Has anyone tried HCG?



    Nah, not true. The human body can survive on a lot less for a lot longer than 3 weeks. 3 weeks on a low-cal diet is nothing. Everyone I know who has tried this raves about it. And it is certainly healthier than fake detoxes or the "lemon detox" diet which people actually still do. I think people need to realize that a portion size of protein is 3.5 oz NOT 16 oz....
  • greekbellydancer
    i did the HCG injections last year....yes, i lost weight.....but, what do u think will happen when u eat only 500 calories a day??? LOL
    but, of course, once u go back to eating "normally" ....like, over 1,200 calories, u will gain whatever u lost....
    unfortunately, there are no easy fixes.....it's a lifestyle change......we all need to learn WHAT to eat and HOW MUCH and learn that when we surround ourself with knowledge and supporting people, we can do what it takes to be successful in our weightloss challenges!
    just take the time to read about the success stories here and u will see that NONE of them were successful overnite! :-)
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I am undecided if I will try hcg (again) until I found this website. I have NEVER counted calories in my life and my goal was 1200 today and I bombed. Trying to do low carb 30g or less and 1200 but was starving and ate more like 1500 for day #1. Slightly frustrated and thinking that hcg would be easier. Any advice would be so appreciated. I need to lose 20 and soon.

    I looked at HGC myself and decided against it.
    Here's why

    1) It's a starvation diet. They will get you results but not for long. You won't often find people who do this kind of diet that keep the weight off.
    2) The side effects are horrible. You lose hair, have no energy etc...
    3) It's not the HGC that causes you to lose weight. Most of the people on HGC deny this fact. That's the scariest thing. The person who created the diet wrote something called 'Pounds and Inches'. It states in there it is not the HGC that causes the weight loss but the calorie deficit. If the people that promote it don't even know this it's not a good place to start.

    You're better off losing slowly. You're more likely to keep it off in the long run.
  • Jenatini
    I tried the HCG without drops (tho the drops are suppose to, I'm told, help starve off your hunger). The ONLY thing I like about this diet is that you eat delicious fruits and veggies and lean meats (which is what you're suppose to eat) and it's proportioned (since we all can a tendency to overeat) but it's only 500 calories a DAY! Which isn't much and you're body needs more. I lost 5 pounds. What it did for me was help turn my unhealthy eating habits back around so that I'm now back to eating healthier meals instead of eating salty, fatty foods. And now that I'm eating healthier and have increased my calories to 1200, I'm also exercising which is something that isn't recommended during that diet. It's way better to change your eating habits.. cut out all sugar and salt and add more exercise to get that heart pumping!
  • pammiekay68
    pammiekay68 Posts: 16 Member
    I was told if you were doing the HCG, you were still supposed to eat a maximum of 1200. The weight loss staff told me that 500 isnt enough and is very unhealthy. Just do 1200 and incoorporate exercise into your routine.
  • hopingforhealthy
    yea i totally love drinking pregnant lady pee!
    just a warning - this thread will get locked. they dont allow promotion of unhealthy diets


    hcg is downright dangerous.

    OF COURSE you lose weight eating 500 calories. And probably your hair. And bladder control.
  • Bells5001
    Bells5001 Posts: 75 Member
    M friend tries it lot weight and now gained it all back.....if you want to loose weight eat 1200 cal per day and exercise. Try to reduce "white" carbs and eat lots of veggies :-)....it's slow and steady no quick fixes will keep pounds off.

