When you're ill, do you-

Do you still try to exercise and consume all of your calories for the day? Is it okay to go under when you're sick?
The past few days I've not been feeling well, but I've still been over 1,200 calories and I did 30min+ of walking, but today I just don't have it in me. Should I still try to eat more even though my stomach is messing with me today? I'm only at 900 calories so far today and my food choices haven't been the best, and I've barely done any exercising.


  • Nobody has any advice or comments? :(
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    I have been feeling off all week and I only managed to get a good workout in on Wed. My stomach has just been weird all week and some days I just knew working out would be a bad idea. I haven't worked out yet today but I am planning on doing at least a run on the treadmill after my dinner settles. My stomach kept me from working out this afternoon and it is so annoying!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    If you are sick, you need to rest. If you push your body too hard when you are ill, it will not like you later. Better to get 100% better and then get back into it.

    If you are ill for an extended period of time, then you should see your doctor.
  • summersmi
    summersmi Posts: 50 Member
    I guess it depends on what is meant by ill. For instance on Christmas day I had a severe flue and I am sure my total calorie intake was well below 1200 because I couldn't keep anything down as well as my exercise was non existent. In this case I think the best thing to do is to get better and worry about calories and exercise later. (on this week I lost about 6 lbs but gain 2 of them back the very next week) On the other hand I have day when I just don't feel great, have a cold or something like that and on those days I just suck it up and do my best to eat right and exercise.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    The very best thing for you is to rest. You're body will thank you next week.
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    from my experience your body naturally fasts while sick too, your energy goes to healing itself not digesting food.. rest rest rest and don't worry about calories when you are sick
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Like others have said, depends how ill. I've heard that symptoms above the neck, it is OK to exercise but if it goes into the chest, exercise should be avoided.

    I usually try to exercise when I start to become ill but when it gets more severe and I feel rotten, then I just rest up. As for calories, eat what you can and if you can't be healthy, then just eat what you fancy. You want calories in you so your body can recover.
  • Thanks for the advice everyone. :)
  • just depends on how bad you feel
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    When I'm sick all I want to do is sleep so that's what I do. If I make it to work I'm in bed as soon as I get home. For me rest is the best medicine.
  • The issue I have is that I've been feeling like I'll throw up, all day. I've felt weak, tired, and just overall ill. Throw a migraine into that mix and it isn't too pretty. I slept off most of the morning but I don't enjoy sitting in bed all day, so I got up for a walk, but that's all I could do without pushing myself too hard. I tried eating a few things, but I just felt worse afterwards.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Rest-- I have migraines and nausea often and I never try to exercise on the days when it's really bad. Just like one day of high calories won't ruin your goals, one day under won't be catastrophic either.
  • Alright, thanks. :)