Spinning/Cardio & P90x???

So I just started here last week and am loving it. I think I am figuring out the nutrition piece and am on pretty good track with that.
The question I have is: I have been doing alomst pure cardio (elliptical or spinning) 4-5x / week. This burns great calories, but I know it is going to help with strenght and muscle tone.

I am looking at adding in P90x into my workout routine. I have done it in the past, but only for a couple weeks. Any thoughts about doing both P90x and cardio? I know I might be looking at two-a-days. Is this overkill? Does P90x incorporate enough cardio for you? I really enjoy spinning & eliptical, but want to start building some muscle/defenition now that the weight is starting to come off...



  • I've done P90x off and on this past year. I just find it super boring.... not so much boring as an hour devoted to pull ups and push ups can get old after a while and I never felt like I was doing enough cardio. So... I switch it up with zumba. I'll do one of the P90x strength workouts in the morning and do zumba after work. (not every day). If you are consistent with it, it does work!
  • pratod
    pratod Posts: 68 Member
    I've never done P90x but I do a body pump class followed by spinning and it feels great! I usually go lighter on the weights though and push myself more in spin class. I think you can totally make 2 a days work for you, athletes do it all the time! good for you for wanting to do more
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    2 a days will KILL you after about 3 weeks. So NOT worth the extra time/effort. I was running a few miles and then doing P90x as well. Only way I'd ever incorporate both would be to do cardio one day and one of the arms/shoulders/muscle building or yoga videos the other days. I know it defeats the whole P90x creed by skipping days, etc, but that is the only way I'd do "extra" cardio while following P90x. You can't have your P90x and cardio too.
    And I do believe that the P90x system is a solid system with both strength and enough cardio built in. I'm training for a 1/2 marathon, so I'm not willing to give up my running days to only do p90X
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    How long is the said body pump class and what do you do in it? Because most of the P90x tapes are over 1 hour--of HARD CORE stuff-not plain old bicep curls with 2 lb weights and such.
  • Great feedback - thanks! I do see what you mean by P90x getting boring.
    That is why I enjoy going to the gym and doing some of the classes.

    I realize that the way P90x works is that you stick with it the entire time and not jump back and forth between P90x and gym workouts - so that is where I was torn...
  • pratod
    pratod Posts: 68 Member
    body pump is an hour long and roughly 800 reps total. I use 12 lbs for squats, 10s for back rows and shoulder press and 5s for biceps and triceps. I am new to lifting but have been spinning for about a year. I wouldn't recommend doing a 2 hour workout if you are new to both lifting and cardio exercise in general, and it sounds like P90x might be pretty tough.