Had a fall out on my "one week" anniversary! Help!!



  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    You will have days like that. You might benefit from reading this blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/iddreams/view/overcoming-the-obesity-mindset-194711. It answers a lot of concerns that come up when you start this journey

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  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I predict you will get a lot of similar responses, but seriously:noway: DON'T FREAK OUT :noway: :bigsmile:

    Your body is reacting to the sudden change, just keep on working out, eating right, and dont go for 8 lbs a week because trust ALL OF US when we say, that wont happen very often! Go for a more realistic goal of 1-2 lbs a week. And when you get the point where you hit the wall and dont lose for a few weeks, try changing things up a bit.

    Good luck!! :drinker:
  • scar9328
    scar9328 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes this is my first week and my calorie goal is 9300. I figured it was due to water weight.
    ?? typo??
    No..Someone was worried I may be loosing too much weight. My calorie intake is 9300 sometimes I go a few hundred under but never more than that. I was just saying I figured the 8 pound loss in 7 days was due to water weight I was loosing.
  • scar9328
    scar9328 Posts: 13 Member
    I predict you will get a lot of similar responses, but seriously:noway: DON'T FREAK OUT :noway: :bigsmile:

    Your body is reacting to the sudden change, just keep on working out, eating right, and dont go for 8 lbs a week because trust ALL OF US when we say, that wont happen very often! Go for a more realistic goal of 1-2 lbs a week. And when you get the point where you hit the wall and dont lose for a few weeks, try changing things up a bit.

    Good luck!! :drinker:
    Thankyou! And I wasnt going for 8 pounds a week..It just happened ..figured it was more than likely due to the water weight . But Im not complaining..My ultimate goal is only 2 pounds a week. If I loose one I'd honestly be happy.!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    You will have days like that. You might benefit from reading this blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/iddreams/view/overcoming-the-obesity-mindset-194711. It answers a lot of concerns that come up when you start this journey

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    Try it this way

  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    not to be negative nancy but how in the world do you fall off something in a week
  • eyoungone05
    U have to allow urself to cheat every now and then but what helps me is I prepare my meals for the week. So when on the run and I get hungry or just need a snack I have my food with me :)
  • Cr8tive_Ingenuity
    dont feel bad i usually eat 1200 to 1500 calories a day..i've been sick with a cold over the last day and i think i hit 3000 calories today after not having an appetite all day then finally getting it back..just stick to your guns..its gonna happen just dont fall off your horse..its okay if the ride gets bumpy..nothing is easy and things happen..dont lose sleep and dont weigh yourself every day
  • scar9328
    scar9328 Posts: 13 Member
    not to be negative nancy but how in the world do you fall off something in a week
    Well it's easy for me. I "fall off" in days usually so this week is the longest i've stuck to anything. I work full time in the day. College full time at night. And a 3 year old. Its EASY to quit something like dieting. Sooo...
  • trishoida
    not to be negative nancy but how in the world do you fall off something in a week

    when you're trying new things like diet and exercise it's hard to get these new habits to stick or in place....it may take four or five relapses before a new habit can be formed depending on the individual, we all have are own unique journeys :)
  • trishoida
    You will have days like that. You might benefit from reading this blog: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/iddreams/view/overcoming-the-obesity-mindset-194711. It answers a lot of concerns that come up when you start this journey

    This URL isnt correct please check.

    Try it this way


    Thank you :D
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    You will falter. Its what you do *after* that separates the long-term winners from the short-term quitters. Because after you've swallowed that brownie or that slice of pizza, it *can* be over. You have not "ruined" your diet. A bad day doesn't qualify as "falling off the wagon." Its just one day. Or one meal. And if you pick yourself up and get back to it, no harm, no foul.

    The danger is thinking that you have "ruined" something. Because that kind of thinking will make you say, "oh well, I'm off the wagon. Might as well enjoy all the things I haven't let myself eat before I go back to my diet!" You gorge, not for one meal or one day, but for, a week. Gain everything back, and then some. Then you feel awful. Unmotivated. And you begin the cycle again about 1 month later.

    If you accept that faltering is part of being successful, you will have long-term success.
  • BlJohnston77
    BlJohnston77 Posts: 54 Member
    We all have those days, don't let it get you down and you are allowed one cheat day if that helps any. I try to save mine for days when I know im not gonna be home and have to eat on the run all the yummy fast food I usually don't allow myself to have :) keep up the hard work you are doing great!!!
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    Don't fall into the "cheat day" trap...it's a slippery slope! If you mess up don't wait till the next day to get back on track...that's like falling down and saying well I might as well lay here and let people step on me until tomorrow. Get back up NOW!!!! That said we are allowed sensible portions of ANYTHING we want, make sure it fits in you calorie goals. Exercise lets you enjoy more of those "treats"!
  • KylieBarstow
    The thing is, is that it was just one day. It will not ruin you. Calories counted on here in one day can be misleading and can discourage people if they go over. But our bodies don't work like that. Focus more on your weekly totals on net calories than daily.