Overcoming the Obesity Mindset



  • DinkyDini
    Totally Awesome!! The first time I lost weight, this is exactly what I did. I finally looked at myself with respect and set attainable goals, and would even have a "less healthy" meal once every few weeks. Not a whole day, just a meal, and always at night so hopefully if it caused cravings, they would mostly be gone by morning. I kept the weight off through 2 horrible years of nursing school and working 3 jobs, but after actually becoming a nurse, I gained a few more back. Working nights made it hard, I never really adjusted. Then I went through a 2 year divorce and gained a few back, feeling like a failure in life. Eventually I gained about 45 of the 58lbs back over a period of 6 years. I still work nights, and I still struggle with that. My new fiance loves me just how I was/am, however, he supports me because I want this. I owe it to myself and him, and hopefully our future children to get healthy and take care of myself. I always fall into the trap of taking care of everyone else (hence my job) and forgetting about me. Well, ME is the important one, ME is who will always be there for me regardless. ME deserves the best life has to offer. It's a daily struggle, but as you said, eating is an addiction, and recovering alcoholics and drug addicts struggle every day, why should we the "recovering overweight" be any different?

    I've only lost 17lbs so far, but it's made a big difference and made me realize that I CAN do this! On to the next goal and to a healthier, happier me, and hopefully increased fertility and a baby when the time is right.
  • ameeta82
    ameeta82 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for posting this; I think it's something I need to read again and again.
  • Krissie_Triaxis
    Wonderfully written. :D
  • mastercolorist
    this has helped me so much... thank you for all your hard work and being so mindful while you were doing it.. Mostly, thank you for taking the time (lots of time Im sure) to share with us.
  • itsmelynn15
    Thank you!!!!