(Somewhat) New here! Hi everyone! =)

Hi all! =) I've been on and off MFP for a few months now, but I thought that blogging and finding some weight loss buddies might boost my motivation. Please, feel free to add me!

I started my weight loss journey in October of 2009-- at a little over 250 lbs. By that time, I had been with my amazing-boyfriend-now-husband for a year+. He was and is the most wonderful man, and he always made me feel beautiful, even on the days when I felt so, SO ugly. I was just lying around one day when I got up off my butt and decided to start Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. I started eating significantly healthier, as well. In 7 weeks I dropped 30 lbs. JUST LIKE THAT.

And then... in late November... I found out that I was pregnant! I was told over and over again that I shouldn't be trying to lose weight, but rather staying fit and toning. I did extremely well during my pregnancy-- gaining only 15 lbs. It was really hard to ignore those In-N-Out cravings, but I managed okay, gestational diabetes and all!

I had my daughter in July of 2010, and since that time, my weight has fluctuated greatly. At one point I got back up to my highest pregnancy weight, and though to myself, "No, no no! You weighed this much when there was another human growing in you, there's no need for you to weigh this much now." So I dropped back down, went up a little, and so on. My motivation comes and goes, but I manage to kick start it by remembering that two steps forward and one step back is still a step forward! Right? =)

I'm currently weighing in at 208 lbs. I still have a lot to go, but I'm extremely proud of where I'm at. I don't really have a set number in my head as far as where I want to be. More or less, I know what I'd like to look like-- thick and curvy, just without the extra rolls, double chin, and clogged arteries. Healthy. =D I want to live a long, long time with my husband and daughter (and any future kids), and I know adopting a healthy lifestyle is the only way that can happen.

Cheers and good luck to everyone!!


  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    Hello :) welcome and good luck.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    You have a brand new reason to take care of yourself! Your family is relying on you! A healthy you will benefit everyone! Congrats on your success. Cute picture! :):flowerforyou:
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome back! I am new here. I joined this site 1 week ago last Friday. I have found this site very motivating and encouraging. I have tried to lose weight off and on for years. But, I always tried it with just exercise. This site is really making me think about what I eat too. I just started the 30 day shred yesterday. I really like it.
    I feel we are all in this together. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi I'm not new but having a hard time the more the merrier in this journey!! Feel free to add me!:happy:
  • merbock
    merbock Posts: 5 Member
    Good for you! Welcome back :) Good luck with your journey!
  • tmzana
    tmzana Posts: 23 Member
    Hello!! I am right there with ya.. We can do this!! It is great to have motivation. :-)
  • jkcannon1
    jkcannon1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new here to MFP.. We just started doing The Biggest Loser at work. I am also mixing in some Weight Watchers(doing it at home) too.. I have been doing my diet for a week and lost 4 lbs.. This is hard tho.. Can we say all the water drinking sucks?! Ugh! :) I look forward to talking to everyone on here.. Feel free to add me :)
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome back. Keep your goals in sight and stay positive. A photo of my kids around me always adds that little extra. Well on days when they are not being difficult.
  • Lila68
    Lila68 Posts: 2
    I'm new too. Your story is great! I'm looking for some motivation too. I've been watching my metabolism slow down as I've gotten older and just haven't done anything about it until now. Slowly the pounds have just been adding up year after year until I've suddenly found myself 35 pounds heavier!

    I was in great shape before my son was born 7 years ago. I lost the baby weight quickly through breast-feeding. I'm relatively active, I ride my bike to work in the summer, do yoga and pilates regularly, plus I golf in the summer and curl in the winter. Despite this, I think just the effects of aging on my metabolism has meant that I have to up my game and definitely be more mindful of what I'm eating and how much. I think the food diary will help with that and I'm hoping the help of others on the message boards will help too.