go shopping. :happy:
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    I'd still go on the cruise! :laugh: Boy I've always wanted to go on one LOL

    You can still enjoy one and get in plenty of daily exercize just go for a daily walk around the ship that will burn off some good calories even do one in the morning and one in the evening :bigsmile:

    Everything in moderation plus can you not say when booking you have dietary requirements? :wink: I'm sure they would have to have a lot of variety of good foods on board :drinker:

    PS Congrats on your loss :bigsmile:
  • bnbutterfly
    bnbutterfly Posts: 8 Member
    I'd still go on a cruise but look for a healthier one that focuses on getting or staying healthy. How about checking out the yearly cruise done by "The Juice Lady". I don't know the website off-hand but if you google the juice lady, once you get to her website the cruise is normally listed at the bottom of the website on the right-hand side. Congrats on your weight loss!!
  • nimue139
    nimue139 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you, butterfly, that is a great idea, I did not know that there is such a thing as a healthy cruise. I will definitely check out the juice lady. Thanks again.
  • nimue139
    nimue139 Posts: 11 Member
    S:eems like wisdom cherry, I am retired and who knows how much time I still have to enjoy the good things in life. This is good advice, I think I will take a cruise after all laugh:
  • nimue139
    nimue139 Posts: 11 Member
    Well Suzy - the fitting room is still my enemy, I am only half way to my goal, ways to go to loose that belly. I can't wait until I am back to my pre-motherhood weight :bigsmile:
    I am happy for you - and envious :flowerforyou:
  • nimue139
    nimue139 Posts: 11 Member
    great idea horseyrider, even though I am not much into clothes and shoes, especially since they do not fit as they used to when I was younger.
    ....and you are right success should be the reward.
  • nimue139
    nimue139 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes Chellie, you are right, there are lots of exercise opportunities on board of the cruise ships, including up to 4 pools - and I loooove swimming. :love: Maybe you should come with me, we can keep each other from dietary sins.