Hi, I'm new and looking for support

Hi, My name is Casey I have been on my fitness pal for about two months after my husbands friend told me about the site. About a year ago my cousin and I were going to start weight watchers together, she stuck to it and lost over 70+ lbs, I did not and I have never been heavier. I have been taking masters courses in school and with all the stress and trying to keep myself awake while studying I have really over indulged with my eating. I have decided I am not going to give in this time, but it is so hard with a husband who has not decided to give up pop, candy, and unhealthy snacks around the house. My motivation is an up coming wedding in 9 months, to become a healthy weight before start invitro, (which I have been told may make me gain more weight). and to become an inspiration for myself and others, to prove this weight loss can be done. I need help and support. And any suggestions that anyone might have that could help me on my way.


  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    The best way is to have good support in this site, and to update your daily food and exercise.......that will make motivation for you to lose weight.
  • marie808
    I know how hard it is when your other half is not on board and is buying things that shouldnt be in the house...just makes us stronger...DANG it is hard. I'm here to support you visa versa..
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am trying to loose my pHd weight so I can sympathize massively with the stress of a masters.
    my advice is to take it one day at a time. plan meals and snacks so you have something healthy and satisfying when the candy comes out.
    be kind to yourself
    constantly try to think healty - there is no depriving yourself of xxx instead think of what a healthy snakc is going to do for you in the long run
    I came across this last night and it's very well written
    good luck and MFP is always here for you Good days and bad.
  • brbgrg
    brbgrg Posts: 2 Member
    Remember everyday is a new day, if you fall get back up and focus on your accomplishments not your failures, Set small achievable goals and reward yourself. Find support whether it be on here or in your personal life. I have struggled for years and in my first week I lost 4.2 pounds. I set my goal, make smart choices and when ever I want to buy something unhealthy I visualize one of many things I am striving towards. I keep a journal and a wish list that I add to daily! You can do it, once you realize this you will succeed! Best of luck :smile: If you have an iphone add the myfitnesspal app it is awesome, it enables you to enter data are on the go plus it has a bar code scanner and you can scan the bar code of a food and add it directly to your diary total thumbs up. I am not sure if the app is available on other phones but so worth checking it out!!