Is anyone trying to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol with diet?

I was told to start taking cholesterol meds and refused until trying to lower LDL with diet.
Has anyone done this successfully?
I saw a dietician and she said I need to limit saturated fat to 11g per day and calories to 1500 so I lose a few pounds.


  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    I am trying to lower my cholestrol now and watching all my saturated fats. I was told today by a dr who recently took my blood my cholesterol was wayy too high!! I went threw my past diary entries and yep saw the high cholesterol foods like mcdonalds breakfast sandwiches and breakfast burritos. So now I will track daily sat fats and make sure to stay away from drive thrus!!
  • WandOsMommy
    You may also want to try taking Omega Red pills. This is a fish oil that has been known to lower cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • slambiase
    thanks! I got a fish oil from whole foods that they recommended. I need to test again to see if there is any change in LDL after a while of this and watching Saturated fat consumption
  • slambiase
    drive thrus are usually no so good, though there are some good options
  • gigglepiggle
    gigglepiggle Posts: 29 Member
    I have a Benecol non dairy yoghurt drink every morning, I saw a program a while ago and the Dr said that you needed something like that with plant stanols in to reduce cholesterol. They also recommended eating and drinking a lot of soya
  • Venus2011
    Also try Flaxseed capsules. Was told they lower the level too. I know how it feels when told cholesterol is high. Over all my total cholesterol level is 201 but Triglycerides was 419 almost one month ago!!! Never in my life have I been that high. It is so high, they didn't bother doing the LDL-cholersterol (bad cholesterol). But the good thing is I have gotten back on track with my meal plans.
  • slambiase
    thanks for that tip
  • slambiase
    what do you think about adding flaxseed to things like oatmeal? is that the same as the pill? I just bought a bag of it.
  • SoulNeedsBeauty
    SoulNeedsBeauty Posts: 154 Member
    i recently finished reading this one book "the perfect 10 diet" and it was talking alot about how to successfully lower the bad cholesterol. if you guys are interested you can message me. im online from my phone right now, so its not convenient to type on here..=/
  • slambiase
    thanks for the book recommendation. I will look that up
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Definitely try to do this with diet rather than meds. Cholesterol meds have HORRIBLE side effects. Another thing to consider is that high cholesterol has *not* been scientifically linked to heart disease. Do some research, eat a healthy diet and keep yourself moving.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I am trying to lower my cholestrol now and watching all my saturated fats. I was told today by a dr who recently took my blood my cholesterol was wayy too high!! I went threw my past diary entries and yep saw the high cholesterol foods like mcdonalds breakfast sandwiches and breakfast burritos. So now I will track daily sat fats and make sure to stay away from drive thrus!!

    Another example of how losing wt does NOT mean HEALTHY. I just Posted on REVERSING some of these medical markers by WHAT we eat...I have combined the "Anti-Inflammatory" Plan with South Beach. My Post was "Losing/Lost WT, Now Getting Healthy."
  • crystals1nger
    I just went to the doctor and had a great cholesterol reading - he said my HDL being higher than my LDL was awesome, and rare -- especially in the midwest!

    The three things in my diet I attribute it to are:

    --avocados (half an avocado 1-2 times a week)
    --almonds (I eat 1-2 servings on a daily basis. The honey dijon or vanilla caramel are like a treat for me!)
    --daily exercise

    I also eat eggs on a daily basis, I know they used to say they were bad b/c they have cholesterol in them but it looks like the research has flip-flopped on that. I cook with olive oil, try to eat fruits and veggies regularly, especially berries, but I would say those three things above are the most consistent things in my diet/lifestyle that probably contributed to my good cholesterol reading.
  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    oops....somehow posted before I was done.

    So my last blood tests showed my LDL had spiked. I told my pill-pushing doctor I'd think about his never ending pill solutions. After thinking about it, I realized that all those "just one more free bacan and eggs breakfast at the hotel" rationalizations made a fool out of me. I knew they were bad for cholesterol, yet I rationalized meal after meal after meal.

