Looking for Low carb buddies

I've been registered on this site for quite a while although just started really using it and tracking my food. This is because I began a low carb diet. I am looking for others who are doing this to keep each other encouraged. :smile:


  • purplerain011
    Me too :) Week 2 going low carb, lost 3lbs so far (mostly water weight). Feel free to add me and we can support eachother
  • dickie62
    dickie62 Posts: 5 Member
    hi I have just joined this site and are trying to avoid wheats grains and so far in six days I have lost 2kg.. Not sticking to any specific diet low carb plan as I don't think I could cut out the fruit but eating lots of veggies and protein.. But how long I go on is another thing... But feeling better for cutting out the bad carbs
  • bnbutterfly
    bnbutterfly Posts: 8 Member
    ****ie62, so glad you are feeling better for cutting out the bad carbs. Lot's of veggies are good for you! I heard recently a speaker say that she has never heard of anyone getting overweight from eating too many veggies. Fruits are good also; as long as you aren't sensitive to all the sugar in them. Welcome!!
  • sungvars
    sungvars Posts: 21 Member
    I just resumed my on again, off again relationship with the low carb lifestyle. Am beginning to realize this has to be a life long commitment as I feel much better on this plan, despite the boredom. Since I'm new to the my fitness pal website, I sure could use some friends and support. Not sure how to add friends so if you are interested, please send me a friend request. Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you.
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    I have been cutting for 4 months on a low-carb keto diet.

    So far I have lost 40 pounds. Its working really well and I am eating foods I love.

    Feel free to add me if you want to see a diary of another low-carber :)
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    There is a low carb group... on MFP look it up!
  • LeeSee1027
    LeeSee1027 Posts: 9 Member
    Sure add me too. I've been doing Keto for 2 weeks and lost 10 lbs. I was using another online program for tracking carbs/protein so I don't have much of a food diary established yet. Congrats on your weight loss:happy:
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    Hi, i`ve been on a low carb diet for nearly 3 years now..Gone from 18st 10 lbs down to a steady 15 stone..
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
    im gonna be low carbing every 2 months for 2 weeks until the end of 2012, then im gonna go on an insane cut. :)
  • Tigg1011
    Tigg1011 Posts: 146
    hi!! ive been looking for someone on low carb as well!! i notice while doing this my calories are higher but ive lost 6 1/2 lbs in a week and a half and def need some ppl who are doing it as well!! add me please :O)
  • Angiehankins77
    I'm looking to add low Carb friends too, please add me! :smile: I'm always wondering how others are doing and how many carbs they are doing so well on.....angiehankins77
  • Ginger4real
    I have been low carbing for about a month now ..down 12 lbs ...looking for support..tips..motivation ..and friends who understand the science behind ketosis. People who say it is not a good way of eating probably have no experience with insulin levels being elevated ..or their body always storing fat rather than burning excess carbs. I'd like to be friends with people who get it ..and feel better when watching carbs and starches.It would be great just to have supportive conversations about what my body is actually doing.
  • Godsgirl_TWG
    Hi there how are you. I really like to become friends because i need the support also, I just started counting carbs and it challenging but rewarding at the same time, So i look forward to hearing from you, Be bkessed!
  • meshellejean
    Hi, going on 4 weeks for me on low carb and i'm down 12lbs... it would be nice to swap recipes....
  • J_Daawwg
    J_Daawwg Posts: 61 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I've just started low carb - huge challenge! Would be great to swap recipes.
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    Bump....just found this forum. I'm looking to start doing a short low carb diet. I need help!