MM Challenge-Closed Group

Hello Ladies,

I'm excited about this challenge. I sent our info to MM so we will know for sure if we made one of the 8 teams tomorrow. If anyone wants to be captain, that is fine with me, if not I will be captain.

We will log our information here each week:
and I will change it according to the challenges.

We need to think of a name for our group, any suggestions?


  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    How about the Sisters Thin? :P

    I'm looking forward to it, all the motivation we all need :)
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    Im cool with any name :-)
  • Hi - I love your idea of Sole Sisters! Go team!!!
  • TaraAlbert
    TaraAlbert Posts: 12 Member
    I'm good with whatever you guys choose, just excited to be a part of the group!
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Ok, I have been trying to think of team names but I'm not very good so I did a google search. Here are a few suggestions:
    Sham Rockers
    Flab 2 Fab
    Sweet Sexy Sassy
    Belly Dumpers
    Thin to Win
    Please post any other suggestions and then we can vote on our favorite by the end of the week.

    I think we all joined this challenge to get extra motivation. So, I think it would be good idea if we all post here at least once or twice a week to let everyone know how your week is going, how you are doing with the challenge, or to encourage other team members.

    We can do this!!!
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Just an FYI...I never received a reply when I sent in our team info. I sent Tonya a message last night and she confirmed we were part of the challenge.

    I think we are team 5 or 6. MM said the first team to sign up will get to decide upon the first challenges. I assume this means we will need to think of the challenges for week 5 or 6. We have lots of time, just something to think about.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    One more thing...Does everyone want to continue posting here or would you prefer that I start a new group?
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    Am fine to post here...

    When does this challenge start?
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    The competition will officially begin next Sunday and go from January 21st through March 17th (St. Patrick's Day!).
  • Hi Ladies!

    I am psyched! Ready to burn some rubber:)

    I love Sweet Sexy Sassy! Also Sole Sisters has a place in my heart... Whatever you choose is fine with me.

    Let's use this as our place to post... Our Spreadsheet looks great, Thanks Sherry!

    Looking forward to hearing what's coming tomorrow from MM. Ready, Set....
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    Im cool with anything :-)

    but sweet sexy sassy is good :-)


    hey ladies have you seen my website??

    Its a website im doing to raise money by me losing weight :-)
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Motivation Matters has a new post up. We are currently the only team that has not submitted a name so cast your vote in the next 24-36 hours. I'm fine with any name except No Name. We also need to post our weight this Saturday, just update the spreadsheet. This information is due by Saturday @ 7pm Central Standard Time but to give me a little time to get the information turned in please turn it in by 5pm Central Standard Time.
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    I Rekon sweet sexy sassy.

    Or how bout hungry hungry hippos?
    Or winner of loosing
    Or sweet sexy hippos
    Or loose the caboose?

    There a few I've seen around here.
    But yea I'm happy with triple s :-)

    I'll update my weight in morning wen I weigh in :-)
  • hayes1311
    hayes1311 Posts: 159 Member
    Hey guys, I lost 800g this week :-)
    Wish it was more but I'm leading up to that time of month so hopefully next week is a bigger loss :-)
  • Let's go for the SSS. Can't wait to see the first challenge! Go team!!!
  • TaraAlbert
    TaraAlbert Posts: 12 Member
    I'm up for whatever the team wants, but don't really care for the triple S name myself. I kinda like belly least it's funny! I like sole sisters as well.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    I sent in our information for the week. I sent in the name Sole Sisters for the group. Sweet, Sexy, Sassy would have won but Tara didn't really like it and we should all at least like the name. 2 people picked Sole Sisters as their second choice and I liked it.

    Congrats everyone on losing weight. Great Job!!!

    The challenge should be posted tomorrow evening, look for it so you can start first thing Monday morning.
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    I had asked charlotte to add my weight in, I am 100.9 kilos. (221.98 pounds)
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    I also am not sure where the new motivation matters is? :) Sorry I have only really used this on my phone so can't navigate the site that great :p
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    kewwy1, your weight got posted. Everyone should post their weigh in and challange information here

    but if you are not able to access it because you are using a phone then just send your information to me. We are using the spreadsheet so the information is in one place and anyone can send it in if I am unable to.

    New weekly challenges are posted on Sundays by Tonya on MotivationMatters blog, here is this weeks

    This week our challenge is to eat 5 fruits/veg a day and

    Do 30 min of exercise a day using an old video, old piece of equipment, or try something new.

    It has been recommended that we select a team logo and select a team co captain. Any volunteers?

    If there are any questions please ask.