bad eating day... what next

After you have a bad eating day, whether its eating TOO MUCH, or eating all the WRONG stuff... How do you bounce back? How do you recover from an "off day"?


  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    i have one bad day per week so I don't feel deprived of anything. It's usually Sunday and then that night I prepare my healthy food for the next few days.
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    not necessarily a "cheat day" but a day you just kinda a throw the towel in and eat things you just know you'll pay for.

    I certainly have cheat days. Usually holiday, birthdays, special occasions but other days when you just don't stick to your plan.
    (outside of cheat days)
  • Firstly you need to just stop for a second and think is this really what you want? It's never too late to turn the day around... sometimes I'll push myself to go to gym (even something as simple as a walk) and have a nice soup or piece of fish/salad for dinner. The next day I try to eat really healthy (not depriving yourself) but have plenty of veggies, fruit and some protein to kinda kick my system back into gear. If you can get past the next day without going crazy food-wise it is so much easier the following days to stick to the healthy stuff. Everyone has weak moments but you feel so good when you can stop yourself when you feel your overeating, recognise what your doing and turn your day around. :) hope this helps a little!
  • The best advice I can give is to 'forgive' yourself. It is ok to have these 'cheat days', and still loose successfully. :-)

    Someone posted about turning the day around - agreed! I try to squeeze in an exercise in on days like this, it just makes me feel better.
  • da_sammit
    da_sammit Posts: 238 Member
    today is one of those days for me. i had a healthy breakfast, lunch wasnt so healthy.. dinner was good but then i slammed my face into a bowl of apple crumble and custard..

    i recover by not limiting myself the next few days after.. i can have what i want, as long as its within the calorie limit. it may not be the healthiest option, but it satisfies my cravings and shrinks my stomach back down to non-over eating size. then after one or two days, those cravings wont be there anymore and you find yourself choosing the healthier options more often.
  • Whether you have a bad day or just a bad meal, recognize that you had a bad minute, and gather yourself up and get ready for the next meal/day.
    Don't let one bad meal ruin you frame of mind.

    Keep looking forward and remember how great you felt last time you stood on the scales and saw a loss! :D
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    well im definitly having a bad eating day today :( i am going to make sure i do an extra work out today (after my food goes down! lol)or tomorrow
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    let it go..get back to your healthy eating & exercise days..
  • I try to load up on fresh fruits and veg - drink loads of water and green tea and end the day with high protein meal :)
  • golope
    golope Posts: 54
    I can relate. I went to a wedding this weekend and the first day I didn't follow my plan, but wasn't too far off. The second day I ate like I had no limit. I know it was in part because I drank too much at the reception. Who doesn't want to follow up a night of drinking with a giant breakfast buffet? I ate fruit, pecan roll, hashbrowns, bacon, sausage and french toast with syrup. Then the wonderful bride and groom brought out pizza for lunch for everyone (this was a 2-day wedding) and of course I had 3 slices of that and a bowl of chocolate covered pretzels. Go big or go home, right? lol UGH! When I got home and tracked all that I'd eaten over the weekend, I realized that colorie-wise, I'd eaten the equivalent of 2 1/2 days of calories in one day. This morning, I weighed myself and found that I'd gained back the 4 lbs. that I'd lost just by screwing up those 2 days. I feel so depressed having basically thrown away the hard work that I'd done to lose those 4 lbs. I'm back on the plan today, but its difficult to get back once you fall off. At least for me. When I get depressed about having screwed up, it kinda makes me say - Whatever, I guess I'll just be fat the rest of my life. I know thats a horrible pitty party for myself. So I'm back on the wagon now and I hope that you can work through your bad day and get back at it too. You're not alone! :)
  • twilightsm
    twilightsm Posts: 41 Member
    I try budgeting "unhealthy" foods into my allowed calorie intake. For example, one day I had enough calories left over that I could totally walk to Burger King and chow down on a Whopper and small fries. :) And it was the best tasting Whopper ever!

    If I find out that I'm over my calerie intake, I do a quick 20 min. workout to make it up. That why, I'm not deprived of my favorite foods, but I'm still under my calorie goal.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Another one here who fell off the wagon on the weekend - visitors, away from home, etc. Stinking hot so no walking. But I just drew the curtain on those days, made sure today I ate really well (as best I could), and had an extra fast walk (that's my exercise at the moment whilst I am still so overweight).

    It takes practice and planning to make healthy choices all the time - and the more we practice it the better we will all get. And beating ourselves up when we do fall off the rails just makes us feel guilty, miserable, depressed and we turn to food again. NOOOOOOO we can do it!

    Make healthy choices whereever possible - choose something different, choose the least worst, smaller helpings, water in between booze, small bites so it takes longer to eat whatever it is. It is hard when you are out, but I guess if we look at what those gorgeous skinny people are eating and follow their lead?? Do gorgeous skinny people eat ANYTHING? :laugh:

    Onwards and downwards!
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    Thanks for all the advice everyone! Oh and the "i'm not alone" helps a little bit too.

    I allow for not to "great choices" most everyday. I try to avoid them but certainly enjoy them when I do indulge in them. My problem this past time was I hadn't eatin any fried food in a long time and decided that I wanted to eat FRIED calamari, and then ordered FRIED ONION RINGS with my sandwich. Just a big TUMMY no no! after not having it for a while. I paid for it for a little over 24 hrs and now I'm all good. ate much better the following day and didn't gain and all that fun stuff.

    Now if I could only get back on the work-out circuit!!! I've got a wedding this saturday that I'm in and after that my schedules basically becomes CLEAR ( besides for work and family stuff) and dammit I'm getting back on the work-out wagon! Right now I'm just focusing on eating the right stuff AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! I have upped my raw veggie and fruit intake so that's good!

    thanks again peeps!
  • Kim_08
    Kim_08 Posts: 157
    Go to the gym and try to burn off most of the bad calories I've eaten.. and if I'm not motivated to do that, I just think positive and remember tomorrow is a new day! :smile:
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    Go to the gym and try to burn off most of the bad calories I've eaten.. and if I'm not motivated to do that, I just think positive and remember tomorrow is a new day! :smile:

    probably the best advice! just to pick up, get over it, get movin or do something different the next day!
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    just eat right again :) sometimes make some fruit shake/smoothie :) and drink that instead of breakfast/dinner.
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    ohhh :) here is my site in case you need some healthy cooking ideas.
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    ohhh :) here is my site in case you need some healthy cooking ideas.

    awesome thanks!
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    It's only one day. Log it, be honest about why you did it. Probably because you wanted it and it tasted good. No one is judging you.

    Exercise and eat well the next day and try to make up for it.

    Don't let it roll into a cheat week!
  • I have been trying to eat and burn enough calories, so if this happens it doesn't effect me. I am still trying to get over my cravings, and for now, I am allowing myself ONE indulgence, every so often, ONLY if it is in my calorie budget for the day. If I want some thing sweet, I have to make sure I have burned enough calories to allow it.