need some good workout dvds!..

kinda getting bored of the ones i have now - i have completed them all like loads of times, as ive had them for a good few years mind!

ive got :

- clubland workout of your life
- pump it up; body burn
- vicky binns; dance it off
- hannah waterman; body blitz
- charlie brooks; before and after
- JM 30 day shred

tell a lie - i have not completed 30 day shred!! i got to level 2 day 2 and gave up! i just couldnt do it anymore. i was always feeling out of breathe and in alot of pain afterwards (probably good pain, but in my eyes it wasnt at the time!)

i would like some other workout dvd's, whether there dancing onces, or celebrity ones. anything from Davina Micoll (wotever her last name is) to the biggest looser or anything!!

come and write down some ideas of good workout dvds and i will have a look online for them!

thanks in advaned x


  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    Davina is amazing! got her new one and its brill :)
    another good one is JM's burn fat boost metabolism - very good :)
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Davina is amazing! got her new one and its brill :)
    another good one is JM's burn fat boost metabolism - very good :)

    oooh thankyou :):) i will go and have a look for these! :D
  • santamommy
    Start with P90 then work up to P90X you will be amazed at the results..
  • angelswank
    angelswank Posts: 55 Member
    I like the biggest loser calorie knockout . I got it just after christmas and I really like it.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    I swear by Jillian Michaels
    Ripped in 30
    Metabolism Boost
    No more trouble zones
    yoga meltdown
    6 week 6 pack
    killer buns and thighs
    shed and shred

    She also has a 60day program and soon a 90day program
    Beach body has wonderful products, however, VERY pricey
  • kayleigh333
    Davina's workouts are good. Also, the pump it up one which has a boxing theme (can't remember the title off the top of my head). It's great for cardio and toning exercises, and I always ache for days after.
  • eskimite
    I love Jillian Michaels, but was looking to change up the routine. Plus, after having my son almost three years ago, I still felt like my core was weak and needed more specific attention. So, i found a series of DVDs by Lindsay Brin called Moms Into Fitness. I actually downloaded the videos to my computer and my iPad, as I live overseas and mail takes a long time to get to us (the internet is slow, but at least took less time than waiting for the DVDs!).
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    i suggest trying 30ds again im only on level one but have started doing it 2 times a day every other day bc of the fact that I FEEL a difference after!! I am tired my muscles hurtand even shake so I KNOW that it is doing something!! :) p90x is also awesome I started it with a freind before, and to begin with I could not do a sit up at all after about 2-3 weeks I could do situps!!!! for me that was amazeing results :)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Love Davina, she always makes me smile as well as work hard, plus she's the same age as me so a complete role model! As you like your dance, why not try some Zumba?
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Jillian's No More Trouble Zones. What I like about this one is the sets can be done separately or as one full session. It's about 40 minutes long. And it works!!!

    I wasn't fond of the 30-day shred either.

    P90X is great, too. I didn't follow the plan. I just did the strength DVDs - that was enough for me. But it's expensive and you can get just as much from any of the cheaper workout DVDs.

    Focus on strength training and weights. You don't need to do tons of cardio. Too much can stop weight loss in its tracks.

    I actually follow Primal Blueprint Fitness (over at Mark's Daily Apple). I follow the entire lifestyle. It has done amazing things for my body and my energy levels and my health. I don't have to count calories or weigh and log food. I just had to keep an eye on my carbs and what carbs I ate (I get to eat lots of fats!)

    Unfortunately it was too late for my blood sugars and insulin levels. I'm a 113lb, 41 year old woman with diabetic (or at least very, very high prediabetic) blood sugars - I have to head into the doctors to find out officially - I monitor my blood glucose - I have to. But this lifestyle is doing exactly what I need to do to keep my sugars down, and my insulin levels low and I am maintaining 113lbs without trying. We're talking the same number on the scale for days on end.
  • Milziemooxx
    Milziemooxx Posts: 104 Member

    anybody tried the TOWIE essexercise workout dvd? x
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Start with P90 then work up to P90X you will be amazed at the results..

    i would love to - but im not that fit
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member

    anybody tried the TOWIE essexercise workout dvd? x

    OMG, i sooooooo want the TOWIE one!!! one of my friends have got it - and she says its really really good!! That is well top of my list!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Love Davina, she always makes me smile as well as work hard, plus she's the same age as me so a complete role model! As you like your dance, why not try some Zumba?

    think ill give Davina a go :)

    yeah ive got zumba on the wii, but i might look into getting the actuall dvd set :)