
Just wondering if anyone has tried these?

Any comments? Good or Bad??



  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Well, I call them the "Full of it" bars. :wink:

    The thing is, yes, they fill you up. But so does a bowl of cereal. And at least that has milk. These are just a big cereal bar. They are full of carbs and SUGAR (9-13 g depending on the flavor) with more protein and fiber than a typical cereal but slightly more calories to match.

    So, do you think eating a big cereal bar or a bowl of cereal before every meal will cause you to lose weight? I don't. You are basically eating two meals for every meal with these things.

    I've heard they taste good though.
  • rocknrolla2009
    rocknrolla2009 Posts: 63 Member
    I take PGX supplements occasionally..all they are is soluble fibre, no sugar or carbs. You just take a couple 20 mins before you eat with water and they do the same as the Fullbars...they expand in your stomach. But the fun part is the side affects by adding all this fibre to your diet lol

    I think a big glass of water 20 minutes before a meal would do the same thing. :wink:
  • AtlantaSara
    AtlantaSara Posts: 91
    I bought them and honestly they are just a big rice crispie treat - I do not feel full nor do I think I eat less. Frankly if I just drink a full glass of water and eat some extra salad with a squeeze of lemon I acheive the same goal without the 160 calories. Simply put, there is no magic cure...we have to eat right and exercise. Bummer! :bigsmile:
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I tried them they made me feel full - but then I felt too full to eat anything - then once you digest them your hungry.

    I think they may be of benefit to folks who consume large amount of food/calories in one sitting
    me I eat several small low cal meals
  • BoPeep1967
    BoPeep1967 Posts: 42 Member
    Me & my husband have tried fullbars over the past 4 days. Yes; they definitely make us feel full. We eat HALF a bar before lunch and HALF before dinner. We don't eat as much, and it makes us have a full feeling for 4 hours after eating it. We no longer snack after dinner, which we did every night before fullbars. Plus, we both exercise for 25-30 min. each evening. I find that when I eat my lunch with the fullbar first, I am satisfied with a smaller lunch. The down side is the calories per bar are around 170-180. That's a lot of calories when one is trying to eat 1,200 per day. That's why we eat half a fullbar at lunch and half at dinner. Hope this helps. :happy:

    PS. We also no longer need to snack at 3:00pm breaktime between lunch and dinner.