Many tries hopefully this is the one

Hello, my name is Whitney. I have struggled with my weight my whole life Four years ago I decided to make a change and join WW I did awesome on it, I lost 85lbs and was in the best shape of my life. Well 6 months later I started planning my dream wedding and the stress got to me, instead of going to a gym to work out and take out my stress and anger I would sit down in front of the computer or TV and eat my pain away. I gain back 20lbs and then 2 months after our wedding I got pregnant with twin girls I gained 40lbs of water weight and lost all of it once the girls were born. After a month of being home with them I got postpartum depression and started eat A LOT. Now I am the heaviest I have been even when I was pregnant with my girls. I am currently 287lbs and hate myself. I tried WW again, but can't seem to get in the mod to lose weight. I am hoping that I can lose weight with myfitnesspal. and find people that will help me along the way


  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member
    Hi Whitney, I just started two weeks ago. I have 150lbs to lose. If you want to add me as a friend we can give each other alittle motivation. Good Luck Paul
  • Misty_Cathey
    Misty_Cathey Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck Whitney! I too lost alot of weight about 7 years ago then had three children and now I am back up there again :)

    Please feel free to add me!
  • chellefatfree
    chellefatfree Posts: 90 Member
    Feel free to add me too!! I had my son 5 years ago and lost all the weight I gain while I was on my year of maternity leave.....however when I went back to work I put it all back on and then some leaving me at my heaviest weight ever!! :mad: (221lbs) But so far this website has been awesome and the friends are so helpful and supportive! I love it!! (and the fact that I've lost 5lbs already is great too!!:wink: )
  • TinaVanHoecke
    Hi Whitney, You can do this, you have to believe it and want it more than anything! Think about your children and how much more difficult it will be to do the things you want to do with them in your unhealthy state. You have done it before, you can do it again. I lost weight many times before it finally stuck. I am down over 100 pounds and have kept my weight off for 10 years. You have the power to change your life!