


  • dauenhab
    dauenhab Posts: 33 Member
    I've been doing the recovery and mobility workout until I get the doctor's ok to be able to lift wieghts. I absolutely love this workout. I usually have issues with my right shoulder acting up (not sue if it is a pinched nerve or something else) but it hasn't really bothered me since doing this workout a few times.

    I go to the doctor today and hopefully will get the clearance to start the program in earnest. I am so anxious to start.
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    Now that you mention it, I usually have shoulder issues too. I avoid dips because they tear up my shoulders, but so far no pain this first phase!

    Hope you get the ok from you dr :)
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    Tomorrow start phase 2 of P90X2 and I can't wait to get into the strength phase! I will be focusing on maxing my reps at 8 - 10 and adding weight as needed to accomplish this. There will also be 3 days of X2 Ab Ripper, so this could be challenging, but I look forward to it.
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    Let us know how phase 2 starts off for you! =] I start phase two on the 24th and am looking forward to it!
  • My wife just pointed out to me that there are several people out here doing P90X2. I am 2 weeks into Phase 1 and have a question for you all. I am following the diet very strictly, just like I did for P90X, and I am wanting to know how you are using this site to log everything. I was using this site up until I started P90X2. Do you keep a separate diary as well so you can track your numbers of protiens, dairy, fats, etc? I love this site but I hate to keep 2 different logs

  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    Hey David. I don't go by the number of protein, carbs, fat per day, I focus on the percentage of each for the day. You could also change the heading for your entries to "carb" "protein" "fat" instead of breakfast lunch dinner, and log that way.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to check in. I am on week 3 of Phase 2. How long is everyone staying in Phase 2??
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    I started phase 2 this week and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed day 1 - "Chest, Back & Balance"! What could be better than a workout filled with push ups and pull up, and the push ups on medicine balls ?!!?! Awesome workout, I can't wait for "Shoulders & Arms" and "Base & Back" later this week. I will more than likely be spending the entire 6 weeks on this phase, I absolutely love strength training.

    What do you all think of phase 2 that are on it?
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    Today was "Shoulders & Arms" and again I loved the workout, because it was resistance training. Mostly all weights and the focus on biceps, triceps, and shoulders. I did have a "Uh Oh moment" when I first did the overhead tricep pull, I was not back far enough on the stability ball when I threw the weights behind my head and I went rolling backwards over the ball! Luckily, I was able to hold the weights high above me and didn't hurt myself :) I learned really quick to make sure my neck was near the edge of the stability ball making it easier to balance myself.
  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    I added a week back into Phase 1, since I was sidelined (mostly) a week with a pulled muscle. Looking forward to jumping into phase 2 , but might stay in phase 1 through a 4th full week just to make sure im in working order before hitting the heavier weights.

    Ill make the call as I get throught the end of the 3rd full week....I may find my self a bit too anxious to NOT go into phase 2.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I am working with P90X2 and I'm in phase 1. Need to strengthen my core for runnning.

  • I'm doing it! Loving it and I'm mostly on track so far... how's it feeling for all of you?
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    I just finished up a round of P90X and was in the first week of X2 when I got sick... nothing like a good illness to derail your training program. So I am going to be starting over from the ground floor tomorrow. It is great to see all the posts from people doing X2 and see their positive feedback. I also find Tony's DVD's to be excellent, I have tried other programs and they lose my interest very quickly, I have been doing various P90 workouts for almost a year and they are always great.
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    I just finished up the last workout of Phase 1, today! So excited to get into the strength-building phase tomorrow.

    How long is everyone doing each phase for? I figured that I'd probably do each phase for four weeks.
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    I started the second week of phase 2 today, still loving the strength phase! And I still plan on extending this phase the full 6 weeks.
    I believe this is where I need to focus most of my effort, because I am trying to add some weight (I am 5' 8" and weight 150), I know this site is mainly for weight loss, but I wanted to track my food to see where I was and what I need to add. I also thought I might run into others who struggle to gain weight - so far no luck :( But I think I may have found my solution with my diet (hopefully).

    Great to see how everyone is progressing, keep it up!
  • dauenhab
    dauenhab Posts: 33 Member
    Just starting week 2 of phase 1 and I have to say I love it. Defiantly a challenge, but in a good way. I have my full schedule worked out around a ski trip in March.

    My plan originally was to do 3 weeks in phase 1, 5 weeks in phase 2, and have the ski trip be the "recovery" workout. However, I am thinking that for skiing, it my be good to balance out the core focus with the strength phase before skiing. So, now I think I'll do 4 and 4 of core and strength.
  • warmy18
    warmy18 Posts: 4 Member
    Started P90x2 this week Sore as hell after a couple of days Mainly in the glutes. Tracking my calories and my percentages although I struggle with a Low carb diet with headaches.
  • I am in my sorta 4th week of P90X2 (last week was crazy due to a massive snowstorm that had my kids home from school all week). I think I am going to do the full 6 weeks of phase 1 as I feel I still have so much room for improvement. I am loving the workouts so far and am surprised by how challenging I find anything to do with the stability ball. However, I am seen some amazing improvements. I was unable to do even 1 boing push-up initially and now I can do 12, same with the 3 speed med ball push-ups - 0 to now 12. I have done P90X and Insanity and have never seen improvements this quickly and dramatically!
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    This morning I substituted "4 Legs" ( the bonus dvd that came with P90X2) for Base & Back. It was a great focus on balance and the legs, calves especially, but since I didn't get a back exercise in I think I am going to have to do "30 - 15 routine" one on one.
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    I substituted X2 Chest, Shoulders & Tris this morning for Shoulders & Arms. I liked this workout for the new moves, especially for the shoulders which is my weakest body part.