Leslie Sansone's Walking Videos

Does anyone use these? Any ideas how many calories are burned?


  • msclairvoyant
    msclairvoyant Posts: 15 Member
    I use them! I've been using the 4 Really Big Miles for the last month or so the most and I usually burn around 600 calories doing the whole 55 minute segment.
  • granni87
    granni87 Posts: 30 Member
    It says on the web site between 150 - 200 per 30 minutes if I remember correctly but that will depend on your weight and which one you are doing. The amount work pretty close to the 4mile hour on th Brisk Walk 2 I do if I do it for 60 Minutes.. Hope that helps a bit but I found the calorie amount on several sites when I goggled the question originaly. Good luck I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
  • Thanks to both of you! I will have to go check out the website to be sure. Do they list per video what those calories are?
  • kstadlwiser
    kstadlwiser Posts: 11 Member
    I really want to try one of these!!! I had a "toe incident" and can only do flat foot exercises. Would this be condsidered a flat foot exercise?
  • Does anyone use these? Any ideas how many calories are burned?

    No disrepect to you, but I find Leslie Sasone's Walking Videos to be quite boring.
  • Does anyone use these? Any ideas how many calories are burned?

    No disrepect to you, but I find Leslie Sasone's Walking Videos to be quite boring.

    No offense taken! :wink:
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    I use them. I log it as aerobics.
  • I really want to try one of these!!! I had a "toe incident" and can only do flat foot exercises. Would this be condsidered a flat foot exercise?

    Her walking work outs can get rather intense. There are kickbacks, sidesteps, knee lifts, and lots and LOTS of fast walking.

    Here is a sample of what her fast walking can be like:

    I'm not exactly sure if this is what you mean by flat foot excercises. But I feel like it really helps me. Hope this was helpful!
  • tasnim81
    tasnim81 Posts: 91 Member
    I use them and love it! Just enough for me at the moment. I log it as aerobics, low impact and 30 minutes is about 200-something calories. Losing weight and feeling great. :smile:
  • cassiejo84
    cassiejo84 Posts: 49 Member
    I love Leslie Sansone's DVDs. :smile:
  • When I first started my weight journey, I used her videos. Walking with her 5-6 days a week (and watching calories!) helped me lose 40 lbs in about 4 months. I think she was awesome, if a bit corny. I stayed motivated through the workout, and let me tell you , it WAS a workout! I don't know how many calories I burned, but I would use "moderate aerobic activity" as a guide. Good luck!