How BAD is it if you over the allowed Sugar

Just wondering how bad it is if you go over the daily allowed "sugar" BUT stay under on everything else like calories, fat etc. - I seem to always be alright in those areas but seem to over in the sugar - how much will this effect my weight loss?????? :huh:


  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    I would look at what type of sugar that you are eating. If it is all natural then it is not so bad. You need to watch out for refined and processed sugars.
  • I would look at what type of sugar that you are eating. If it is all natural then it is not so bad. You need to watch out for refined and processed sugars.
    That's my problem I don't know - what are refined and processed sugars??? lol
  • are your sugars coming from fruits and vegetables? or from packaged products? if its coming from fruit you're good don't worry too much about it but try and gradually lower the sugar. if its from packaged products like 100 calorie packets or soda pop or ketchup even then you want to re-evaluate what youre eating and make adjustments
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    are your sugars coming from fruits and vegetables? or from packaged products? if its coming from fruit you're good don't worry too much about it but try and gradually lower the sugar. if its from packaged products like 100 calorie packets or soda pop or ketchup even then you want to re-evaluate what youre eating and make adjustments
    " "
    This - Exactly
  • ntm76
    ntm76 Posts: 25
    Unless you are eating a piece of fruit or vegetable you need to look at labels. If you eat yogurt you want to eat the plain kind and add fresh fruit, stay away from fruit on the bottom types. Avoid corn syrup and things that have the word sugar even if it says natural cane sugar.