Going in the red

Hi there,

I'm Joey. I just started this 'myfitnesspal' a day ago and have been logging all of my food into my goal weight loss calorie tracker, and so far so good. The only thing is, is my protein intake is more than what has been recommended. Why, if i want to lose weight, would my protein (especially lean protein) intake, be less than carbohydrate intake? The increased intake of proteins (that have thrown me into the negative numbers thus making em red instead of green) hasn't changed the calorie intake.

Just curious.


  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    you can change your macros in settings to whatever you like.
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    MFP underestimates protein needs.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    if im reading this right (and correct me if im wrong) youre wondering why your percentages are set the way they are? its just the default for everyone - most people find protein to be pretty low.
    you can change it if you want, Home tab> Goals> Change Goals> Custom/Continue.
  • Ah, okay. I wasn't aware that I could change the settings. I thought that once the goal was typed in then the settings were automatically adjusted to suit your caloric needs.

    Thanks everyone for your replies.
