Upstairs apartment workout help!

Okay, I'm looking for something I can do that's not going to annoy the everliving crap out of my downstairs neighbors, but still burn some good calories! I'm more concerned with weight loss than strength training, and don't want to spend too much money if I can help it.

Simply put, weekdays that I have the kids, there's no way I can hit the gym, but I really need some ideas... chinups and such are great with my bar, but it's not enough, and I really need to do something besides annoy my hurt wrist.

I have resistance bands and the aforementioned alluded to pullup bar, a wii, access to internet, whatever... I'm hoping somebody has an idea that may be completely obvious to you guys, but not to me... Thanks in advance!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,062 Member
    Downstairs neighbors should be okay with an hour of exercise. You could tell them that you will be doing it and ask when a good time would be, but they really don't have much say, do they? I live in a third floor unit, and there are just compromises we all have to make when living in apartment-style homes.
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    Downstairs neighbors should be okay with an hour of exercise. You could tell them that you will be doing it and ask when a good time would be, but they really don't have much say, do they? I live in a third floor unit, and there are just compromises we all have to make when living in apartment-style homes.

    I suppose it's true, but the place translates sound like nobody's business, and honestly, if it weren't for their young kids and such, and knowing that when I get to it it'll most likely be after their bedtimes, I'm going to try and be good.. Nothing worse than getting the kids to bed and having some external influence wake them up again.