Disappointing First Week

So I weighed myself this morning and have lost nothing since when I joined 10 days ago! I've been trying to eat up to 1200 calories as recommended by MFP. I've got a personal trainer at the gym 3 times a week and I attend a zumba class on saturday! So what am I doing wrong?
*now crying* :( ;(


  • queenblomberg
    Don´t cry! It could be fluids in your body. I gain and loose upp to 4 pound before and after my period. Give it another week, and youll see results! I am most certain. Cardioexercise is good but try to talk at least 30 minute walks in a rapid speed at least once a day. It really gets the system going... Make sure that you add everything to your diary.

    Good luck!
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Give it time. Remember, you didn't put the pounds on in a week. You can AND will do this, just don't give up because of one, two, or even three discouraging weeks. Look for other clues to getting healthier & more fit. Feeling better, exercises getting easier, clothes fitting looser/better, etc, etc, etc. just remember, it is still early in the game. :wink: Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    Don't get disheartened. You may just need to make some adjustments to what your intake is.

    1200 is prettly low, are you eating back your exercise calories? If not then you should eat at least 50% of them back.
    Check your water intake. Try and drink 6-8 glasses throughout the day, more if you are exercising.
    Check the sodium content of what you are eating. Too much sodium in your diet can lead to water retention.

    Also, do NOT rely solely on the scale as a way to measure progress. Take some body measurements (Biceps, Chest, Waist (at the belly button, no cheating now ;o) ), Hips and Thighs) and track those changes as well.

    Good luck.

  • BellydanceBliss
    that has to be muscle. it will come off I am having issues too right now
  • kford12
    kford12 Posts: 112
    Don't worry, I actually put on 2lbs in my second week! It just happens sometimes.

    If you're doing exercise then I expect it is partly muscle. You often get plateaus in weight-loss, but I bet you have a very good weight loss next week :)

    Are you drinking enough water?
  • BellydanceBliss
    youll do it
  • sevelanne
    sevelanne Posts: 25 Member
    Don't panic or give up - it just takes your body a little while to realise what you are doing. I always find that if I work out very intensely, I retain water and so actually weigh a little more at weigh in!! Honestly give yourself a little longer. Feel free to add me as a friend, and maybe open up your diary - I might be able to take a look and see if there is anything there?

    Please don't give up! You've made a fantastic start to the year and the new you!
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    The scale is not the be all and end all. As has been stated, look for other signs you are changing shape, such as measurements, how your clothes fit etc.
  • nenamartinez
    nenamartinez Posts: 140 Member
    How much weight do you need to lose?

    Also, are you making sure to drink enough water? You really have to get 8-9 glasses or the scale won't budge.

    Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about it.. it could just be fluid retention, either due to dehydration or hormones.

    Try to jumpstart your metabolism by drinking water first thing in the morning, and not eating 3 hours before bed.

    Good luck!! Don't be discouraged!! Changes are happening whether you can measure them or not. :D
  • tsimms1960
    Don't get disheartened. You may just need to make some adjustments to what your intake is.

    1200 is prettly low, are you eating back your exercise calories? If not then you should eat at least 50% of them back.
    Check your water intake. Try and drink 6-8 glasses throughout the day, more if you are exercising.
    Check the sodium content of what you are eating. Too much sodium in your diet can lead to water retention.

    Also, do NOT rely solely on the scale as a way to measure progress. Take some body measurements (Biceps, Chest, Waist (at the belly button, no cheating now ;o) ), Hips and Thighs) and track those changes as well.

    Good luck.

    I love this advice....ditto

  • orodee
    orodee Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks everyone....
    I will up my calories to probably 1400 and see if there's a difference. I try and drink up to 8 glasses of water each day but at 5 glasses I start to feel really full and don't want anymore.
    Thanks so much everyone for the motivation... I'm off to the gym right now! I'm not giving up!
  • aussiebuddy
    aussiebuddy Posts: 1 Member
    As Queenblomberg also mentioned I try to talk at least 30 mins a day too. I find this really helps. hehe:laugh:
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    Personal trainers work you out pretty hard so my first thought is that you may lost fat but gained muscle in its place and since a pound is a pound you would see no difference on the scale but the muscle you are likely gaining is going to help you loose weight in the long run. I know how easy it is to get discourged but try and remember that the scale is only one way t omeasure your success ALWAYS take into consideration how you are feeling, how your clothes are fitting and also that you are getting healthier AND stronger. 1200 calories may not be enough for you especially if you are excercising alot. You should be trying to eat atleast some of your excercise calories back considering you are all ready at the bottom of the caloric intake to loose weight. if you eat too few calories to help your body sustain it WILL go into a self preservation mode and not let loose of any fat you have stored but instead feed off what muscle you do have while storing the foods you eat.... starvation mode is easy to get into and most people never realize they are there. talk to your trainier and or a nutritionist to see where you really need to be.

    Good Luck on your Journey!
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    First of all are you eating enough ? You need to eat at least half your exercise calories. I eat all of mine. Everyone is different when it comes to losing weight. Mine tends to come off in chunks. I don't lose anything for a few weeks and then a big chunk suddenly disappears. You just got to keep going because if you are doing all the right things the weight will come off :flowerforyou:
  • dutchjacky
    dutchjacky Posts: 46 Member
    When I first started going to the gym in november, I also didnt lose any weight, I didnt gain but still wanted to see it comeoff on the scales bu tthen I noticed that my clothes were looser. Take measurements it took me about 3 weeks before it started to drop and even now it still doesnt come off every week bu I am feeling fitter and having taken fotos I can see a difference. My motto has become a girls best frienc is the tape measure as thats where I notice the difference even if it is only one cm its a loss.
  • emma7437
    emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
    When I first started with a PT and really eating well, it took almost three weeks to start losing weight. I was doing all the right things and continue to do the same things and now the weight is dropping off. It just seems to take my body a bit of time to work out what I want it to do (?). Basically, I just keep thinking "this has to work" and eventually it did, and has been ever since.