    My blood tests showed it. This even though I religiously take fish oil pills and was eating my own home made recipes for lunch and dinner (which I drove to the hotel with me). DOH! Too many bad breakfasts undid my good diet (i.e. it made it a bad diet).

    I fully expect my LDL/HDL to be back in line on the next tests, as I've lowered those before with diet (or so I believe as they did drop when I watched what I ate). can help with LDL, in my opinion.
  • slambiase
    oops....somehow posted before I was done.

    So my last blood tests showed my LDL had spiked. I told my pill-pushing doctor I'd think about his never ending pill solutions. After thinking about it, I realized that all those "just one more free bacan and eggs breakfast at the hotel" rationalizations made a fool out of me. I knew they were bad for cholesterol, yet I rationalized meal after meal after meal.

    My blood tests showed it. This even though I religiously take fish oil pills and was eating my own home made recipes for lunch and dinner (which I drove to the hotel with me). DOH! Too many bad breakfasts undid my good diet (i.e. it made it a bad diet).

    I fully expect my LDL/HDL to be back in line on the next tests, as I've lowered those before with diet (or so I believe as they did drop when I watched what I ate). can help with LDL, in my opinion.

    Did you get any of the tests to see if you arteries are narrowed at all? I got the calcium deposit test and there are zero calcium deposits in my arteries, which is great.
    Next I want the carotid artery ultrasound to see if the blood is flowing well. I believe that if the arteries are clear, then there is no reason for the pills to lower cholesterol. Thoughts??
  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    Sorry for the delay in replying. I'm spending my time in the Anti-Snark board.

    Yes. A doppler of my left leg indicated a significant reduction in blood flow in the left iliac artery right below where left and right take different paths. Approximately mid-abdominal. So, I paid for a neck to toes CAT scan, as my insurance would only cover problems after they happen, not preventative exploratory procedures. Then I paid for carotid doppler for arteries into the cranium.

    The CAT scan showed the problem was not cholesterol, it was inflamation of the artery. Two Docs that reviewed the results didn't know what caused the inflamation. The only theory.....after 40 years of smoking, it might be the beginning of Beuger's disease, which can lead to the loss of toes or even a leg.

    I've been smoke free for 5 years since.

    My primary care physician, while a real smart guy, is also a pill pusher. Before the CAT showed no cholesterol (blood tests showed: LDL avg, HDL high, triglycerides avg.), he tried talking me into the easy solution: statins. I said I wanted to try the "diet and excercise" thang' first. Then the CAT scan proved cholesterol was not the issue (which blood tests also indicated).

    Within 3 months of stopping smoking (thank you doc with a theory that it might be smoking), my symptoms (Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)) began to disappear. Today, I'm free of symptoms and still not spending all that money on pills.

    I'm glad statins are available, if that is required, but I see no reason to spend lots of money on pills or take risks with side affects, when spending lots of diet and exercise effort (read effort cheaper than pills) will do.

    So my doctor gave me the "popular" easy way out (better living through chemistry), my insurance company wasn't interested unless I did the "popular" easy way out thing (no exploratory stuff covered), and my own research said diet and exercise was cheaper and had far more benefits, than popping pills.

    Well...since the PAD was solved....I kept delaying the "diet and exercise" thing. Then, 2 years ago, when my wife mentioned I was getting "heavy", I started a plan. For two years, I've slowly tried to reduce my weight and improve my nutrition. Check out my "story" posts in the Anti-Snark group, "I Feel Better Already" topic.

    I'm projecting next week, I will meet my goal weight (GW). And three weeks ago, I actually started getting (not there yet) serious with exercise.

    Diet and money......feel and look great
    or pills....spend money....feel bad and look the same

    An individual's choice.

    My ultimate goal, is not saving money is avoiding high medical expenses in my "twilight years". At 60 years old in Sept., twilight is fast approaching.

  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    what do you think about adding flaxseed to things like oatmeal? is that the same as the pill? I just bought a bag of it.