    Good luck!
  • twentycent
    HORRIBLE IDEA!!! Simply regulating you diet and a small amount regular exercise works for everyone (if it doesn't your either overestimating your caloric needs or you have a metabolic disorder i.e. Thyroid problem or the like. In that case your doctor can run tests and medicate you accordingly). HCG and the like are as bad in my view as amphetamines and steroids if your doctor hasn't suggested it there's a reason why.
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    in my opinion healthy eating and treats in moderation lead to successful and sustainable weight loss. I think aitkens, Dukan, south beach diets ect are fads and should be treated like so. good luck
  • Nikkiray32
    From personal experience I would never recommend doing the HCG diet. I had HORRIBLE side effects. I had headaches that would last all day long into the night. I would wake up out of a deep sleep from hunger pains ( as if I was I was a person from a starving nation). I started bleeding in between my periods. Some days I didn't have the energy to clean the apartment. After doing dishes and vacuuming I felt like I ran a marathon. The only thing HCG does is keep you from shaking and passing out. Oh, and when my cycle was comming and I would get the munchies, I would feel like my stomach was eatting itself from the low calorie intake.
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    Give your body and your stomach a few days to adjust to the 1200 calories. If you go over like today, try to throw in some exercise to get you back to where you need to be. Eat tons of veggies....they fill you up but don't have a ton of calories. In a few days you will get used to the lower calories. I know I personally was probably eating 2500 to 3000 calories a day so the first few days of 1290 I was very hungry. I am now on day 4 and I feel a lot better with the 1290. It just takes a few days.
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    i used hcg for 15 days, and i lost about 15lbs, about a pound a day, but it made me feel awful! i was starving on that! I did not even have energy to walk around the block, it was bad. and as soon as i started eating I gained the 15lbs back. I eat around 1200 calories a day now, and averageing about 5 lbs lost per week. I feel great and i know it will stay off. Hgc was bad, not a good way to loose weight. there are no easy fixes. it takes hard work and dedication!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Dr Oz had some interesting not all unpositive things to say about it ,I saw a clip on the internet.
  • Hirundo
    Hirundo Posts: 148 Member
    brb, grabbing some popcorn

    me too me too !!!
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    Not sure if some else said this or not....HCG drops will NOT be absorbed into your system. They are a large protein and cannot cross through your skin or even mucous membranes. The only form that even gets absorbed is the injectable form. You are wasting your money on anything else. By the way, this diet is not proven to work. As a health care professional with a doctorate, I feel confident telling you this information.
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    Thank you, I agree HCG is really not the natural way to go. I really want to lose 2-3lbs a week but need some advice as to WHAT diet to actually do. Weight watchers doesn't work for me since I tend to eat all my points in not so great things. I guess I will stick this out for a full week and see if I can get some results. Let me know what works best for you all. Thanks for the advice, God knows it need it...ha.

    I think that if you have to take anything to lose the weight you are not going to be able to sustain it long term. As for 2-3 lbs a week is unlikely unless you are willing to work out almost everday. If you even just go for a 30 min moderate walk you can add 186 or so calories to your food diary. If there is a bit of a + everyday you should lose weight.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    pass the popcorn
  • nutritionalchanges
    As everyone has said this diet is bad, dangerous, there is no science the product works for weight loss. this is the second time this diet ethic has been band. this time criminal charges are to be evaluated upon upon sales.do your research on any unnatural product you will be inducing to your body. There is Not a doubt you Will find side affects based upon the individuals health.

    Reevaluate your calorie intake to 1-1.5 pds per wk. ask yourself how many 100-150 cal. snacks to get you from one meal to the next. Minus that from total calories then divide main colorful meals . When plan your shopping around meals, prepackage your snacks, you can move the calo0ries around to met your day. Get some exercise in ( 2-3x's a week) and you will see it melt away while the body you desire forms from lean mussel mass that gets our metabolism going and rewards us in a way to more calories lost if we desire to reward our self.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I was legit eating light popcorn when I stumbled upon this thread.

    I personally wouldn't want to starve myself to lose weight because honestly, I have seen how it affects people. Metabolic disorders, gaining twice the weight back... it's not where I would want to be personally.

    But it's up to the individual, I suppose! Best of luck to you.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    Dr Oz had some interesting not all unpositive things to say about it ,I saw a clip on the internet.

    Dr. Oz is a quack. Among other things, he has been known to hawk supplements that are of little or no value and could actually be harmful. It's possible he has some financial interest in these products, which means his advice may not be objective. Also, I've heard him give advice about diabetes that I know from personal experience is not sound.

    Put your trust in your own doctor. He or she knows your personal medical condition and can give you advice that is right for you. Don't put your trust in some celebrity charlatan who might have some hidden agenda that is contrary to your well being.