Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge



  • tritt86
    tritt86 Posts: 32
    My height 5'3". Current weight 170. Goal weight by Valentine's Day 160. :)
  • Height 5'2
    Current Weight: 129lbs
    Goal Weight by VDay: 122lbs

  • Me Too!!

    I am 5.9
  • zaaden
    zaaden Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in. Will help me focus...

    CW - 198
    GW - 173
    H - 5'11
  • TheVulcanLover
    TheVulcanLover Posts: 36 Member
    QUESTION: WIll all updates be done w/in this thread? Will there be update threads? How ill we know?

    My update: Started the challenge one week ago and I am down 5.6 pounds since the challenge started. Woot woot.
  • tritt86
    tritt86 Posts: 32
    So far I've lost 1/2 pound. That's a start! :)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'm going to update my goal because the weight loss is going a little slower for me than I initially thought. In my first week here I lost three pounds, but then in the past week and half I've been fluctuating with that three pounds and am, essentially, still the same weight I was when I first posted here. So, new goal in case it goes slower than expected:

    CW: 142
    GW: 139-140 (I'll take 139.8 - I just want to be out of the 140s!)
    Height: 5'4"
  • steelersfamily6
    steelersfamily6 Posts: 138 Member
    Ok guys I am in. I would really like to be 190 by Valentines Day but I think that is pushing it so I will say 195 and if I get to 190 I will be screaming with so much joy!
  • caehudson
    caehudson Posts: 27 Member
    I am in. Such a good idea. Starting weight 220 want to be at 210 by Valentines day. I would really like to be under 200 but that might be pushing it a little. Feel free to add me.:smile:
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    current weight = 154lbs
    goal weight by vday = 146lbs
  • pratod
    pratod Posts: 68 Member
    CW: 134
    GW for Valentines: 128
    Final goal weight: 120-125

    let's go!
  • Totally doing this!

    CW: 227
    Goal for 2/14: 222
  • sunnyness
    sunnyness Posts: 3 Member
    Okay - I want to try too.

    Today, January 14 I am 241.8 and by V-Day I want to be 230. I am 5'8".

    Let's see what happens!
  • Ok i want to try!!
    I'm 5'6
    CW 317
    GW 307
    Alright, Here's hoping... GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!
  • thighsBgone
    thighsBgone Posts: 17 Member
    I'll give it my all
    current weight 265
    goal 255
  • r25jlt
    r25jlt Posts: 13 Member
    I'd love to give this ago. My first post, first challenge and looking forward to fitting into 'that dress' for the first time.

    CW:165 (I think)
    GW by valentine's:157


    After going on the scales today may need alter this. I must have been lighter than I thought. (No way I've lost that much this week)

    CW (as of today): 158
    GW (14/2/11): 152
  • claireb9
    claireb9 Posts: 9 Member
    Great idea. This is my first day starting this (again). I'm 5'9 and 166lbs at the moment. Being 154 by Valentines Day would be a good target for me, then just another stone to lose.

    Good luck everyone. Let us know how you get on.

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Week 1 and only down .2 of a pound
    . Will not make my goal at this rate. Discouraged
  • Jcello
    Jcello Posts: 6 Member
    Had a couple of off days, but did ok this week. Down a little bit.
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I would love to give it a shot!

    CW: 119
    GW: 116

    Hopefully this will help me to stay on track.

    Thanks all! Good luck- you can do it!