    I've been adding ground flax to oatmeal for over a year now. It really has no taste, so it never bothered me and I never felt I had to "get used to it." I would however, recommend drinking at least two additional glasses of water a day.

    I'm trying to manage my cholesterol too, but my bad cholesterol is OK. It's my good cholesterol that's too low, and my triglycerides that are too high.

    I've been told to exercise more, 45 minutes a day minimum, take the flax, and take Coreomega (from GNC), a superconcentrated fish oil. I tolerate the Coreomega better than other fish oil capsules.

    So far, I've been able to avoid cholesterol meds.

    Good luck. I hope you see results by managing your diet and exercise.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I just got blood results back early this week, and while my HDL has risen back to well within normal range, my total cholesterol rose even more (was already a little high) so i am now going to start to do this. Been mainly just researching thus far, trying to figure out how to work it with already being on a low-residue diet and being an extremely picky eater.
  • slambiase
    Sorry for the delay in replying. I'm spending my time in the Anti-Snark board.

    Yes. A doppler of my left leg indicated a significant reduction in blood flow in the left iliac artery right below where left and right take different paths. Approximately mid-abdominal. So, I paid for a neck to toes CAT scan, as my insurance would only cover problems after they happen, not preventative exploratory procedures. Then I paid for carotid doppler for arteries into the cranium.

    The CAT scan showed the problem was not cholesterol, it was inflamation of the artery. Two Docs that reviewed the results didn't know what caused the inflamation. The only theory.....after 40 years of smoking, it might be the beginning of Beuger's disease, which can lead to the loss of toes or even a leg.

    I've been smoke free for 5 years since.

    My primary care physician, while a real smart guy, is also a pill pusher. Before the CAT showed no cholesterol (blood tests showed: LDL avg, HDL high, triglycerides avg.), he tried talking me into the easy solution: statins. I said I wanted to try the "diet and excercise" thang' first. Then the CAT scan proved cholesterol was not the issue (which blood tests also indicated).

    Within 3 months of stopping smoking (thank you doc with a theory that it might be smoking), my symptoms (Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)) began to disappear. Today, I'm free of symptoms and still not spending all that money on pills.

    I'm glad statins are available, if that is required, but I see no reason to spend lots of money on pills or take risks with side affects, when spending lots of diet and exercise effort (read effort cheaper than pills) will do.

    So my doctor gave me the "popular" easy way out (better living through chemistry), my insurance company wasn't interested unless I did the "popular" easy way out thing (no exploratory stuff covered), and my own research said diet and exercise was cheaper and had far more benefits, than popping pills.

    Well...since the PAD was solved....I kept delaying the "diet and exercise" thing. Then, 2 years ago, when my wife mentioned I was getting "heavy", I started a plan. For two years, I've slowly tried to reduce my weight and improve my nutrition. Check out my "story" posts in the Anti-Snark group, "I Feel Better Already" topic.

    I'm projecting next week, I will meet my goal weight (GW). And three weeks ago, I actually started getting (not there yet) serious with exercise.

    Diet and money......feel and look great
    or pills....spend money....feel bad and look the same

    An individual's choice.

    My ultimate goal, is not saving money is avoiding high medical expenses in my "twilight years". At 60 years old in Sept., twilight is fast approaching.


    That is awesome! I can't wait for my carotid artery ultrasound. Hopefully I will get the same results as the calcium test and next time I get the blood test it will be better, too! I suppose it's a bit of a wake up call now that I am over 40 and health is so lifestyle based. I am aware of my fat and calorie intake now so I can control it. Even though some days will be over, I have done pretty well so far and I continue to learn what's good and what's not so good.
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    Its been a goal of mine. I was told when i was in high school that my cholesterol was super high and since I started dieting in Sept I can't get it out of my head. I'm going back (prob 3-4 years later) to get tested and hoping that 5 months of healthy living has improved it! I would always try diet changes before medication! Best of luck